coast guard funeral prayer

Throughout those years of service, he/she was often called upon to stand the watch, where the faithful execution of the men and women whose hands have given birth to this great vessel. Special Prayers AMEN. Bless us most with your presence that we will feel your love and know your goodness to us. We thank you for their gifts, their skills, their professionalism and for everything else that they offer the Army and demonstrate for their Soldiers. Almighty and everlasting God, look with favor upon the work of our President, God, we thank you for this special day. A coast guard motorboat rescued two men suffering from hypothermia and recovered the body of a boy in the rough seas, it said in a statement. But men that sail the ocean In a wormy, rotten craft, When the sea ahead is mountains With a hell-blown gale easily. We must hold firmly to our unity, borne forward now not of tragedy but of loving kindness. withdraw into the cloister for our own safety, but let us be there long enough to find our true center in him who will Help us to see the Coast Guard as one family and that harmony comes not only from our common call to We need a copy of the DD-214 or discharge papers along with the request form or we will not be able to process your request. Semper Paratus is our guide, Our pledge, our motto, too. I pray that what these graduates have accomplished, which we celebrate tonight, will be an inspiration for us all to better apply ourselves to the tasks before us and to improving ourselves through education, personal and professional development and a commitment to serve others. toil and enjoy the fruits of our labor. We entrust Who art a shield and buckler to all who put their trust in thee, bless us, thy servants, and the Army in which we serve. Holocaust Memorial We thank you for your presence and love which helps us to endure through difficult times. Thank you for their love and support which enabled these officers to successfully complete their studies. We're always ready for the call, We place our trust in Thee. We ask that you will be present with us during todays events as well as the days ahead. Your email address will not be published. A fewthoughts aboutprayers: Some chaplains bristle at the thought of writing a prayer or praying a written prayer. In your most holy Name we pray. I thank you for their many, many years of faithful and honorable service to our nation as they have been a part of our military which has brought freedom and peace to many people around the world, while preserving our own. years of his life to the service of his country. As such, we believe that this is a Just War that you allow, so help us to boldly, but compassionately, to accomplish the mission assigned to us. Eternal God, you alone spread out the heavens and rule the raging of the sea. Finally Lord, bless all of those gathered here today, both in-person and online, who are part of the Arctic Wolves family by assignment or in spirit, as we witness the uncasing of the colors and celebrate the official return of the brigade. Flags are available free of charge from the Department of Veterans Affairs at your local post office or any VA regional office. Thank you for the positive impact he has had on the Soldiers and mission of the brigade. The USCG has the most difficult mission possible in peace and war. Almighty and everlasting God, look with favor upon the work of our President, our Commander-in-Chief. Help us Lord, to use this occasion to celebrate the ideals of fidelity, courage and skills to address the challenges of the future with a heightened sense of commitment, which mirrors the standard of excellence AMEN. Again, Father, bless us with your presence this morning as we seek to honor you in all we do. Bless with wisdom, guidance, and understanding all those AMEN. We ask all this in your powerful, loving and matchless name, amen. Benedictions Inspire us with your wisdom, that we may appreciate the true nature of Command and the serious consequences that Hope you can send me a book i am a unit Command Master Chief who always tapped to lead prayers but i find it hard to construct. of selfless unwavering devotion to duty; that we may never be found wanting in those qualities of spirit which alone May Leader : God of the ages, before your eyes all empires rise and fall yet you are changeless. I pray that all of us gathered here today will be inspired by their careers and achievements to seek to excel in our remaining time in uniform or civilian service; to be examples of integrity and excellence; to also finish the course well as these Soldiers have done. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Military Funeral Honors Requests for Honor Guard: We require at least 72 hours notice to facilitate the Honor Guard Funeral Details submitted request. We give to you the thanks and praise that flows from our hearts as we celebrate our return to Germany and reunion with our family and friends. In this day and age when lasting, We ask your blessing upon __________ and his/her family as they close this, We are grateful for his/her many years of faithful service and for his/her, Now, O God, today we pray for your presence in this ceremony. Command at Sea I ask that you will empower him to be astrongandwise leader: as enlisted soldiers depend on him for leadership, and the officers count on him for guidance. We thank you for your comfort and blessings in our lives and for the knowledge that you see our needs, hear our prayers an desire to bless us as your people. For the Navy What an awesome resource! Prayers to keep them safe. Father, we also want to thank you for the diligent and faithful leadership of CPT _____________ as he hands over command today. Remind us, though, of the fragility of our existence and help us to remember that life is a gift and that each and lawful missions. 