england is depressing and full of chavs

People speak various languages. Hence, the low growth and high house prices in London and SE. Ive been to India, and well to be honest its also a shithole to quote you! It seems like you're a fighter and I get that because you will still fight for a better life ; even if it means moving back to the UK ! As Napoleon said, the British are a nation of shopkeepers. 1860. I even learned the slang, so I feel one of "them". yum!). Where else will you find so much freedom of choice. I studied computer games design, music production and technology, IT infrastructure and now Cloud Computing with Amazon and guess what.still no JOB. I have seen both. Thank you for your honesty, for this long and extremely interesting post. The class system, the monopoly that the Royals hold and their ongoing theft of taxpayer funds while supported by the House of Frauds and their PR machine have destroyed the soul of the UK. Cory, thanks for your article. It feels to me that you voted Brexit because you don't want more British nationals to come to Europe and not because you had the UK's interest at heart. SO MANY of them. The Euro was a huge mistake. Learn more. Hello Faith, thank you for your comment. Name something, chances are its better in any different European country. There are new ideas on the market all the time, and inventors are trying hard to come up with ideas on how to push the UK further. It wasn't until the last year of University that I landed my first full-time job with Apple. Honestly though, what do we have to do and who do we have to vote for to get these unwanted immigrants and their allies the hell out of our land? This was mainly because we loved and believed in Tony Benn. How's that the EU's fault. Really fantastic article, very important to share different perspectives on the state of the UK at the moment. Dude, seriously, you're really shooting yourself in the foot here. What an interesting perspective and thanks for sharing! -Weather- No comments needed here. British people call themselves Expat as they intend to eventually return home, if not on a temporary visa anyway. How can a Dutch doctor steal Englishman's jobs if said Englishman simply isn't qualified (because of said class system) to even get to that level of education? Anyway, good luck How on earth can you say the roads in the Uk are well maintained????? I am now 51 and after 19 years as a teacher have the last few years become fed up of the British and my way of life. I love nature and feel now that I am always inside wasting my life away. A very interesting and substantial read. I find it comic you mention Elon Musk aiding Trump because Musk is an immigrant who IS born in Pretoria, South Africa who grew up in Canada (again, not America) and THEN came to America. Something has happened here, and its not a good thing. You made us see clearer and feel empowered on our next move. Many of them, in fact. Leave a comment below. Hi Wendy, thank you for your comment. My husband has been fortunate enough to find work in a multi-cultural company (French, Romanians, English and Swiss, all working harmoniously with one-another). 2. But now that has been reversed through the mainstream political narrative embracing populist views. They want working age people who can contribute to their economy and integrate into their society. I am originally from the UK, but have been living in Australia for the past 4 years and have been debating whether to make the move back to the UK due to wanting to be near family. You can't compare Lisbon to London of course. What I find interesting is how xenophobic the North of England is when a high proportion of very intelligent immigrants work for the NHS and treat them in hospitals, and yet there is a very tangible dislike for foreigners. Travel in my native country of Australia isn't cheap, but you can get from my city (Newcastle) to Sydney on the train for five bucks the same distance in the UK would cost around 60 quid on the day. Well, if you are going to Japan things won't be easy there is much more difficult to integrate in Japan than UK, you are really targeting difficult countries, but is your choice. Hi Maria, I've been to Tenerife before and indeed, the weather and the food: awesome! They still believe in the purity of Japanese blood and parents discourage mixed marriage. I will go further and suggest there is a lot of naivety amongst younger generations around the world. James, why don't you blame your country's class system and people like Tom Hiddleston and Clara DeLavigne who get jobs, and fame in Hollywood, and volunteering opportunities instead of immigration? And we've come to the conclusion, that there's no place like home.. Yes, it's possible to "get on with it" but what's the point living if you're surrounded with unkind and cruel people? But I wanted to show this country that I respect its traditions, its cultures and its laws. Like many new and unexplored places, it needs to be protected from abuse (rise in properly prices, too much tourism and so forth). In the British television series Misfits, the character of Kelly Bailey is presented as a stereotypical chav. Same for BritainI left the UK because I wanted a better life for myself. Hes Britains Trump. In addition, I think there are other significant and perhaps more substantial factors that are playing into this hostility, namely, the rise of religious fanaticism, fundamentalism and its debate in Britain. It always rains. However, the same entitlement is NOT true for Brits going to EU countries who are in many countries, treated like second class citizens with no rights and slave labour if they can find a job. All the nurse and doctors to be imported. From Little Britain's Vicky Pollard to the demonization of Jade Goody, media and politicians alike dismiss as feckless, criminalized and ignorant a vast, underprivileged swathe of society whose members have become stereotyped by one, hate-filled word: chavs. Young people find it just as hard to get onto the property ladder there, and by the way, they dont appreciate digital nomads with UK salaries pushing up the prices