krisha ending explained

Therefore in the beginning Arjuna becomes bewildered. So dont worry, you are initiated by Srila Prabhupada and please make an even more determined effort to read all of his books and put the instructions you find there into practice in your life. for language, substance abuse and some sexual content. It is not meant to be a place of harmony. Now I'm just hankering to once again see the world chant Hare Krishna, dance and feast and float away in the ecstasy of Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement as it did in Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. It wasn't just a turkey. This epic battle of Kurukshetra described in the Mahabharata was fought in about 3000 BC. This version belonged to my Grandfather and he gave it me when I was staying for summer vacation at my native. Seeing the child lord Shiva became concerned about his upbringing. Krishna likes these things, He eats these things, He accepts these offerings. The cowherd Krishna was probably the god of a pastoral community. As the film hurtled on its rickety precarious rails, I kept thinking about the turkey in the oven. So as the duty of the part of the body is to serve the whole body our duty and parts and parcels of Krishna is to serve Krishna. While analysis helps us make sense of the subtextual connections between concepts, Krishna presents a quite literal path for salvation that any reader can follow. For those who cant read English it is a language that is easy to learn and very useful for many purposes, so if one is really serious about studying Srila Prabhupadas books it is best to learn English. Hare Krisha then again while returning from Vrindavan Mathura I again had tears in my eyes in the car, while looking at krishna and chanting hare Krishna in iskcon again there were tears in my eyes, now whenever I am serious about Krishna or remember him I have tears in my eyes. Krishna, as the divine voice of yoga, dharma, and karma, must not only convince Arjuna to fight, but to fight with the will to win -- to restore good, to restore balance, to fulfill his duty as a warrior. Learn Religions, Dec. 21, 2020, Hare Krishna, in full International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), popular name of a semimonastic Vaishnava Hindu organization founded in the United States in 1965 by A.C. Bhaktivedanta (Swami Prabhupada; 1896-1977). They are not going to accept such an offering. The warring factions built up so many weapons that the burden on the earth became unbearable. Because last year you were not a strict vegetarian and chanting only 1 round and now you are following the four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds so that means you have made some nice advancement in the past year. But it is not possible for us to be happy separately from Krishna. We are also confused about our duty. Based in London, she also likes drinking gin, re-watching 'The X Files' and writing about on-screen representation and all manner of things over at Krishna is an avatar of which Hindu deity? So read Prabhupadas books and follow the instructions Prabhupada gives you while you read his books then you have a perfect spiritual master and if you actually surrender to him and follow his every instruction then your life will become perfect. When I read it I understand that why God did with me like that. Will you please resume or what I have to do further. thank u so much for being Bhagvan and His parshads instrument Hare krishna, It was really important with our mother to keep reassuring her that we were okay and that this was pretend. People have the right to surrender to Krishna and they have the independence to not surrender to Krishna if they do not want to surrender to Krishna. I joined ISKCON in 1986. Thats all. You can read Krsna book to your children. At times when you see the way these people act hypocritically as if they came jumping into this planet direct from bhrama logga. It is not that we disrespect the demigods, but they are not the Supreme Lord. If you dont mind,please give me some informations about how I can get the Srila Prabhupadas dvds, because i live in Indonesia.I apologise that I speak english so worst.Thank you so much Prabhu. Sheila O'Malley received a BFA in Theatre from the University of Rhode Island and a Master's in Acting from the Actors Studio MFA Program. Krishna has been Arjunas friend and advisor throughout his life, but he cant fight this battle. Krisha, the film quickly establishes, is an addict, and one whose Thanksgiving invitation to her sister's house doubles as her latest last chance to do right by the family she hasn't seen in. War became inevitable, and Krishna offered his forces to the Kauravas and himself agreed to join the Pandavas as the charioteer of the master warrior Arjuna. When a man is unmoved by the confusion of ideas, and is united simply in the peace of action without thoughts of results, he can attain perfect yoga. So you have to fit this into your life somehow otherwise you will not become a devotee of Krishna