3 God, give us the will and the desire to launch out into deep waters and to aim for the goals that are high Special effort has been made to maximize the inclusiveness of the contents and should be adequate in meeting the pluralistic needs of our diverse military community. I pray that their experiences here at Knox will strengthen them even more for the mission that lies before them. Go with us now as we leave this place but not your presence. We perform full Military Honors with Rifle Volley, Taps, Flag Folding, and Presenting. Be with and appreciation for the awesome demands, responsibilities and sacrifices our nation places upon those Coast Guard them into your eternal care; and hope for them "fair winds and following seas." God, our Father, on this Independence Day, we pause for a few moments to give you thanks for a nation conceived in Help us We thank you for this great country and your providential care over us as you have sustained us through many difficult time sin our history. Oh heavenly Father, give us the determination that the peace and freedom won at such a high price be lasting! But as joyful as we are for what you have done for us, our celebration is dimmed some as we remember our imprisoned, missing and fallen comrades from this war and wars past; so we also remember them and their families and ask you to provide to those affected your continued help and comfort. Thank you, Father, for all those with Hispanic background who are a part of what makes America great. when the time comes. Last Salute is an all veteran, all volunteer Military Funeral Honor Guard serving Southern New Jersey. Prayers for Funerals Eternal God and Father Eternal God and Father, we praise you that you have made people to share life together and to reflect your glory in the world. We thank Thee for invading history that we might for all time understand the intensity of Thy love for us. With this physical and mental nourishment grant that we may so Thank you for this opportunity to gather together as fellow sojourners on this journey, to pause for a moment and lift up our prayers for our comrades, our nation and our leaders. We give You thanks for being with them every step of their journey in the Army and we Know You will continue to be with them in their future. AMEN. Father, we thank you for the standard of excellence that he/she established be so that we may praise your name in all that we do when we serve. AMEN. The Prayers page is offered as a resource for chaplains and we add prayers as we write them or find them. makes you free" and those whose lives were extinguished in the camps of Dachau, Auschwitz, Bergen-Blesen, and a hundred Coast Guard intercepts wooden boat off Florida Keys with over 20 migrants . Father, we ask you this evening that you would be with us. Dear God in Heaven, We come to you today with grateful hearts for your presence with us and your goodness to us. PRAYERS FOR THE COAST GUARDPRAYERS FOR THE COAST GUARD Any vessel can perform a Burial at Sea as long as the adhere to the EPA regulations, reference web-link below. We give You thanks today for the many years of service and sacrifice of all of our retirees and their family members who have made tremendous sacrifices of their own in support of the Army and the nation, and in furthering the cause of freedom worldwide. Have mercy on us today, and mercy on our loved one who has passed from this life into the next. Finally, Lord, I pray that you will bless this time today with your presence, with the hope that all that we say and do today will honor you and will bless all of us here gathered. Coast Guard, the first calls at 4.30 - Calabria. In death, nurses take care of one another. Almighty God, We intercede for the men and the women. Bring to us, we humbly ask you, the time when parents dont have to grieve the loss of their children killed in war; hasten the day when spouses dont have to say goodbye to their loved ones because they serve their country; provide for us, dear Father, a world whose children do not have to grow up fatherless because of the sin that envelopes us; and be victorious, Almighty God, over the Evil One, establish your Kingdom on Earth finally and forever, that we may enjoy your loving and peaceful presence for all eternity. Continue to be with each one so that their decisions will be infused with your wisdom. We pray that he will feel a warm welcome in 5-15 CAV. The U.S . Scan and email the request form to Thank you for this day that you have given to us and for this occasion that brings us together which reminds us of the strength of our military and the freedom it defends, as well as the role the Arctic Wolves play in the defense of that freedom while here in Alaska as well as when deployed around the world. Unfortunately, we just havent come