of accommodation. They say immigration is an issue but so is emigration. There are two sides to the British culture. Please bear in mind that these prices are without internet, food, transportation, clothes, personal care or any sort of entertainment. Unfortunately there are a lot of uncultured and racist people in the UK, its so disappointing. In comparison to it's New World ex-colonies, the UK's living standards is worse and declining. Its good to hear that you are happy now you have moved back to the UK. We loved exchanging views on politics and weekly debates were something I looked forward to. I grew up in the countryside and fell more and more in love with my country with every passing year. There are myriad of inventors, writers, musicians, bands, rock stars, scientistsAll British! I like the rush, the culture there, the weirdness of it. No one here believes me when I tell them! There are lots of things that could be better in the UK, like the NHS funding, but overall it's a fantastic country to live in and even though I'm a foreigner, I felt obliged to step in and add my 2 cents :). I'm now really worried that I may not be making the right decision by moving to the UK, and I'm really confused and even a bit afraid now. If they could choose their nationality before they were born, many would like to be English. But we live to achieve in the UK, not to enjoy good food and wine. We have a shitty secondary education system and a generation of younger people who think that the world owes them something. Nevertheless, UK like other places needs a new vision. Right after Norway and Switzerland. I live in Norfolk, so I cannot agree with the rain problem (we occasionally have drought issues here) but otherwise I think you have touched upon all the issue that I cannot come to terms with. I have degrees in Business and Cyber Security. For me, however, there have been two really important breaking points between me and England. It's just crap and I don't want to live under those conditions. I live in Argentina, and as an EU citizen, I'm planning on moving to the UK before March 29, Brexit tentative date, looking for new opportunities for me. I believe not only the UK, but the European continent is suffering from a shortage of work and opportunities and this is increasing people's negative attitudes towards immigrants, which are arriving seeking opportunities that simply aren't there. Brexit will cost the UK so much money and create a huge division. Remembering that quote by Edmond Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.". I had my ups, my downs, no money whatsoever, but good friends and great prospects. Switzerland recently voted to restrict Islamic mosques. I am treated like a stellar class citizen. I used to think most of my life that happiness was found in places and thought that running to a foreign country would help me deal with my feelings of unfulfillment but it never did. Such an insightful piece of writing! Thank you so much for writing this. It's not true about the weather at all! Then she moves back because Theres no place like Home !! I expected common decency, nice people, reasonable food , good housing, trustworthy politics and decent weather. Australia is pretty great, I am not surprised you miss it! This along with the supposed 1 million violent crimes committed due to alcohol per year and the 25% increase in liver diseases, suggests we can't handle our drink either. My partner is though. my heart is there , my heart is here .. It was also the uneducated, the "lower class" if you will (I can say that because on paper that's me haha). Of course, Portugal is cheaper than the UK, but so are salaries. x. Nearly 1% of the population were new immigrants every year !!! The word "chav", and its various synonyms and regional variations, has become a ubiquitous term of abuse for white working class subjects. I quit my job 2 years ago and became fully location independent about 7 months ago. Trust me, live as a black person in Italy or Greece, a Muslim in Colombia or Argentina, or a Jew in the Middle East for a while and you will really understand racism. Hi Morgan. The racists will swear up and down that they're not racist while being so completely racist. Anyone who would kick you out for "bad spelling" must be crazy. Bigot "a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions". Hi Iain, The weather was so humid and I barely see the sunshine. You can always visit though. The 'British dream' (without the country cottage bit). I am an Indian national who came here 3 years ago (came on Tier-1 visa) and supported a media company with investments and expanded to clients across in USA & EU. Any suggestions, we love the beach/city life but don't want to be too remote, so I think somewhere like Australia would be out as its hours of driving to get to another town or hours on a plane to get to another country. The above are the results of my experience and my experience alone. Agreed! All thanks to the naive and ignorant older generation. So travel around the UK doesn't come cheap. You should point out it is illegal for Muslims to convert to another religion in the UAE. I've always lived here and there's lots to be grateful for but well, I find it just a little bit depressing. Ten mins of my life I'll never get back I am sorry to say. We called it our long honeymoon. Margaret Thatcher's legacy lives on. This is what British society has lost. Mass immigration or controlled immigration will not change the way a Briton chooses whether to invite a foreigner for a cup of tea or shepherd's pie. Ask any American, and apart from skinny women, castles and nice beer, the thing they love about Europe is its diversity. Rail fares have seen a huge increase since I studied in the UK from 2013-2014 to now, and it's just so prohibitively expensive to get anywhere unless you have a car or are willing to fly from the north to the south or vice versa. My dude, seriously? Build more houses they say but where? Chavette" is a related term referring to female chavs, and the adjectives "chavvy", "chavvish . "Chav" (/tv/), also "charver", "scally" and "roadman" in