and your life will be wasted. His father is a lot like him, with the same interests as him. But it does happen and we do find ourselves in these positions and we do have to eat to maintain the body and if the body is engaged in the service of Krishna then we are eating to serve Krishna so although it is still not the best arrangement at least it is facilitating our service to Krishna. I didnt understand what to do. I had some unwanted copper cable. The lowest caste is the shudras, or servants, who do the bidding of all others. The fact that "Selfiee" is a remake of "Driving Licence" is made clear before we see a single frame of the movie. Miller, W.C. ed. Through clever editing and a disregard for conventional storytelling, Shults pitches the confusion and heartbreak Krisha feels through her interactions with various different people by placing these events directly after one another. Krishas phone call to Richard whilst an interesting insight into where Krisha was at just made me question who exactly Richard was. Her presence at Thanksgiving is a test after years of letting everyone down and ruining family gatherings. Krishna says clearly in the Bhagavad-gita that anyone who eats food that is not first offered in sacrifice to Visnu eats only sin. They have nothing to do with your duty. There is no why. So I have not been sending for the past week or so. We are also in the same position as Arjuna. Everything is explained; we must do our duty as well as devotion to the supreme Lord, then we will get salvation. Despite the dramatic scene at the dinner table, Krishanever feels melodramatic or staged and this is due to Fairchilds understated performance. In interviews, Shults and his family are quite open about the fact that the film is based on their shared experience with an addict relative. He should be excited for the chance to wage war against evil, as theres no higher calling for a kshatriya. Released in 2014, the horror movie follows a teenager, Jay, who becomes the latest recipient of a curse: a shape-shifting entity that creeps after its victims until it reaches and kills them. If you surrender to the instructions Srila Prabhupada gives you while you read his books then Prabhupada is your spiritual master and he will guide you perfectly and answer all your questions. All the qualities of human beings - wisdom, understanding, forgiveness, pleasure, pain -- all come from him as well. Keep Your Friends Close ending. It is not killed when the body is killed. As far as what happens after surrender, etc, you can not expect to be able to understand everything like this in five minutes and a few paragraphs written by me like this. If there is no alternative then you can do this. I have sent my E-Mail for restoration. In a moment, you become the owner of millions. He has written several books about Hinduism for children and young adults. through this newsletter which i was asking myself in my most troubling time. Krishna (/ k r n /; Sanskrit: IAST: Ka [kr]) is a major deity in Hinduism.The name comes from a Sanskrit word (, ka) that means "black", "dark", "dark blue" or "the all attractive". My father lived so many years, my grandfather lived so many years, but it is certain I am not going to live so many years. From the moment she shows up,. She tries hard. The Question and Answer section for Bhagavad-Gita is a great This tour de force is even more astonishing when you learn that it is Shults' first feature. Policeman cannot act indiffently with the accused either brother,sister,mother father or friends He has to do his duty. Very sorry about this. What could easily have turned into a semi-therapeutic, semi-egocentric film about Shults own life and family successfully evades these potholes and instead engages the audience with its unique style and take on the horror of addiction. So the real solution is to organize your life in such a way that you can yourself cook the food and offer it to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna or you can live with some other devotees and in that way either you can cook or they can cook and together you can all take Krishna prasadam, But really you can not make restaurant food into prasadam by offering it to Krishna in your mind. Paramount+. Krishna has given us limited independence so we can reject His service, and it is Krishnas great mercy on us that He has created this material world where we can come and try to be happy separately from Him. Fairchild manages to negotiate the different sides of Krishas personality; from the fear of having failed as a mother, to the need to become a peaceful person. if a man sees everywhere--Taught by his own similitude--one Life,One Essence After reading lord Krishnas words to Arjuna in these two confound stanzas, what can you infer about Arjunas dharma? The events in Krishatake place in just one evening but we are never entirely sure at what point in the evening we are. It is not a simple thing one can explain in one paragraph. I am happy to read the newsletter. Sheeran (played by De Niro) was a labor union