most mentioned topic in the bible

Colossians 2:16-17 says: Therefore do not let anyone judge you with respect to food or drink, or in the matter of a feast, new moon, or Sabbath daysthese are only the shadow of the things to come, but the reality is Christ! The food laws, holy days, and festivals were all just pictures foreshadowing Christ himself. Sarah, the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, is the most mentioned woman in the Bible. Why was the harmony described during the construction of the Tower of Babel destroyed by God via confusion of language. The first prophecy was proclaimed immediately after the fall. All comments will be evaluated before publishing. He used a young boy named David to defeat the hero of the Philistines, while all the trained, battle-seasoned soldiers were demoralized and afraid. In Deuteronomy 7:6-8, Moses said: For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Scripture repeatedly gives examples of God rewarding those who practice faith and obedience in contrast to those who persist in disobedience and unbelief and disobedience. I stopped to look up at the stars and asked, Now what?, Calm came over me like a warm blanket. The Bible topics that Jesus taught about most probably arent what you think. I couldnt ignore the cries of the poor. Psalm 57:2 says, "I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.". God felt distant, and I became more and more restless in my pursuit for greater intimacy with him. Abraham is mentioned 250 times and Abram 62 times making a total of 312 times. You expounded on many pertinent things. Thomas Nelson. And yet, even with a few years of missionary work under my belt, Bible college training, and being an active member of my church, I never saw it. He showed how God stood in starch contrast to the other gods. Please show me what I am missingwhat am I overlooking in Scripture? Though Paul was a persecutor of Christians, God chose him to be an apostle. The Bible tells us that God actually defeated this monster, although this is most likely an allegory for a kingdom, before you start celebrating. Or is it simply out of his right to as God? Genesis starts in top left and Revelation ends in bottom right. However, Israel rejected Christ and crucified him on the cross, with the help of Romans. How we answer that question will depend on which lens we look through. Now, there is obviously controversy over the topic of election. How else is Gods election seen in Scripture? There are many repeated themes in Scripture, but only a few that flow continuously from Genesis to Revelation. Whatand WhenAre the 12 Days of Christmas? Anger Appearances in the Bible. There are many ways to study the Bible. For the scripture says to Pharaoh: For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may demonstrate my power in you, and that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth. So then, God has mercy on whom he chooses to have mercy, and he hardens whom he chooses to harden. Election. However, if you Its been years since anybodys asked me that. I invited them to pray as we held hands and closed our eyes. The Scriptures 2. Sin. Write down the passages listed with your topic so you can look them up. It's mentioned many times in the Bible. But this Kingdom was diametrically different than all the other kingdoms that existed. Even in those parts of the world, Christians were still persecuted both by Jews and pagans. His teaching through the apostles is revealed in the epistles, and finally, his wrath over sin and eternal kingdom is revealed in Revelation. To anoint a most holy place. Both passages address anxiety at their heart. Heres a REALLY great book that can help you understand Jesus on a deeper level: DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affliliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links. I don't have my bible in front of me at the moment but I. I am so glad I found this site. They were invisible to the people around them. It was nearly midnight. Hebrews 11:6 says, Now without faith it is impossible to please him, for the one who approaches God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. In fact, nobody can be saved apart from faith. Baptism was not mentioned until the new testament. Go where no one else will go. I heard nothing else in my hour of pleading with the Lord. The Key to a Life Well Lived. Years ago, God rescued me in a full-blown Saul-to-Paul conversion. The rich struggle to know how to use it responsibly. And Jesus did talk a lot about money, but he didnt teach about it in the way that you might think. You can find David mentioned 1,011 times in the good book. Hell may not be the topic that Jesus talks about most, but he describes it explicitly many times and various major New Testament writers including Paul . God bless you, this is what the body of Christ needs now. In that culture, the eldest son would receive both the monetary inheritance and the spiritual blessing, which in this case included Gods promise to Abraham to bless the world. It had all to do with Gods sovereign right to choose to use him in a special way. A major problem arises when people try to pull absolutes out of these stories. As we prayed, I opened my eyes midway in prayer to check my surroundings. Len, this is refreshing beautification for my soul. However, because we focus too God wrote the Ten Commandments with his finger. After all, the half dozen pharaohs refered to (thinking of pharaohs in Abraham's time, in that of Joseph, Moses, Ahab, as well as in the prophetic books) are always referred to as pharaoh except in Exodus 1 where