parts of England, is a British term, usually used in a pejorative way. I hope we find a place with the values we cherish, too. I'm really sorry as a Brit that you had negative experiences of racism, especially as someone who clearly learnt the language and integrated into the country. The UK is such a trash country, the only reason people used to speak highly of it was because of how powerful the GBP is. But, my ex-husband recounts exactly all of this (or at least the economic bits - he's on board with the xenophobia) so I believe it. What about equality between all European nations who wanted to live in a great union? The thing is all the time that was just beneath the surface. The rising sentiment of racism is felt the world over. But something, somewhere, went wrongthus, we decided to leave the UK. Take care! There were very few British born citizens working those jobs, and it's because very few British born citizens can go beyond the thinking that working in a fast food chain or as a cleaner or in a call centre for minimum wage is below them. People are lovely, but the drinking culture is a bit over the top for me. Will be beneficial to sell my home here and move back ?? I know exactly how you feel as me & my husband are going through the same. In all of this, I have tried to be fair and welcoming and treat people with respect. Canada is so high on our bucket list. Macron says the French would vote to leave the EU if they had the chance and Italy is more anti-EU than the UK. The UK is our home and we are proud first-generation EU immigrants and British naturalised citizens. [18], In 2005 the fashion house Burberry, whilst deriding chavs, claimed that the widespread fashion in the UK of chavs wearing its branded style (Burberry check) was due to the widespread availability of cheaper counterfeit versions. One thing I am sure of though from all the faults of living in italy we are so much happier as a family. It sounds like it, my friend. We would love to try and live in the UAE. -Culture- WHAT EXACTLY ? Did you like this article? So last year bought a house in a mountain town in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Nowerdays Yorkshire basks under its former glory as a manufacturing giant where closed mills are abandoned and left to rot or have been converted to high end luxury flats, some have even been pulled down and I find that sad because when these mills and mines are a fine example of being self sufficant - something that this country can do on a massive scale. In that 25yrs, my tropical island birth nation has gone from developing to now High Income status. Firstly may I compliment a well written and fascinating article! I was born/raised in the UK (with brief spells in Germany), and wanted to thank you for your nuanced, albeit slightly depressing post. As a small island, the UK has and always will be expensive, but this is the same as all other developed small islands, Iceland, Bahamas, Singapore, New Zealand etc. If the UK was so good, they would allow you to live there and not run away from your problems. I must also take a moment to express my gratitude towards your concern for my wellbeing. Same problem in Belgium! Kind Regards. I asked for proof to see what I spelt wrong and on how many occasions. I still remember wanting to go from Bristol to London and prices being close to 150 for a return ticket. [33] The Times has referred to the character as "[a] chavvish girl",[34] and the character has been said to possess a "chav accent". Perhaps because they carry England as it is remembered, not as it is. Love this article all my feelings about relocating out of the UK are well articulated in this piece and as someone who lived in Scotland for 9 years and had all my kids in Aberdeen the I love Scotland part just feels like I finally met someone who completely gets me. The jet engine you use to travel the world yes, British too.. Im working class under a Tory government. It's amazing really. They don't respect or understand that to settle, build a future and integrate into a country takes a lot of hard work and humility. Hi Cory, Hi Rachel, I hope your move will go well. it was a very long sounding Greek name, and the expression on his face just changed as if to say "ohh no can't really do that" you know kind of wincing and shrugging sort of expression. Also the people respect all the transit rules, in England the streets are very neater, on the contrary in Chile they`re full of traffic and disorder. Wow Cory! Sadly, the internet is full of these instances so there isn't much point me going through them. The government is doing nothing to keep this in check, and it has become "salonfhig" to be openly racist. The living quality and standards are just so much better in most other countries I have lived in (Ireland included) that I lost my willingness to try and live here. I do hope you move to Barcelona soon! You see, books and stories can have a wonderful influence on us all. But that does not justify mass immigration, and I say mass immigration because I am in favour of short immigration of few people and more controlled. It wasn't all bells and whistles because it took me jumping through a lot of hoops to be able to obtain what back then was called a Yellow Card. I understand and appreciate your opinions. I really appreciate your explanation and I am truly glad to hear an argument from the other side of the debate. Yes, I disagree with Brexit, but that is the nature of democracy. What a disgusting attitude. The weather is better but their governments are destroying both. Obviously! This is a wonderful piece. Now living in Egypt is not without its problems but look at these prices: Cinema: 2, Restaurant: 5, Cultural Events: many are free, Internal travel: very cheap along with accommodation, gas and electricity being much cheaper than the UK or the EU and dont forget the Red Sea for a holiday. This is middle class hatred of the white working class, pure and simple. The person states,,with no doubt ,, that the vast majority of the people in the UK are racist ! As a writer, I thrived during rainy days as melancholia hit. Yes, it does rain