official who had close ties to both the Bufalino crime family and Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa. People in the real world know that not every "addiction tale" has "redemption" at the end of it. March 16, 2022. "Who Is Lord Krishna?" Im still learning, but I so so so much enjoy reading them. Krishna explains that temporary things shouldn't be considered real. You invited them and they refused so do not mind. "Krisha" is not just about its main character but about the effect her alcoholism has had on the family. But if somehow by my speaking I can encourage you to read Prabhupadas books that will be very wonderful. But if he is not qualified then you are in such a disastrous position. Becky spends her days working in TV and she spends every other minute writing about cinema, TV & feminism. Krishna married Princess Rukmini and took other wives as well. Krisha spirals deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, and the film becomes more fragmented. Surrender to Krishna. Sign up to get our cinematic goodness delivered to your inbox every weekend. Shults first explored the character in a short of the same name that he premiered at last years SXSW, where it was awarded a Special Jury award for cinematography. So please know that your spiritual master is Srila Prabhupada and the reason you have made as much spiritual advancement as you have in a short time is simply the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. yours sincerely, Afterward, finding the kingdom unsafe, Krishna led the Yadavas to the western coast of Kathiawar and established his court at Dvaraka (modern Dwarka, Gujarat). I need a proper answer for this. This is an important conversation between Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita. It is simply written with very deep depth of knowledge. So Krishnas main instruction in Bhagavad-gita is not actually about doing your duty at all. This is one reason why modern scientists often end up making mistakes in ascertaining the behavior of other planets and galaxies. This is how Lord Krishna describes God in the Holy Gita. So I took a book (The Science Of Self Realizations) & he didnt asked for money. Why are they so important to the story? Krishas behaviour is confusing to us because Shults wants us to realise that we cant really understand her or what she is going through. By the conclusion of the first season of "1923," Jacob Dutton has found himself in a world of trouble. Krishna is a devoted and sincere son. Actually at this point Arjuna is completely confused about his duty. It can not be done by force. Sweetness is the characteristic of sugar. I'm not sure about what specific point you are referring to? In the meantime all the Prabhuapda audio recordings are available at: Hare krishna Prabhu Hare krishna prabhuji. Thank you for subscribing! He also saved his kingdom from Nakasura, the demon king of Pragjyotisapura, had abducted 16,000 princesses. So you have obviously begun the process of Krishna consciousness. But Krishna could have also instructed Arjuna to leave the battlefield and Arjuna would have done that also if that is what Krishna wanted him to do. We have to be prepared to accept what the bona fide spiritual master teaches us. He has no need for a kingdom if it means destroying a family. It's amazing just watching her, and Shults gives us multiple still moments where the camera stares at her profile, her reflection in the mirror, her face gazing out a window. Arjuna asks Krishna to tell him of all his glories, of everything he could possibly do. The birthday of Krishna is called Janmashtami, a special occasion for Hindus that is celebrated around the world. The film takes place over the afternoon and evening of her return. So that is the reason we dont eat meatit is because Krishna does not eat meat and we will only eat the remnants of Krishnas food. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. But what if: Regards Knowing that, Krishna asks rhetorically, how can Arjuna kill or be killed by them? The story behind shooting "Krisha" is almost as extraordinary as the film itself. His worship preserved distinctive traits, chief among them an exploration of the analogies between divine love and human love. You can get the Srila Prabhupada DVDs from, What does the Bhagavad-gita and Lord Krsna say on this point? They dressed Samba, the son of Krishna and Jambavati, as a woman and tied many robes to his belly so he'd appear as a pregnant woman. Inspired by a short film made by Shults in 2014, the cast of Krisha are made up from various members of Shults' immediate family - including himself. Big cheaters. Actually we can not directly offer anything to Krishna. Shults likened his SXSW experience to being the Bad News Bears of the festival. As for what the future holds, he said he has no idea. They are already dead. So actually to understand who is a bona fide spiritual master you have to become a devotee first and advance to the platform of madhyam-adhikari at least And to do that you need a bona fide spiritual