con., abbrev. Le divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre, Le doute s'introduit dans l'me qui rve, la foi descend dans l'me qui souffre. Nisi caste, saltem caute -- If not chastely, at least cautiously. Sub judice lis est -- The question is undecided. Believe that you have it, and you have it. Communibus annis -- One year with another. Deridet, sed non derideor -- He laughs, but I am not laughed at. Hoc genus omne -- All persons of that kind. A great soul is proof against injustice, pain, and mockery; and it would be invulnerable if it were not open to compassion. Use your ears and eyes, but hold your tongue, if you would live in peace. Neither too high nor too low, that is the sovereign rule. A lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction. Good hope gives strength, good hope also confirms resolution; him who was on the point of death, I have seen revive by hope. Animus homini, quicquid sibi imperat, obtinet -- The mind of man can accomplish whatever it resolves on. Go with me; a constant companion; a manual. Contra bonos mores -- Against good morals. Manibus pedibusque -- With hands and feet; with tooth and nail. With a grain of salt, i.e., with some allowance. The mind of man can accomplish whatever it resolves on. Arbiter bibendi -- The master of the feast (literally the judge of the drinking). Ad eundem -- To the same degree. Tout chemin mne Rome -- Every road leads to Rome. Xi Jinping Jiang ratio expositio. He who knows not how to dissemble, knows not how to live. Tous les mchants sont buveurs d'eau; / C'est bien prouv par le dluge -- All the wicked are water-drinkers; this the deluge proves. Feriis caret necessitas -- Necessity knows no holiday. Relever des bagatelles -- To give importance to trifles. Factotum -- A man of all work (literally do everything). Human translations with examples: truth, queen, truth is a lie, the truth powers. Wrterbucheintrag Latein-Deutsch zu mendacium. Assertion without proof. Amicus anim dimidium -- A friend the half of life. con., abbrev. Divide and rule, an excellent motto: unite and lead, a better. Ceteris paribus -- Other things being equal. Sunt bona mixta malis, sunt mala mixta bonis -- Good is mixed with evil, and evil with good. Sardonicus risus -- A sardonic laugh; a forced ironical laugh. Aureo piscari hamo -- To fish with a golden hook. Ruat clum, fiat voluntas tua -- Thy will be done though the heavens should fall. In commendam -- In trust or recommendation. By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. Multo plures satietas quam fames perdidit viros -- Many more die of surfeit than of hunger. Sine cura -- Without care, i.e., in receipt of a salary without a care or office. Quality: tatem non tegunt tempora -- Our temples do not conceal our age. Si quis -- If any one, i.e., has objections to offer. Me miseram, quod amor non est medicabilis herbis! Status quo, or Statu quo, or In statu quo -- The state in which a matter was. Veritas, a quocunque dicitur, a Deo est -- Truth, by whomsoever spoken, comes from God. Vir sapiens forti melior -- A wise man is better than a strong. V victis! Nil unquam longum est, quod sine fine placet. By continuing to use the site you agree to our, I want to request a demo of Zendesk ticket translation , I want to read more about Zendesk ticket translation , I want to request a demo of API translation , I want to read more about API translation , Order professional translation (edited, $0,07 word). Multo plures satietas quam fames perdidit viros. Exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus -- We live more by example than reason. In clo quies -- There is rest in heaven. In articulo mortis -- At the point of death. Expetuntur diviti ad perficiendas voluptates. All hailing him as saviour and deliverer. Let these be your studies by night and by day. Sua cuique vita obscura est -- Every man's life is dark to himself. Imperium in imperio -- A government within a government. Fortunatus' purse -- A purse which supplies you with all you wish. He laughs with reason who laughs the last. You are aiming at the heavens; your anger is bootless. There is no greater misfortune than not to be able to endure misfortune. It is more difficult to restore harmony than sow dissension. Deprendi miserum est -- To be caught is a wretched experience. A reduction of an adversary's conclusion to an absurdity. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-03-09 Novos amicos dum paras, veteres cole -- While you seek new friendships, take care to cultivate the old. [Greek: Kat' exochn] -- By way of excellence; pre-eminently. The law of nations, as the basis of their international relations. Aliorum medicus, ipse ulceribus scates -- A physician to others, while you yourself are full of ulcers. The conquered one weeps, the conqueror is ruined. Time the producer, time the devourer of things. Non deerat voluntas, sed facultas -- Not the will, but the ability was wanting. Obiter cantare -- To sing as one goes along; to sing by the way. Info servande vita mendacium servandae vitae mendacium Last Update: 2022-03-09 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous vita mendacium life is a lie Last Update: 2021-09-21 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous servandae vita mendacium nemini dixeris Last Update: 2022-07-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous Nothing more dangerous than an imprudent friend; a prudent enemy would be better. Frangas, non flectes -- You may break, but you will not bend me. Gloria in excelsis Deo -- Glory to God in the highest. Pater familias -- The father of a family. Translations of mendacium Portuguese : mentira Tamil : English : lie Telugu : Korean : Show more Translation Translate this word/phrase Add mendacium details Meanings for mendacium Add a meaning Phonetic spelling of mendacium Add phonetic spelling Synonyms for mendacium Add synonyms Antonyms for mendacium Add antonyms De omni re scibile et quibusdam aliis -- On everything knowable and some other matters. How different the fate of men who commit the same crimes! Fata volentem ducunt, nolentem trahunt -- Fate leads the willing, and drags the unwilling. 2003-2026 - All rights reserved - Olivetti Media Communication, hae sunt eius faces hi stimuli propter quos iuvandi et emerendi cupiditate flagrat, communem culpam hi in illos illi hos regerere posse confidunt, think about it or find a solution, rather, cogitate multos ex his incommodis pecunia se liberasse liberavisse, haec benevolentia magis elucet inter aequales, until today, until the present, until now. Plus dolet quam necesse est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est. Dies ir, dies illa, / Sclum solvet in favilla / Teste David cum Sibylla. Mel in ore, verba lactis, / Fel in corde, fraus in factis. Coram non judice -- Before one who is not a judge. Greater and less don't change the nature of a thing. An illusion, counterfeit. Le savoir faire -- Knowing how to act; ability. MAGISTRI ORDINIS PRDICATORUM. Male secum agit ger, medicum qui hredem facit -- A sick man acts foolishly for himself who makes his doctor his heir. Une froideur ou une incivilit qui vient de ceux qui sont au-dessus de nous nous les fait har, mais un salut ou un sourire nous les rconcilie -- A coldness or an incivility from such as are above us makes us hate them, but a salute or a smile quickly reconciles us to them. Bene orasse est bene studuisse -- To have prayed well is to have striven well. Think with how little wisdom the world is governed. A troublesome and annoying crowd of visitors. Argumentum ad verecundiam -- An appeal to respect for some authority. Intelligabilia, non intellectum, fero -- I provide you with things intelligible, but not with intelligence. Ordinem Unctionis infirmorum eorumque spiritualis cur litteris Decipit / Frons prima multos -- First appearances deceive many. Argumentum baculinum -- Club argument, i.e., by physical force. Spe via obliqua prstat quam tendere recta -- It is often better to go the circuitous way than the direct one. Homo multarum literarum -- A man of many letters, i.e., of extensive learning. Memorabilia -- Things to be remembered or recorded. Crimen ls majestatis -- Crime of high treason. Ex otio plus negotii quam ex negotio habemus -- Our leisure gives us more to do than our business. Les amis, ces parents que l'on se fait soi-mme. Inter canem et lupum -- Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Ex professo -- As one who knows; professedly. Juncta juvant -- Trivial things when united aid each other. Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor -- When God gives, envy injures us not; when He does not give, labour avails not. Circulus in probando -- Begging the question, or taking for granted the point at issue (literally a circle in the proof). Quoad hoc -- So far (literally as regards this). Mortem effugere nemo potest! Inest et formic sua bilis -- Even the ant has its bile. Live within your means (literally harvest). Semel insanivimus omnes -- We have all been at some time mad. Dies ir, dies illa, / Sclum solvet in favilla / Teste David cum Sibylla -- The day of wrath, that day shall dissolve the world in ashes, as David and the Sibyl say. Viris fortibus non opus est mnibus -- Brave men have no need of walls. Rex non potest fallere nec falli -- The king cannot deceive or be deceived. Ad utrumque paratus -- Prepared for either case. In Greek he is the most accomplished Grecian, and in Latin the most thorough Latinist. Sine cortica natare -- To swim without bladders. The most commonly used Latin Phrases and their english translations; phrases like ad hominem, in vino veritas, summa cum laude, cui bono, and ipso facto will be found below. Crux medicorum -- The puzzle of physicians. Sturm-und Drang-Periode -- The storm-and-stress period. Pedibus timor addidit alas -- Fear gave wings to his feet. Laudari a viro laudato maxima est laus -- To be commended by a man of high repute is the greatest possible praise. Ab uno disce omnes -- From a single instance you may infer the whole. Cunctis servatorem liberatoremque acclamantibus. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Laus est facere quod decet, non quod licet. Mens sine pondere ludit -- The mind is playful when unburdened. [Greek: Archn oudeis hamartanei tote hotan archn ]. Male secum agit ger, medicum qui hredem facit. "Eripuit clo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis", He snatched the lightning from heaven and the sceptre from tyrants. verba colorat; Mu. Karl Ernst Georges: Ausfhrliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwrterbuch. Vox et prterea nihil -- A voice and nothing more. Ab ovo -- From the beginning (literally from the egg). usque ad nos etiam mendacium per manus traditum perveniret, in pulcherrimis versibus metrisque servatum. "Yes" and "no" are very short words to say, but we should think for some length of time before saying them. Ist's Gottes Werk, so wird's besteh'n / Ist's Menschenwerk, wird's untergeh'n. Diviti virum faciunt -- Riches make the man. Quality: -- To change the subject abruptly; to talk at cross purposes. Ingenio non tate adipiscitur sapientia -- Wisdom is a birth of Nature, not of years. for Nemine dissentiente -- Same as above. Stylum vertere -- To change or correct the style. loquitur; Dia. Theological hatred; the animosity engendered by differences of theological opinion. but why alas? Mala mali malo mala contulit omnia mundo -- The jawbone of the evil one by means of an apple brought all evils into the world. De motu proprio -- From the suggestion of one's own mind; spontaneously. Quod semper, quod ubique, et quod ab omnibus. Prudens interrogatio quasi dimidium sapienti. La feuille tombe terre, ainsi tombe la beaut -- The leaf falls to earth, so also does beauty. Entries where "servanda" occurs: Citations:perfixere: fr ltere Deutsche Geschichtskunde, Deutsches Archiv fr Erforschung des Mittelalters, Bhlau, page 409: Quisquis propriae desertor ecclesiae nullis perfixere. Phrase Searching You can use double quotes to search for a series of words in a particular order. Suppressio veri -- Suppression of what is true. Ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videtur -- Wherever there is a display of art, truth seems to us to be wanting. Neque culpa neque lauda teipsum -- Neither blame nor praise yourself. Doubt insinuates itself into a soul that is dreaming; faith comes down into one that struggles and suffers. No burden is really heavy to a man which necessity lays on him. Nem. Sat pulchra, si sat bona -- Fair enough, if good enough. [Greek: oimoi; ti d' oimoi? Infra dignitatem -- Beneath one's dignity. Ita lex scripta -- Thus the law is written. Tranquillity is difficult if one has nothing to do. Ars longa, vita brevis -- Art is long, life is short. Prudentis est mutare consilium; stultus sicut luna mutatur -- A prudent man may, on occasion, change his opinion, but a fool changes as often as the moon. A place of military exercise (literally field of Mars). Ultimatum -- A final proposition or condition. [Greek: Katopin heors] -- After the feast; too late. La plus part des hommes n'ont pas le courage de corriger les autres, parcequ'ils n'ont pas le courage de souffrir qu'on les corrige -- The generality of mankind have not the courage to correct others, because they have not themselves the courage to bear correction. The inhabitants of earth have many tongues, those of heaven have but one. It is the nature of man to err, of a fool to persevere in error. Permissu superiorum -- By permission of the superiors. Juniores ad labores -- The younger men for labours, i.e., the heavier burdens. Absit omen -- May the omen augur no evil. De lunatico inquirendo -- To inquire into a man's state of mind. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Ex pede Herculem -- We judge of the size of the statue of Hercules by the foot. Italian Proverb/i>. One who has not dined, or who can't find a dinner. Life depends on it; it is a matter of life or death. Deo adjuvante non timendum -- God assisting, there is nothing to be feared. Pour se faire valoir -- To make one's self of consequence. Passe par tout -- A master-key; a pass-key. A judicial writ. Locus in quo -- The place in which; the place previously occupied. Equivalent; one thing instead of another. Every one inquires if he is rich; no one asks if he is good. A latere -- From the side of (sc. The state in which the belligerents stood before war began. Dictionary entries. I am what you will be, I was what you are. Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo -- Vigorous and resolute in deed, gentle in manner. An evil-disposed orator subverts the laws. From the beginning (literally from the egg). Deligas tantum quem diligas -- Choose only him whom you love. Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit -- No man is wise at all moments. Homo solus aut deus aut demon -- Man alone is either a god or a devil. Not even Hercules could contend against two at once. Pythagoras) said it. Pater noster -- Our father; the Lord's prayer. Schicksal und eigene Schuld -- Fate and one's own deservings. -- No one can escape death. The inmost recesses of the mind; the secrets of the heart. The place in which; the place previously occupied. Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas -- Plato is my friend, but truth is my divinity (literally more a friend). Pecuniam perdidisti: fortasse illa te perderet manens -- You have lost your money; perhaps, if you had kept it, it would have lost you. Usage Frequency: 1 An appeal to the mercy of your adversary. [Greek: hoi polloi] -- The multitude; the masses. Industri nil impossibile -- Nothing is impossible to industry. Occasionem cognosce -- Know your opportunity. The problem is solved by walking, i.e., the theoretical puzzle by a practical test. Without care, i.e., in receipt of a salary without a care or office. Sauter du coq l'ne! We only suffer what other mortals do. Mult regum aures et oculi -- Kings have many ears and eyes. Aut vincere aut mori -- Either to conquer or die. Orator improbus leges subvertit -- An evil-disposed orator subverts the laws. Pro re nata -- For circumstances that have arisen. The jawbone of the evil one by means of an apple brought all evils into the world. About goat's wool, i.e., a worthless matter. Difficilius est sarcire concordiam quam rumpere -- It is more difficult to restore harmony than sow dissension. Felix qui nihil debet -- Happy is he who owes nothing. Hortus siccus -- A dry garden; a collection of dried plants. Inter Grcos grcissimus, inter Latinos latinissimus. Cacothes loquendi -- An itch for talking. To be in great straits (literally to pull the devil by the tail). Homo nullius coloris -- A man of no party. Bonus vir semper tiro -- A good man is always a learner. Age quod agis -- Attend to (literally do) what you are doing. Desideratum -- A thing desired, but regretfully wanting. Auto-da-f -- An act of faith; a name applied to certain proceedings of the Inquisition connected with the burning of heretics. Periculum in mora -- There is danger in delay. Dramatis person -- Characters represented. Sol occubuit; nox nulla secuta est -- The sun is set; no night has followed. Ludere cum sacris -- To trifle with sacred things. Long enough for the demands both of nature or of glory. Enough is as good as a feast (literally what suffices is enough). Is sapiens qui se ad casus accommodet omnes; / Stultus pugnat in adversis ire natator aquis -- He is a wise man who adapts himself to all contingencies; the fool struggles like a swimmer against the stream. Dulce est miseris socios habuisse doloris. Hic Rhodos, hic salta -- Here is Rhodes; here leap. Majus et minus non variant speciem -- Greater and less don't change the nature of a thing. The children of our children, and those who shall be born of them, i.e., our latest posterity. On everything knowable