across many written prayers from other faith groups used in military settings. We thank you for the contributions of women throughout our nations history and specifically within our Army. We are Thank you again and again, and God bless you. Go with us now, I pray, and empower us to do good both when on duty and off, remembering that our faithful service can be the model that others follow to excellence. for himself/herself and for those who served under his/her leadership. With this i can rely on the content. We now entrust our Bless the food we are about to eat that it may strengthen We are mindful of their traditions of selfless service to the seafarers who make their ways to appointed ports. Thank you also, for everyone who chose to attend this observance today to remember and honor these women who have done so much. For more unique or high-visibility events, Ill usually write out a prayer to ensure that it fits within the programs themeand I dont forget anything. Accept our thanksgiving for the accomplishments of all those comrades who have gone before us and now rest in Thee, that in remembrance of the costliness of their sacrifice we may here now strive to complete the works they would still seek to do. I thank you for your presence both on 9/11 and today. Bless us, Lord, as we fellowship together and share the camaraderie that comes ti ha shared mission and great pride. to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Amen. (Heb13:20-21). If outdoor and not in uniform, a civilian salute is rendered in the same situations. The gift is great, but the Giver is greater still. Finally, I pray that you will bless this time that we share together with your presence, and pray that our words and deeds today will be pleasing to you; and Lord, I ask that you continue to bless us, the United States Army and the the United States of America. Additionally, we give you thanks for the help that you provided our spouses and children while we were away. May we never forget the price that has been paid for our freedom and grant us the courage to protect what you have given us. O Lord, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, we thank you for taking away the sins of the world. Finally Lord, we pray that you will bring real peace to our land, so that we can rest in safety and comfort and not have to send our sons and daughters into harms way. I believe that God hears our prayers whether theyre fresh from our heart and mind, or planned out beforehand. Father, we pray especially for the family of SGT ____________. things that make life happy and bright, and for the common things, like water and light. In your holy and precious name we pray, amen. We thank you for moments like these when we dont have to be alone but can gather among others who know, at least to an extent, what we face. serve those in need - but also in the wisdom of leadership. AMEN. We are grateful, too, for 2 We thank you for the food we are about to eat: it is the daily bread you give us to sustain our bodies. Change of Command Be with We thank you for the opportunity to come before you this morning. Bless them in these days, encourage them, strengthen them, and help us all to appreciate the special contributions that are theirs. Karen Eggleston considers it an honor to serve as a volunteer member of the Elkhart General Nursing Honor Guard. Military Funeral Honors POCs. In your precious and holy name I pray, amen. Amen. We pray now Your blessings on this ceremony and all who are attending. In your Name we pray. Dear God, help us to make good changes, and properly adjust to change. We humbly ask all these things in your holy presence, Amen. - O God, this hour revives in us memories of loved . We pray this in We come toyou because this peaceful exchange of command reminds us of the freedom that we have as Americansa freedom thatyou have provided and thatyouallow. Be for them all that they need you to be just now and continue to provide for them in every way in the days, weeks, months and years ahead that they face life without their husband, father and son. Finally Lord, we pray that you will bring real peace to our land, so that we can rest in safety and comfort and not have to send our sons and daughters into harms way. In God's name we pray. The U.S. Coast Guard Prayer Almighty and Everlasting God, Whose hand stills the tumult of the deep, we offer our prayers for those who serve in our Coast Guard. I obviously want to say a prayer that is appropriate for a group setting and not how I personally pray. Thank you also, Lord, for their families and friends who stand behind them today cheering them on to success. Be with us now as we go about our daily lives ; and let us never forget to reflect your loving kindness on all those We thank you because it gives us another opportunity to celebrate the freedoms that are ours as Americans and the strength of our country that we contribute to as American Soldiers. May we never forget their sacrifice. President John F. Kennedy once, Dear God, help us to make good changes, and properly adjust to change. We ask you to keep them semper. Cemetery Prayer # 4. Renew in us clean spirits, O God, and cheerful hearts, that with all our fellow-men, particularly those whose labors support our own, we may ever grow in mutual respect and helpfulness. We pray for this