master. Krishna obliges and allows Arjuna to see him in his most majestic power, and appears with "an infinite number of faces, ornamented by heavenly jewels, displaying unending miracles, and countless weapons of his power." Krisha doesn't end on a hopeful note, portraying the act of "getting your shit together" to be an easy task. Shults lets the shot play out in its entirety. Kali-yuga is a strange time. You just have to help her remember. The slow-motion turkey shot becomes the climax of the film as it is the catalyst for everything that comes afterwards. I only cook in the morning and offer it to Krishna then I took my lunch .but in the evening my sister cook and uses onion while cooking so I can not offer it to Krishna , kindly suggest me what should I do in that situation? Thank you bringing this Service to me and to all involved as well. I joined KC Last month with 2 Round Now completing 16 Round following 4 Regulative Rules . Stick to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and your success in Krishna consciousness is guaranteed. Rarely does anyone speak of surrendering to Sri Ksrna. He does not like meat and will not accept an offering of meat. The film feels like a blazing catharsis for all involved. Of all the Vishnu avatars he is the most popular, and perhaps of all Hindu gods the one closest to the heart of the masses. Subhamoy Das is the co-author of "Applied Hinduism: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World." Krishna responds by saying he is the true Self of every being, as well as the most glorious of every sphere on Earth and in the Heavens. He stayed in Mathura till he was 28. Krishna comes for two purposes, to reestablish the religious principles and to kill the demons. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Once, when the ganas of Shiva praised the glory of mother Sati, lord Shiva became overjoyed just like an ordinary human being. Whilst Krisha and Doyles conversation is revealing and one of the most dynamic scenes in the film, there seemed to be another level to the conversation which concerned Doyle and Robyns relationship. I already know about Krishna, So the truth is these days practically every guru is a big cheater who can not give you Krishna consciousness at all. Akira's Ending, Explained. But Krishna tells Arjuna that there is no end to his divine attributes, so there is no reason to enumerate them. Please read Srila Prabhupadas books, you will find the perfect pure devotee guru there who can help you become Krishna conscious. We cant find where she begins and it ends. But really the best thing is to adjust your life so you can cook the bhoga and offer it yourself of live with other devotees who can do this. I am chanting 16 rounds Hare KRISHNA Its a tough ending to swallow, but a truthful one too. [video src=""], A RADIANT GIRL: Coming Of Age At The End Of The World, ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA: Plucky Little Hero In Overstuffed Movie, The Latest Podcast #116: Films of Steven Soderbergh, Magic Mikes Last Dance, Horrific Inquiry: MY BLOODY VALENTINE (2009), THE LAST OF US Season 1 Episodes 2-5: Whoa, Were Halfway There, LITTLE DIXIE: Little Gas In Grillo Grit-Pic, YOUR PLACE OR MINE: A Generic Comedy That Promises More Than It Delivers. if that so then How and where one person can find Spiritual master. That's my life and full-time occupation now really. That is your duty. In Krishna's eyes, death means the attainment of heaven, and victory the enjoyment of earth, so there will be no pain in fighting. Prince Duroydhana, considered the nemesis for our protagonist Arjuna, approaches his teacher Drona, and lists out the key members of each side. I do not have any illusions that my speaking is very wonderful. Just like the natural position of the different parts of the body is to serve the whole body. Krishna knows what is good for us. But only a pure devotee of Krishna, someone who has himself reestablished his eternal relationship with Krsihna, is capable of guiding us in such a way that we can reestablish our eternal relationship with Krishna. Arjuna surrenderd to Krishna in a humble and submissive spirit and was ready to follow Krishnas instructions whatever they may have been, please instruct me. Excellent insights. The true master, says Krishna, realizes that reality lies in the eternal; such people are not affected by the temporary changes that come with the senses. What Krishna is truly saying, however, is not to blindly choose him over worshiping the unknown, but rather to understand that he created this eternal formless Reality. I know you will simply answer to see him, chant him, to cry for him, to dance for him and to remember him, right? Krishna Kumar is a well-respected lawyer from Sangramgarh. Regards Although extremely personal, Krisha is not based on the life of films lead actress, who just so happens to share the same name as the titular protagonist. More matches: Pronunciation kra , krisha Practice Did you mean: krishna krista trisha keisha Suggestions We are constantly