medusa libyan goddess

Rhod. What hooks you? Algol, usually considered a star of ill-fortune, is traditionally perceived as representing Medusas eye. A space to share and talk about theistic paganism. When Medusa is used in fiction as a unique being rather than as a species, she is typically given either one of these two origins, or no origin at all. This, of course, indicates that, in the time period when the myth of Medusa is first attested, her having snakes for hair was not seen as integral to her character. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) "The Libyans have a saying that the Goddess [Athena] is the daughter of Poseidon and Lake Tritonis, and for this reason has blue eyes like Poseidon. Perseus received divine aid, in the form of a special wallet to carry the head; winged sandals that enabled him to fly; and the cap of Hades to make him invisible. Strands of her snake hair went on to protect whole cities. Thats the Greek myth. TRITONIS was the goddess-nymph of the salt-water lake Tritonis in Libya, North Africa. These could be one goddess with three forms, such as the Morrigan and Brigid in Ireland, or three closely related goddesses who worked together, like the Norns in Norse mythology. This is interesting and suggests that Medusa was a myth imported from Libya. 1495.). Herodotus is responsible for much of the misunderstanding over Medusa being Libyan. The examples are Aristophanes's reference to the "lamia's testicles", the scent of the monsters in the Libyan myth which allowed the humans to track down their lair, and the terrible stench of their urine that lingered in the clothing of Aristomenes, which they showered upon him after carving out his friend Sophocles's heart. Reading example essays works the same way! WebTHE TIMEOROI LIBYES were three goddess-nymph guardians of the wilds about Lake Tritonis in Libya (in North Africa). Since this is a trope about a mythological creature, see the trope description above for the most common versions of the mythology. (Herod. No. Medusa if she was inspired by a goddess culture" could be a trace memory of Minoan goddess worship and the importance of snakes in the culture You can't really say you are "reviving" her worship, rather I think it would be more appropriate to say that you are creating her cultus. The ancient Greek origin is that she and her fellow Gorgons were simply created/born that way. (See further Lloyd 1994: 367369.). They think that Medusa was a goddess. He carries a Medusa head that he similarly uses to petrify enemy units. She is a goddess of menstrual power and hence female power. An anonymous commentator on the passage states this is a reference to the Lamia, but muddlingly combines this with Aristotle's subsequent comments and describes her as a Scythian of the Pontus (Black Sea) area. "), "The Views on Medusa Goddess in Mythology." Whether or not Medusa was African in the 7th century BCE, that doesnt determine whether shes African now. Parallels between the story and imagery of Medusa and other notable monsters has led to the theory that she, like them, may have been based in history. Combining both of the classical Medusa origin stories, this Medusa is the youngest of the three Gorgon sisters who desecrated the resident Athena. And then, there's the 2021 Amazon Prime commercial in which Medusa buys sunglasses, and becomes the life of the party (but doesn't hesitate to petrify someone who is annoying her and her new friends). Historical evidence and contemporary meaning need to be dealt with in different ways. The Gorgons collectively could indicate that this unknown goddess was part of a triple goddess cult. Its entirely up to Berber people to decide whether Medusa is African today. Remember how Herodotus interprets the people of Siwa as a mix of Egyptian and Ethiopian: in reality, we today would most likely call them Berber. The sisters Sthenno and Euryale were immortal but the third, Medusa, was mortal. [30], The Byzantine lexicon Suda (10th century) gave an entry for lamia (), with definitions and sources much as already described. They were the maiden, mother and crone. The Traditional Story of Medusa. The monster in the heroic story could symbolize a pre-Greek religion. It is referred to as Poine or Ker[60] in classical sources, but later in the Medieval period, one source does call it a lamia (First Vatican Mythographer, c. 9th to 11th century).[61][62]. The TImeoroi were perhaps Naiad-nymphs of the fresh-water springs of the region. As I see it, Medusa could just as easily become Maasai as she could become Berber. When Perseus was sent to kill Medusa, a hopeless task he was not expected to survive, Athena orchestrated the assassination. But I don't see any reason why, if Maasai people were to adopt Medusa into their own mythology and start telling stories about her having been Maasai, she couldn't become Maasai in their mythology. Perseus had foolishly promised that he would provide the Gorgons head as a gift, and Polydectes, king of Seriphos, held him to his word. Classic Medusa, in contrast, is an Oedipal/libidinous symptom. Looking at forbidden mother (in her hair-covered genitals, so to speak) stiffens the subject in illicit desire and freezes him in terror of the Father's retribution. There are no recorded instances of Medusa turning a woman to stone. 133163; 2019b). WebMedusa was one of the three Gorgons ("the Terrible Ones"), the daughters of Keto ("Whale," daughter of Gaea and Pontos, the outer sea) and her brother Phorkys (also a Let us know! By Sarah Crocker / Aug. 24, 2021 12:30 am EST. Please note: She was born far across the ocean from Greece; Later contributing authors to Medusas myth placed her homeland as Libya. There was a myth at nearby Antaeopolis that Horus made a pair of sandals from the hide of Seth; Perseus flying sandals would have made an obvious parallel. Choosing to worship Hera when you advance to the Mythic Age lets you train Medusae at your temple. In some versions, her hair-snakes are venomous. These, and other considerations have prompted modern commentators to suggest she is a dragoness.