here a lot, but given water shortages will be one of the biggest threats to world peace, I would take a bit more rain over a dry country any day of the week. This isn't really a new thing. Well, let's look closer. In Ontario (particularly in Toronto), the term is "hoodman", an equivalent of the term "roadman" used in England. I don't blame them. I've been back 18 months and I can see these issues, without any dogma of ideology. Thank you for your message. I know the feeling of no sunshine. My god the atmosphere was one of the strangest I had ever felt after that. Oh, oh, did you travel the British style too? We're also seeing increasing radicalisation in right wing politics because this process is a feedback loop. It does have it's strengths, mostly about work, but leisure is not one of them. I grew up in 'Middle England' Home Counties and have lived in the Midlands and Yorks so have a fair view of Britain, England (vs London) and consider myself (and family) thoroughly British (I open my mouth and you will agree too!). But there are a damnsight more British born citizens abusing the system in the same way. I cannot tell you if Romania is better, or the UK, or any other country for that matter. We love ourselves enough to leave the place and never look back ;), Sarah, you are my hero! "[36] In Kingsman: The Secret Service, the main character Eggsy Unwin (Taron Egerton) is introduced as a stereotypical chav.[37]. YUM YUM. What an informative post! Having lived abroad for so long, we've learnt a lot of things about ourselves, other countries and the UK. People now are insular and small minded, dogmatic and unfriendly. i am Ghanaian immigrant haven grown in England this is an amazing piece you have written here,truly summing up the hush reality of living in England,the prices of housing,paying unnecessary bills just for fun, which literally takes all your salary,not that the salary is enough. Yes, I disagree with Brexit, but that is the nature of democracy. Bravo to your writing skills! Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds, and Wakefield all contribute to this high level of crime, and violence and sexual offenses are prevalent crimes, with over 100,000 crimes reported each year. I am very sorry to hear about your experience in the UK, but it has become all too common these days. He was an inspiration to us all. One of the biggest differens that i saw are the streets, in England they are very clean, and in Chile you can finde a lot of garbage. The term is used to describe an anti-social lower-class youth dressed in sportswear. I wouldn't want that much disdain on my doorstep. But its like I've always maintained since the vote happened is that lots of people voted Brexit for many complex reasons. I live in Toronto and it is always great to meet fellow travel bloggers. James, I'm sure you never heard of Carl Schmitt even though you're living in Germany who was a political philosopher. Is thr UK a good place to live? We have no problem with immigrants who a) arrive legally and contribute by working and b) the UK has a very strong economy that rewards creative, hard working and intelligent people. This post is so timely for us - we're currently approaching the end of our two year contract and are trying to decide whether we move on from Abu Dhabi to travel relatively long-term or whether we commit to another year. "[19], A BBC TV documentary suggested that chav culture is an evolution of previous working-class youth subcultures associated with particular commercial clothing styles, such as mods, skinheads, and casuals. We've left again. After living in 7 different countries, including sunny Spain and Portugal, or temperate Germany, I still love the British weather the most. However, most countries do not want Brits and their drunken, loutish behaviour coupled with a very misplaced sense of importance. For a while, it didn't bother me, until one day, I got rejected after a two-week job trial. I still remember the distress and shame I felt that day. Consequently, Europeans are being bundled up in this debate immigration debate, in my view unfairly - we all work very hard! As a people, we valued science and education and over time made the education of our children a major priority which further consolidated our industrial power. It took me a couple years to psychologically recover from my idealistic perception of the UK.It took me a decade of living abroad to realise that it is true when people say the grass seems greener on the other side. Hi, I can see what you mean in your article. You could also argue that for an aging population, a young, able bodied workforce coming here wanting to work is exactly what the country needs. I am super excited to learn that you liked Romania. Oh, and I don't know what 'self-sufficant' is - perhaps you were trying to say 'self-sufficient'? I am bisexual and growing up in Romania vs UK are two different worlds - yes, Romanians were way more tolerant than British kids who physically abused and bullied me. but maybe if I was Turkish it would be different. I have noticed a trend of Italian immigrants on this thread but I wanted to clarify that of course you had no bad experiences because it is not Italians that British people have an issue with. I'm glad you had the chance to go for a brighter future abroad. The weather can be a bit much and I heard Belgium doesn't come with much sunshine either. Im not alone. Best Wishes! Nobody is going to vote "leave" and nobody is going to vote for "Trump". The freedom, no constraints, no obligations and no stress. my visa expires in few weeks (and will get 2 years extension) and i have decided to make a move to EU country on long term residency visa (probably Portugal or Germany), i absolutely felt gutted to see the direction of things going on, wondering what would be the outcome of this Brexit uncertainty. , I have tried to be fair and welcoming and treat people with respect at all until one,! Very misplaced sense of importance good luck how on earth can you say the roads in the same we. 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england is depressing and full of chavs