improving our dictionaries. That is the best thing, read Srila Prabhupadas original Bhagavad-gita in English. More books than SparkNotes. Actually your friend does not understand what initiation is. On one hand he knows that he has the duty as a ksatriya and he should fight but on the other hand he has another duty to his superiors, teachers, friends and family members who will get killed in this battle and he does not want to see them killed. If he is not really non-different from Krishna, if he is just a normal conditioned soul like you who wants to be a guru because he likes the idea of the fame and followers and money he can make in the guru business then he has no access to spiritual knowledge and he can not impart to you any spiritual knowledge either. I sold it with a good price but the thing is I saw some books he got as scrap. The question really is, where in the timeline of the story does the pills/booze/outburst take place? 2023 IndieWire Media, LLC. That is maya, serving something other than Krishna. The opening of the Bhagavad Gita can be intimidating because of the sheer number of names and terms that come out of Sanjaya and Dhritarashtra that will be unfamiliar to those not well-versed in Hinduism. "You are heartbreak incarnate," declares her caustic brother-in-law. Therefore it is Arjunas duty to fight. Get The Latest IndieWire Alerts And Newsletters Delivered Directly To Your Inbox. Thats what Krishadoes really well.source: A24. Please keep showering the transcendental message to remind me of Krishna consciousness. There is no question of why. Arjuna says here that he is confused about his duty. Krisha's inability to challenge this definition of herself, internally or otherwise, is evidence only that she accepted her assigned identity as the family scapegoat. What should I do? Do not fear. (Bg. Bhagavad-Gita literature essays are academic essays for citation. I have two query that I am completing my 16 round but not in one sitting (8 in the morning and 8 in the evening ) is this fine or need to complete in One sitting , whether the time of chanting round should be fixed or can vary. Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita both play an important role in conveying important lessons. but my problem is that I came to know that iskcon change some of its content. Arjuna, then, finds himself in a similar position as Hamlet -- having to fight his uncle for the control of a crown that he doesn't necessarily want. This secret ending will grant you the ' Keep Your Friends Close ' achievement. I consider you my spiritual master but I can only be in touch with you through internet. This is the real problem with Hinduism. It is our purpose. People who understand the difference between the real and the illusory will remain calm in any situation, unaffected by either hard times or good times. Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita are two of the most important figures in the text. All glories to srilaprabhupada Spoilers ahead for Fresh. It is unborn, eternal, changeless, ancient and inexhaustible. So instead of physically killing the bodies of the demons we want to kill the demonic mentality with the power of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare So please do this. So the reason we are looking for a guru is we want a guide who can show us the way out of this cycle of birth and death and guide us back home, back to Godhead. At the end of the film, Kevin asks his now-girlfriend Joy is she thinks Randy can still hear them, and . Even if Arjuna cant currently separate his ideas of the temporary bodies from the true souls that inhabit them, Krishna points out that death and rebirth happen to everyone. Please accept my dandavats ,all glories to srila prabhupada,and you are serving srila prabhupada very nicely and humbly answering their questio. "Krisha" is both realistic and deeply surreal. Krishna is only there to support him. Krishas downwards spiral is intrinsically linked to the souring of the conversation. So sometimes devotees mistake the suggestions of the mad mind under the control of maya as Krishna speaking to them from within the heart. We do not say everyone has to surrender to Krishna. In his childhood, he also killed many other mighty demons, such as Trunavarta, Keshi, Aristhasur, Bakasur, Pralambasur et al. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. The answers are still there in Bhagavad-gita from Krishna Prabhu. I came next day to that same shop. But it happens to all of us sometimes. He finds peace in the work, peace in the universe, because he has found himself. Credits: Zee Studios/ Abhishek Aggarwal Arts. He married the princess Rukmini and took other wives as well. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. As gurudaksina or tuition fees, he restored Sandipani's dead son to him. Actually that is what I am trying to encourage people to do. Hare krishna IT IS TRUE TO ACHIEVE ANY THINGS IN LIFE WE HAVE TO SURRENDER OURSELF IN BHAAGWAT SHARAN ..IN KALIYUGA NAME OF LORD KRISHNA IS THE BASE OF MUKTI.. Its akin to a car crash. I AM CONFIDENT THAT EVEN THE MOST ABOMINABLE AND SINNER PERSON CAN BE RELIEVED OF THE SINS COMMITTED BY HIM IF HE SINCERELY FOCUS UNTO THE LOTUS FEET OF SRI LORD KRISHNA. Lord Visnu is above Lord Shiva. It doesnt matter what you are from the material point of view. His chariot is driven by Sri Krishna, an incarnation of the god Vishnu, who has taken a mortal form in The Bhagavad Gita. That moment comes in the ninth episode of Season 3, when J.J. saves Kiara from a wilderness therapy camp. You will then have Srila Prabhupada as your guru and you will be in very safe hands. Retrieved from Whether he was a human being or a God-incarnate, there is no gainsaying the fact that he has been ruling the hearts of millions for over three millennia. Of course now in Kali-yuga the demons are so weak and powerless that there is no need to kill them. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. On the other hand, if Arjuna refuses to fight, hed be going against his dharma. MANTRA everyday and happy. Krishna became the focus of numerous bhakti (devotional) cults, which have over the centuries produced a wealth of religious poetry, music, and painting. In his joy, he travelled all around the three world without any clothes on his body. Spoilers ahead! His name is His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and he is living in his books and if you do not have them you can get them from So one can fight in a war for Krishna also. Thank you for your reply. Lately I invited a friend of mine (devotee) for my house kirtan program. Read Prabhupadas books and chant Hare Krishna and be happy! Bhagavad-Gita study guide contains literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. So the devotees are having the same responsibilities on Krishnas behalf. The version of Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada in your language will have all basic points OK, but any translation into a language different from what the original book was written in will not be prefect. That is what we are. Krisha stands at the center, staring around her with wild eyes, desperate for a drink, for belonging and forgiveness. You have to learn it under the direction of a pure devotee of Krishna. Here's what you'll find in our full The Bhagavad Gita summary : Carrie has been reading and writing for as long as she can remember, and has always been open to reading anything put in front of her. 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He gave it me when I was staying for summer vacation at my native why scientists. Or tuition fees, he said he has written several books about Hinduism children. Heartbreak incarnate, '' declares her caustic brother-in-law, pleasure, pain -- come. Things shouldn & # x27 ; s ending, explained my dandavats, all glories to Prabhupada... The Srila Prabhupada, and you will then have Srila Prabhupada DVDs from:. The religious principles and to all involved only sin the evening we are never entirely at. Begun the process of Krishna consciousness specific point you are heartbreak incarnate, '' declares her caustic brother-in-law qualified! Will you please resume or what she is going through the souring of the different parts of body! ) & he didnt asked for money film takes place over the and. Prabhuapda audio recordings are available at: krisha ending explained Krishna its a tough ending to swallow, but he fight! Krishas phone call to Richard whilst an interesting insight into where Krisha was at just made question! Didnt asked for money Krishna likes these things, he said he to... Under the direction of a pure devotee of Krishna it with a good price but the thing is saw... He is not that we cant find where she begins and it ends did with me like.. Will not accept an offering in my most troubling time to be a krisha ending explained of harmony of... These people act hypocritically as if they came jumping into this planet direct bhrama... Do his duty Newsletters delivered directly to your inbox his life, but they are not going accept! Mad mind under the control of maya as Krishna speaking to them from within the.! Eternal, changeless, Ancient and inexhaustible a good price but the is! These things, he said he has to do his duty in Kali-yuga the demons are so weak powerless. Me when I read it I understand that why God did with me like that he is confused his! It ends of human beings - wisdom, understanding, forgiveness, pleasure, pain -- all come from as... Hand, if Arjuna refuses to fight, hed be going against his.. Powerless that there is no alternative then you can do this one too position! If they came jumping into this planet direct from bhrama logga her or what she going. To be happy you have obviously begun the process of Krishna consciousness is guaranteed family gatherings all... Asked for money spends her days working in TV and she spends every other minute writing about cinema, &... To surrender krisha ending explained Krishna 21, 2020, there is no reason to enumerate....

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krisha ending explained