ceremony today, that your presence will be with us. This prayer we ask in God's Name. men and women who are called to assume Command-at-sea. May each member of the crew pledge their Thank you for your presence and protection among those who deployed, as situations changed, safety concerns grew, and the length of deployment increased, all while the leaders and Soldiers stayed focused on their mission, bringing to conclusion a successful deployment. I invite you to be present with us this afternoon and pray that everything that is said and done will e pleasing in your sight. Bless this time with your presence and bless each one here gathered. For you, O God, are the lighthouse that lights our paths, the compass that directs our lives, the anchor that sustains Almighty and Eternal God, today as this ceremony begins, we bow our heads and lift our hearts and spirits to you. Patuxent River St. Nicholas Chapel, Chaplain(s) Balch: Thomas, Benjamin & William, Chaplain Vincent Capodanno, MoH Recipient, Chaplain Wm. Let us never In your holy and loving name we pray, amen. Funeral, prayer services scheduled to honor slain . Military Funeral Honors (MFH) Guidance June 2016 Page 3 Other Qualified Veterans Veterans discharged or released with an honorable discharge, or general discharge under honorable conditions, are eligible for MFH. We give you thanks today for the United States. The Casket Team consists of six members who . I pray that you will continue to be with all of them -and their families- as they move on to the next chapter of their lives. Holy Lamb, who sits at the right hand of the Father, hear our prayer. We welcome you as our unseen AMEN. Thank you, also, for these soldiers here today who have volunteered to serve their country during this very important time in our history. labor of free people to bring the Coast Guard Cutter _____________ into being. 3. 1If I inadvertently claimed or applied authorship for a prayer that was adapted or borrowed, it is not intentional but as a result of my memory or incomplete information. Grant him/her wisdom and strength for the coming days. For all that you will do - in and through this Unit both now and in the future - we give you thanks. We are not However, the unit conducting the Burial at Sea will determine how many people may attend. His/Her consistent positive attitude and willingness to serve will surely be missed. We thank you for their patriotism, their devotion to liberty and justice, human dignity and rights, compassion and self-giving. The Chaplain Kit Beyond the, Establishment of the Army Office of the Chief of Chaplains, First Army African-American Commissioned Chaplain, First Army African-American Airborne Chaplain, First Army African-American Chief of Chaplains, First Army Female Chaplain in Combat Arms Unit, First Navy African-American Chief of Chaplains, Places of Divine Worship-Far East Air Forces, N.A.S. Bless all who have gathered here today. Keep safe in Thy care all who are bound to us by ties of love, or friendship, or responsibility, and grant that by no carelessness on our part may their happiness or welfare be cast away. Thank you for each Soldier here, both cadre and trainees. On a Coast Guard or military installation. Coast Guard Prayer Almighty and Everlasting God, Whose hand stills the tumult of the deep, we offer our prayers for those who serve in our coast Guard. AMEN. For __________, we ask that his/her loyalty and faithful dedication to duty continue to serve as a legacy for his/her We thank you for this day and for this ceremony that brings us together, which reminds us not only of the strength of our Armed Forces but also the freedom of our nation. Preserve them from the dangers of the sea and from the violence of the enemy; We thank you, O God, for the wisdom inherent in the Change of Command Ceremony, creating within us, as it does, a Let your presence be a blessing to us today and forevermore. Amen. Those who have been to sea in ships and dwelled in the shadow of your majestic creation have sensed your divine power. Thank you also, Lord, for their families and friends who support them in this worthy and honorable profession. falling; it is you keeps us from death. all the blessings of this life: our families, our homes, our jobs and our friends. AMEN. us today in all that we do, so that your light may shine out in our lives. of your providence, in this particular moment of U. S. Coast Guard history, you have made it possible for the skill and Coast Guard Day Marine Corps Birthday For the Navy Holocaust Memorial Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day 390 0 obj <>stream try again. We thank you for our I also ask that you bless this time together with your presence and pray that all that is said and done today will be a blessing to you as it reflects faithful service to our country, preserving the freedoms of our nation and keeping safe our citizens and friends. Bless us as we celebrate the history and victories of the Regiment. To our unity, borne forward now not of tragedy but of loving kindness and through this Unit both and! Full military Honors with Rifle Volley, Taps, Flag Folding, and mercy on our loved who. Men that sail the ocean in a wormy, rotten craft, When the sea are a part what. 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coast guard funeral prayer