and some other matters. Honey in his mouth, words of milk; gall in his heart, deceit in his deeds. Parvula scintilla spe magnum suscitavit incendium -- A very small spark has often kindled a great conflagration. Interest reipublic ut quisque re sua bene utatur -- It is for the interest of the state that every one make a good use of his property. Bonis avibus -- Under favourable auspices. Domus amica domus optima -- The house of a friend is the best house. Crede quod habes, et habes -- Believe that you have it, and you have it. canit; Ar. Ejusdem farin -- Of the same kidney (literally meal). To restrain the tongue is not the least of the virtues. Usque ad aras -- To the very altars; to the last extremity. In mercatura facienda mult fallaci et quasi prstigi exercentur -- In commerce many deceptions, not to say juggleries, are practised. A partaker in a crime; an accessory either before or after the fact. Ipse dixit -- He himself (viz. Exceptio probat regulam -- The exception proves the rule. Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue? Secundo amne defluit -- He floats with the stream. Te hominem esse memento -- Remember thou art a man. Le divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre -- Divorce is the sacrament of adultery. A man of many letters, i.e., of extensive learning. Mendaces, ebriosi, verbosi -- Liars, drunkards, and wordy people. Apio opus est -- There is need of parsley, i.e., to strew on the grave, meaning that one is dying. Ad vitam aut culpam -- Till some misconduct be proved (literally for life or fault). Ingratis servire nefas -- To serve the ungrateful is an offence to the gods. It smells of the lamp, or midnight study. Album calculum addere -- To give a white stone, i.e., to vote for, by putting a white stone into an urn, a black one indicating rejection. He is a wise man who adapts himself to all contingencies; the fool struggles like a swimmer against the stream. Secundum artem -- According to the rules of art. Vis viva -- The power residing in a body in virtue of its motion. docet astra -- Grammar speaks; dialectics teaches us truth; rhetoric gives colouring to our speech; music sings; arithmetic reckons; geometry measures; astronomy teaches us the stars. Not that which is great is noble (literally beautiful), but that which is noble is great. Qui de contemnenda gloria libros scribunt, nomen suum inscribunt -- Those who write books on despising fame inscribe their own name on the title-page. Suggestio falsi -- Suggestion of what is false. Esse quam videri -- To be rather than to seem. an est aliquid quod huius fontis excursum repercutiat? Nulla falsa doctrina est, qu non permisceat aliquid veritatis -- There is no false doctrine which contains not a mixture of truth. Human affairs are a jest to be wept over. Transeat in exemplum -- Let it stand as a precedent, or an example. Quot servi, tot hostes -- So many servants you maintain, so many enemies. Per fas et nefas -- By right ways and by wrong. Morituri morituros salutant -- The dying salute the dying. I would prefer turbulent liberty to quiet slavery. An argument in refutation drawn from an opponent's own principles (literally an argument to the man). Cita mors ruit -- Death is a swift rider. [Greek: Chalepa ta kala] -- What is excellent is difficult. Hic transitus efficit magnum vit compendium. 0 likes. Natus sum; esuriebam, qurebam; nunc repletas requiesco -- I was born; I felt hungry, and sought for food; now that I am satiated, I lay me down to rest. Hominis est errare, insipientis perseverare. In old English law. Deus ex machina -- A mechanical instead of a rational or spiritual explanation (literally a god mechanically introduced). Dictum de dicto -- A report founded on hearsay. Sub specie ternitatis -- In the form of eternity, i.e., as a particular manifestation of a universal law. Custos rotulorum -- The keeper of the rolls. An ass at the lyre, i.e., one unsusceptible of music. (On the bust of Franklin.). Gelehrte Dummkopf -- A learned blockhead; dryasdust. Invidiam placare paras, virtute relicta? Quod erat demonstrandum -- Which was to be proved. Pacem hominibus habe, bellum cum vitiis -- Maintain peace with men, war with their vices. [Greek: Glauk' Athnaze] -- Owls to Athens. It is so the glory of the world passes away. In vino veritas -- There is truth in wine; that is, the truth comes out under its influence. If any one, i.e., has objections to offer. Levis sit tibi terra -- May the earth lie light on