[76][77]. She was imported into Greece as one of the Gorgons, daughter of Phorcus and his sister Ceto. It is eventually revealed that Medusas are the larval form of hydras. WebMedusa was a Libyan Goddess who was worshiped by The Amazons. [25], The "Lamia" was a bogeyman or bugbear term, invoked by a mother or a nanny to frighten children into good behavior. [65][66], One evidence this may be a double of the Lamia comes from Plutarch, who equates the word empousa with poin. WebOne of the most popular monsters of Greek Mythology is Medusa. Please confirm you want to block this member. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Some believed that Africa became the home to many varieties of snakes as Medusa wandered the continent and shed them from her hair. She was imported into Greece as one of the Gorgons, daughter of Phorcus and his sister Ceto. Myths and stories with background for Medusa were added later. Alternatively she desired Medusas power. [a][14][17], According to the same source, Lamia was taken by Zeus to Italy, and that Lamos, the city of the man-eating Laestrygonians, was named after her. In previous centuries, Lamia was used in Greece as a bogeyman to frighten children into obedience, similar to the way parents in Spain, Portugal and Latin America used the Coco. [50] The word play is also seen as being employed in Horace's Odes, to banter Lucius Aelius Lamia the praetor. "a Lamia's groin" (Benjamin Bickley Rogers, 1874), "a foul Lamia's testicles" (Athenian Society, 1912), "sweaty Crotch of a Lamia" (Paul Roche, 2005). It is covered with scales all over. The heads of both figures are inhuman, which is used to convey their monstrousness. Image i - A wooden door panel intended to guard the house from an unwelcome guest (Thomas Regnaudin, c. 1660). I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. Medusa Medusa was a Libyan Goddess who was worshiped by The Amazons. The males have different powers, in that they're bald (so no snake-hair attacks) and they can poison with their gaze rather than petrify, rather like certain mythological depictions of the basilisk. WebIn Greek mythology Tritonis was the goddess-nymph of the salt-water lake Tritonis in Libya, North Africa. The assistance of Athena helped many heroes accomplish their goals. The story of Medusa is one of the most well-known in Greek mythology. The Berber myth and Arab realities., Rouighi, R. 2019b. WebThe Libyan Berber Goddess Tannit (Neith) Tannit or Neith is originally a Berber Libyan Goddess venerated by the Berbers of North Africa from immemorial times. Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. [3] Modern scholarship reconstructs a Proto-Indo-European stem *lem-, "nocturnal spirit", whence also comes lemures. I have no doubt that a spirit could appear adopting the name and visage of Medusa, I just think it is good to be cognizant that worship of Medusa is thoroughly modern and did not occur in the past. Medusa is not just a minor sea spirit. These include the half-woman, half-snake beasts of the "Libyan myth" told by Dio Chrysostom, and the monster sent to Argos by Apollo to avenge Psamathe (Crotopus). This preview is partially blurred. As for Athena, they say that she was daughter of Poseidon and Lake Tritonis, and that, being for some reason angry at her father, she gave herself to Zeus, who made her his own daughter. Haha, I was about to cross post a witchvox article about her until I saw you were the author! Heres a run-down of where ancient sources placed the Gorgons. These monsters had a woman's torso, the lower extremities of a snake, and beastly hands. With help from other Olympian Gods and Goddesses he was successful, but Medusas death was not the end of her. [44][40] It has been suggested from this discourse that the creature was therefore "literally a snake". 1493 ff (trans. Ancient Greek names are normally built out of meaningful Greek words. (Yes, Ive seen this claimed.). Much later, in the first decade AD, the Roman poet Ovid wrote a different version where Medusa was a virgin priestess of Athena, but her incredible beauty attracted the attentions of the god Poseidon. She may also manifest as a mermaid. The story of Medusa is one of the most well-known in Greek mythology. [22], John Keats's Lamia in his Lamia and Other Poems is a reworking of the tale in Apollonius's biography by Philostratus, described above. They were in the service of Hera, giving Perseus a connection to both of these deities. [14][27], Numerous sources attest to the Lamia being a "child-devourer", one of them being Horace. When people do claim that shes an African divinity, or an African symbol, it generally seems to be in the context of framing ethnicity in terms of black and white. Athenas participation in the destruction of Medusa may be interpreted as the goddess destroying her own past. The presence of three monsters even though only one is important to the story could be a relic of a pre-Greek triple goddesss cult being destroyed by the Olympians. 14. [75], This Lamia of Libya has her double in Lamia-Sybaris of the legend around Delphi, both indirectly associated with serpents. But at the same time, the Greeks always imagined her as living in Africa on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. A gypsy curse associated with him has Lamia torment the victim for three days before having its minions drag them into Hell to burn in its fires for all eternity. The leading candidate for the Egyptian deity at Chemmis that he calls Perseus is Horus. Originally a character in Classical Mythology, Medusa has taken a life of her own, and now exists in all kinds of fantasy sometimes as a person, sometimes as an entire species. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) Medusa, to me, is the monstrous version of a heroic mortal. 11(. No books written in ancient Berber languages have survived to the present day (though we do have a bit over a thousand inscriptions). Left: a Gorgoneion or Gorgons head on a hydria from Attica, Greece, ca. A slightly different version of the second origin is that Medusa was willingly seduced by Poseidon rather than raped. According to some myths, Medusa, the most famous of the Gorgons, was originally a beautiful woman. Goddess Medusa. There was a time long ago when Medusas people worshiped Her as a Goddess. As in ancient Libya myths, the Goddess Anatha rises from the lake of the Triple Queens as Athena, Metis and Medusa. Athena, a New Moon Warrior Maiden who inspires courage, strength, and valor, the Sea Goddess Metis, a Full Moon Mother of wisdom who, [citation needed]. Because she is a reminder to be unapologetically ourselves and fierce in the face She was doing nothing wrong, living on an island and defending herself after being cursed by the gods, but even then still got killed by some do-gooder hero with a hard on for rulership. Some historians also see parallels to religious practices in these features. Like many monsters, the Gorgons lived in a cave at the far edge of the world. Coral, anything serpentine, menstrual blood stained pads or garments. The story surrounds the tragedy of the daughter of King Crotopus of Argos named Psamathe, whose child by Apollo dies and she is executed for suspected promiscuity. Once upon a time, in the ancient world, Medusa was little more than a terrifying monster. 1st century BC) gave a de-mythologized account of Lamia as a queen of Libya who ordered her soldiers to snatch children from their mothers and kill them, and From Greek mythology, Medusa is the only mortal of the Gorgons. There are two different such prequel myths regarding the origins of the original Medusa. In southern Asia, theres an ancient belief that menstruation indicates possession by snake spirits. But it does seem to me that it isnt Berber people who want to claim Medusa. Even once she does start having snaky hair in Greek art, the snakes are most commonly entwined in her hair, rather than her hair itself.I do have one minor disagreement with what you've said, which is that you make it sound like Medusa can only possibly become Berber and she can't possibly become Maasai. [104], In a 1909 painting by Herbert James Draper, the Lamia who moodily watches the serpent on her forearm appears to represent a hetaera. But that doesnt mean there arent any. And then there are some that offer a compromise and state that she was both beautiful and terrible at the same time. She transformed Medusa into a terrifying creature with snakes for hair and a face that literally turned those who gazed at her to stone. She is the sister of Euryale and Stheno, and they were born to the sea god Phorcys and Ceto, who is the goddess of sea monsters. The story of Medusa seems to obviously be one of a terrible monster. Northern Africa with modern names and borders (top), and with ancient Greek names (bottom). Some interpretations argue that Medusa was a Libyan goddess who was equated with Athena before the Greeks defeated them and, Another origin is that Medusa and her sisters were so beautiful that they angered Athena by bragging about being more beautiful than the goddess, in any case, Athena turned them into monsters so hideous men would turn to stone if they looked at them. Such is their tale. Medusa, to me, is the monstrous version of a heroic mortal. Each of the sisters' names further elaborated on their nature: fitting to her story, Medusas is rooted in the Greek verb meaning to protect.. Libya is a very misunderstood name. Its partly the doing of Arab invaders in the mediaeval period; partly the doing of 20th century French colonial strategy in Morocco and Algeria, casting Berber and Arab as non-overlapping categories so as to divide and conquer to foster strong Berber support for the French presence (Moore 1974: 384; see also, in much greater detail, Rouighi 2019a, esp. Some nymphs in Greek mythology were famous, but others were only known in a certain time Hecate Greek Goddess of Witchcraft : The Complete Guide. This is given in the concluding paragraph of the chapter. WebIn Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god of the sea, floods, droughts, earthquakes and horses. Perseus was the son of Zeus and Dana, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos. Theoi Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand, (Apollonius Rhodius 4.1493, Hyginus Fab 14). What makes you cringe? [63] According to a scholiast to Ovid, it had a serpent's body carrying a human face. All three were so hideous, that the shock of seeing them would turn anyone into stone, which Anthropologists and historians regularly tell us, in fact, that Berber as an overarching ethnic category is a comparatively recent phenomenon. The double-entendre sarcasm was uttered by Demetrius's father, among others. If this is the case, Medusa would not be the only figure for whom this is true. Hades players can get Perseus as a hero in the Mythic age. Horace makes a related joke, referring to the aforementioned Lucius Aelius Lamia the praetor as "Lamus", in this instance regarded as the founding figure of the city of the Laestrygonians. Of them being Horace the word play is also seen as being employed Horace! Monsters, the Goddess Anatha rises from the lake of the salt-water lake Tritonis in Libya North. Left: a Gorgoneion or Gorgons head on a hydria from Attica, Greece, ca &... A terrible monster as Libya Asia, theres an ancient belief that menstruation indicates possession snake! 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