the account speaks of a 'new king'. If you want to read more about what Jesus said about hell you can check out this article I wrote: Understanding Specific Bible Stories (Biblical Interpretation), The Powerful Meaning Of Psalm 23:5 (you prepare a table before me), What You NEED To Know About The Ephesians 4:26 Meaning (in your anger do not sin), What You NEED TO Know About The 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Meaning (love is patient). Adam was a type, a foreshadow of Christ. The Bible is unlike any other book because it was written by God. Let's begin our examination of the frequency of "hell" in the Bible with a review of the most widely used English translations: King James Version (KJV): 54 times. From Abraham, God brought forth Israel and eventually Christ, who would die for the sins of the world. That way we can see some of the important themes that Jesus continually went back to. What resources did I have to offer? Rather it is because of his love for you and his faithfulness to the promise he solemnly vowed to your ancestors that the Lord brought you out with great power, redeeming you from the place of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. So do not be idolaters, as some of them were. note: These were not necessarily teachings about God. I saw helping the poor as doing them a favor. My friends either felt like helping the local poor wasnt their calling, or that the real poor were overseas in third-world countries. Finally I asked them a question: What do you need?. I needed to be a voice to the voiceless, a defender of those who are helpless, a liberator to those trapped by addiction and injustice. On the instructions of God, Ezekiel tells the bones to come to life. The name Gaza means "strong," which is a fitting name considering . I pushed the gate open, took a deep breath, and walked in. Sarah, Abraham's wife, 57 times Rachel, Jacob's second wife, 47 times Leah, Jacob's first wife, 34 times Rebekah, Isaac's wife, 31 times Jezebel, wicked queen, 23 times How should believers respond to the theme of election according to Scripture (Matt 11:25-27, Rom 11:33-36, 1 Pet 1:1-2)? From this family all the nations would be blessed and come to know the true God. Jesus emphasized that His kingdom was different. This list of the top ten most mentioned names in the Bible comes from The Bible Answer. What does the Bible really teach? Up the incline where the hill met the road of the bridge were more tents, hidden in the dark. Look up your topic. However, its a mystery that is illustrated throughout Scripture from Abraham, to Jacob, to Israel, to Jeremiah, to Paul, to believers, and even to angels (1 Tim 5:21). Jesus often used money, something everyone understood, as an illustration to a larger point. Having Peter's undivided attention, Jesus spoke of the eventual crossing of Peter's own finish line. Acts 9:13-16 describes how God called Paul to apostleship through a man named Ananias: But Ananias replied, Lord, I have heard from many people about this man, how much harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem, and here he has authority from the chief priests to imprison all who call on your name! But the Lord said to him, Go, because this man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before Gentiles and kings and the people of Israel. Thats what I was missing. When reading through Genesis 1-11, it is clear God chose Enoch for blessing because he walked with God, as did Noah. "The. This passage in Matthew gives us a clue: The question is, Why does God elect? Does he elect based on some foreknown faith or goodness in others? CLASS. If all the research, soul-searching, and God speaking to me through his Word didnt materialize into action soon, I was going to go crazy. 10 - Abraham (235 times) God's promise to Abraham is one of the key promises in all of the Bible. Thank you. The MacArthur Bible Handbook (Kindle Locations 301-303). Both groups were guilty of ignoring the pain and suffering at our doorstep. Scripture is very clear that he does. [17] John Wycliffe produced the first translation of the entire Bible from Latin Vulgate into English. Job 4:6. Psalm 83:18. The Old Testament veils Christ in prophecies and types, while the New Testament reveals Christ. What are the main themes of the Bible? Therefore, as we study Christs actions and teachings, we learn more about God. A more accurate title would be "Top Ten Words Jesus Spoke". The one commonly thought of as the most common topic Jesus taught about. As we approached the park, a group of the gang members riding bicycles came towards us and started to circle around us. God called a young boy named Samuel to be a priest, prophet, and judge, in contrast with the older priests who were corrupt and soon to be judged. He showed how God stood in starch contrast to the other gods. But thats not whats going on here. This post was written by a Logos guest author. Which path will you choose? I felt powerless. In what ways do the themes of sin and Gods judgment challenge or encourage you? You can look up the passages mentioned and read more of the context in your Bible. Answer. A powerful evidence of this is the story of Enoch. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) Copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Likewise, Noah was obedient and faithful, a righteous man who walked with God. Creation and Redemption 10. Persecution, persecutions, and persecute (3), persecuting Me (6), brought before governors (1), flog (1), synagogue (with reference to persecution - 6), arrest (3), hate you (3), kills you (1), kill you (1). In the reading, which covenant stood out most to you and why? I was actively sharing Christin every area of lifeeven at work, where my job was on the line. Hello? I yelled. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations. Since this happened before Jeremiah was born, it had nothing to do with his personal merit. All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. There was an active gang and homeless community living there and it was remote enough that there would not be help anywhere nearby. Pick a question from one of the categories below. God bless you. The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness. One reason God continually gives examples and exhortations demonstrating his blessings for faithfulness and obedience is because he desires many to choose this path instead of the path of the wicked (cf. Holiness is taught so few places. The poor want more money. All rights reserved. Prayer, pray, and praying (33), ask and asking (30), seek and seeking (36), knock, knocks, and knocking (6), watch (11). It was also part of the names of all the archangels, such as . For example, in 1 Corinthians 10:6-11, Paul said this about Gods judgment of Israel during their wilderness wanderings: These things happened as examples for us, so that we will not crave evil things as they did. The answer to this is speculative and based on your understanding of the scriptures from the bible. Abraham obeyed Gods call to leave his homeland, and God blessed Abraham and his seed. (2), My Fathers house (1), throne or thrones (6), Life (70), that age (1), the age to come, eternal That they may know that You alone, whose name is the Lord, Are the Most High over all the earth. Make disciples (1), be My witnesses (1), until you leave that town (1), whatever city or village you enter (1), sent (76), send out (2), lost (13), sheep (29), preach, preaching, preached (14), going through the cities of Israel (1), sowing seed (1). Dear friend, it's always a joy to know when we connect with someone and are able to be of some benefit. Creation and the Creator 7. Paul saw the resurrected Christ, founded many churches throughout the Gentile world, and eventually wrote almost half of the New Testament. Exodus 34:6-7. Top Contributed Quizzes in Religion. God bless you. He simply says, God is God! As potter, he can make one pot for this purpose and another for that purpose. There are many masterpieces in the art world, but there is only one Bible. We will consider some of those here. 4. And let us not put Christ to the test, as some of them did, and were destroyed by snakes. Glad it helped. At the time, my friends and I had distorted pictures of the poor. Jesus isnt trying to communicate as a textbook tells us facts. Hell (12), destruction (1), pit (3), Judgment (21), weeping and gnashing of teeth (7), on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like dust (2), cut it down (2), perish (10), slay them in my presence (1), thrown out, thrown away, thrown into the fire, thrown into the furnace, or thrown into prison (10), outside (1), outer darkness (3), burned (3), fire, eternal fire, unquenchable fire (13), fiery (2), furnace (4), worm (3), I will also deny him (1), denies (2), lose (10), woe (27), torturers (1), taken away (11), depart (3), I do not know you (1), depart from me (3), eternal punishment (1), condemned (3), condemn (4), condemnation (3), ashamed (2), your soul is required of you (1), erase his name from the book of life (1). While this certainly isn't the most common topic it is one that surprises many people. It was the birth of Rising Hope Street Ministry, a movement of young adult believers passionate to see Gods kingdom here on earth, seeking to transform this broken world into a city of worship through healing, forgiveness, restoration, and freedom. If he did that, God would bless him and use him to be a blessing to the nations. Cain, the older of Adams first two sons, murdered Abel. What do I say when they ask for help? Topics, words, chapters, characters, and locations. You can count specific words Jesus used, the number of parables told on specific topics, or the number of verses dedicated to various subjects. The number 1 word is Lord (this includes both the upper case Lord, which refers to God and the lower case lord, which would refer to a someone's superior), with 7,759 occurrences, followed by God, at number 2, with 3,977 occurrences. The love of the Father who could give her an identity far above the sin and abuse in her life has given her. Psalm 19:9. The city was on the border of Israel and Egypt in the southwest part of Israel near the Mediterranean Sea. Depending on how you count it you will get different answers. With tears in his eyes, he thanked me and the staff for trying our best to help him. In addition, God abundantly blesses his children who, by faith, obey him. It was not nearly as profound as I intended. His story is told in the Gospels and the advance of his church is told in Acts. Saw the resurrected Christ, founded many churches throughout the Gentile world, and blessed. Fitting name considering approached the park, a group of the world saw helping the poor as?... His seed one that surprises many people towards us and started to circle around.., there is only one Bible stopped to look up at the time, my either... Bible answer all just pictures foreshadowing Christ himself and crucified him on the line prayer of a righteous person most mentioned topic in the bible! 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11 Day Journey Took 40 Years Bible Verse, Articles M

most mentioned topic in the bible