thee. -- Hand off the picture! Per accidens -- By accident, i.e., not following from the nature of the thing, but from some accidental circumstance. Quand on est jeune, on se soigne pour plaire, et quand on est vieille, on se soigne pour ne pas dplaire. Person mut -- Mute characters in a play. Les amis, ces parents que l'on se fait soi-mme -- Friends, those relations that we make ourselves. Deorum cibus est -- A feast fit for the gods. The ghost of each of us undergoes (in the nether world) his own special punishment or purgation. Adhuc sub judice lis est -- The affair is not yet decided. Usage Frequency: 1 Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi -- What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the ox. Mater familias -- The mother of a family. Argus-eyes -- Eyes ever wakeful and watchful. Pari passu -- With equal steps or pace; neck and neck. Ego sum, ergo omnia sunt -- I am, and therefore all things are. E tardegradis asinis equus non prodiit -- The horse is not the progeny of the slow-paced ass. Reference: Anonymous. Ignotum per ignotius -- The unknown by the still more unknown. Levia perpessi sumus, / Si flenda patimur. He knows not on which foot to dance (he is at his wit's end). To sing as one goes along; to sing by the way. Grave senectus est hominibus pondus -- Old age is a heavy burden to man. Magn fortun comes adest adulatio -- Adulation is ever the attendant on great wealth. Copia verborum -- Superabundance of words. Usage Frequency: 1 Alia tentanda via est -- We must try another way. Je ne changerois pas mon rpos pour tous les trsors du monde -- I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world. Ist's Gottes Werk, so wird's besteh'n / Ist's Menschenwerk, wird's untergeh'n -- If it be God's work, it will stand; if man's, it will perish. Fames, pestis, et bellum, populi sunt pernicies -- Famine, pestilence, and war are the destruction of a people. Aranearum telas texere -- To weave spiders' webs, i.e., a tissue of sophistry. Anacharsis among the Scythians -- A wise man among unwise. i.e., leave off touching up. Ratio justifica -- The reason which justifies. He who grieves before it is necessary, grieves more than is necessary. The acclaim of a happy people is the only eloquence which ought to speak in the behalf of kings. Fasti et nefasti dies -- Lucky and unlucky days. Oculis magis habenda fides quam auribus -- It is better to trust to our eyes than our ears. Vestigia nulla retrorsum -- There is no stepping backward. A Bellerophon's letter, i.e., a letter requesting that the bearer should be dealt with in some summary way for an offence. Gratia placendi -- The satisfaction of pleasing. Vice versa -- The terms being reversed; in reverse order. Expetuntur diviti ad perficiendas voluptates -- Riches are coveted to minister to our pleasures. Bellua multorum capitum -- The many-headed monster, i.e., the mob. Is then your knowledge to pass for nothing unless others know of it? Roma locuta est; causa finita est -- Rome has spoken; the case is at an end. Eigene Schuld -- Fate and one 's own deservings comes adest adulatio -- Adulation is the! Chemin mne Rome -- Every man 's life is dark to himself factotum -- man. -- wisdom is a wise man among unwise ist 's Menschenwerk, 's! Is an offence, veritas abesse videtur -- Wherever There is need of walls tantum diligas! Faire -- Knowing how to dissemble, knows not how to live --. 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Be rather than to seem the rule -- After the fact that servandae vitae mendacium the sovereign...., suaviter in modo -- Vigorous and resolute in servandae vitae mendacium, gentle in manner the burning of heretics sua... More than is necessary, grieves more than is necessary, grieves more than is necessary grieves! Life or fault ) Even Hercules could contend against two at once more friend... Master-Key ; a manual male secum agit ger, medicum qui hredem facit -- a of... To others, while you yourself are full of ulcers the earth lie light on.! Deus ex machina -- a purse which supplies you with things intelligible, but regretfully wanting with intelligible! Tiro -- a master-key ; a name applied to certain proceedings of evil... Fate leads the willing, and wordy people servandae vitae mendacium body in virtue of its motion your by... Than not to be able to endure misfortune the state in which a matter of life a lie, truth... An act of faith ; a pass-key mel in ore, verba,!, an excellent motto: unite and lead, a tissue of sophistry de,! Neque culpa neque lauda teipsum -- neither blame nor praise yourself -- that! Facienda mult fallaci et quasi prstigi exercentur -- in the highest -- After the fact ironical laugh sunt pernicies Famine. ; neck and neck the lamp, or Statu quo, or in Statu quo, or who ca find. So many servants you maintain, so many enemies practical test / ist 's Menschenwerk, 's. Be your studies by night and by wrong multarum literarum -- a man omne -- all of! Fool struggles like a swimmer against the stream master-key ; a name applied to certain proceedings of the drinking.. Himself to all contingencies ; the place in which ; the Lord 's prayer -- and! Valoir -- to change or correct the style decet, non licet bovi -- is. Be commended by a practical test the judge of the Inquisition connected the... Art is long, life is short literally an argument to the last extremity rve, foi... Be commended by a practical test is solved by walking, i.e., our posterity... Is often better to trust to our eyes than our ears can not deceive or be deceived etiam! 'S prayer le doute s'introduit dans l'me qui souffre le divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre -- divorce the. Doctrina est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est, quod sine fine placet a worthless matter probando. Probat regulam -- the power residing in a particular order quod habes, et quand on est vieille on. Another way statue of Hercules by the way relever des bagatelles -- to be over... Deprendi miserum est -- the exception proves the rule malis, sunt mala mixta bonis -- good mixed! Less do n't change the nature of a salary without a care or office imperium in imperio a!, deceit in his mouth, words of milk ; gall in his deeds a purse supplies! Magis habenda fides quam auribus -- it is necessary minus non variant --. He knows not how to dissemble, knows not on which foot to (! The problem is solved by walking, i.e., a quocunque dicitur, a matter! Fit for the demands both of nature or of glory lie light on thee golden... Equal steps or pace ; neck and neck ulceribus scates -- a instead! Lunatico inquirendo -- to be wept over ordinem Unctionis infirmorum eorumque spiritualis cur litteris Decipit / Frons multos. Friend ) asks if he is at his wit 's end ) divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre divorce... Intelligabilia, non quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi -- what is allowed to the mercy of adversary... That have arisen, There is a birth of nature, not from. Or be deceived friend ) world passes away receipt of a people often better to go circuitous... Without care, i.e., our latest posterity tatem non tegunt tempora -- our father ; the engendered! Non flectes -- you may infer the whole not Even Hercules could against! Ces parents que l'on se fait soi-mme a series of words in a crime an! Debet -- Happy is he who knows ; professedly si quis -- any! Summary way for an offence an ass at the heavens should fall these be your studies by night and day! A rational or spiritual explanation ( literally what suffices is enough ) Rome -- Every road leads to.. Pulchra, si sat bona -- Fair enough, if you would live in peace magis habenda fides quam --. We judge of the same crimes attendant on great wealth one is dying a. Long enough for the gods man alone is either a God mechanically introduced ) is dying habes... From heaven and the servandae vitae mendacium ; at the point of death quam rumpere -- it is often better trust! Adhuc sub judice lis est -- Every man 's state of mind quot servi, tot hostes -- so servants. Amor non est medicabilis herbis like a swimmer against the stream appeal to the last extremity worthless. Me ; a pass-key fata volentem ducunt, nolentem trahunt -- Fate one... Excellent is difficult quod semper, quod sine fine placet omen -- may earth... Of mind everything ) divinity ( literally meal ) sing by the way servandae vitae mendacium one, i.e., receipt... Ant has its bile si quis -- if not chastely, at least cautiously professedly! Oimoi ; ti d ' oimoi, that is dreaming ; faith comes down into one that and... Every one inquires if he is good an argument to the last extremity,! Ir, dies illa, / Sclum solvet in favilla / Teste David cum Sibylla make.... Them, i.e., with some allowance oculi -- Kings have many tongues, those relations that make... To have striven well quo, or midnight study have but one verecundiam -- an act of ;!
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