supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

Cat takes them both out for a drink. Nia disagreed and the two argued that the Superfriends did not call the proper authorities, namely the D.E.O., before attacking while Nia said that it was the Superfriends who saved the people. With Franklin's assistance, Kara and Nia did the interview live, and the majority of the city saw it. They arrived at the rooftop where they agreed to have the battle and Rhea arrived with her guard. We have the ability to feel the depths of our emotion and we know that we will walk through it to the other side.Cat Grant to Kara Danvers. We need someone who will give a unbiased report of any event. Inside the facility they found that aliens were being escorted into a transmat portal. "Let's go again!" Alex shouted from across the room, bending her knees in a defensive stance. Cat later reveals that the "A. Kara walks into CatCo like a casual day expecting everything to go on as usual. The signal was detected by Winn and Supergirl, and upon finding out he was from Daxam and fearing that he was behind the attack on President Marsdin she rushed to confront him. Dreamer helped J'onn send Malefic back to the Phantom Zone. That night on Thanksgiving Day, Cat had a conference call with London and Beijing, but encountered technical difficulties when the electronics at CatCo stopped working. He attacks her in order to force Dreamer to retire due to being a transgender super-heroine. When Supergirl got her powers back she demands to know why Supergirl abandoned them. Work Search: During an Earthquake Cat informing necessary personnel to stay while Winn gets everything back online. In addition, she has not shied away from showing her employees or previous employees affection such as hugging Winn when they met after Supergirl saved her from a plane crash or telling Clark to talk to James because she was worried he might get himself in trouble being Guardian. Nia claimed she wanted to find a way to transfer the power to Maeve, but she didn't believe her. In order for Kara to find out who Agent Liberty is, Brainy told her to enlist help from Nia. Supergirl (TV 2015) Characters: Kara Zor-El; Cat Grant; Nia Nal; Additional Tags: . Kara protested the downsizing, to which Cat pointed out that National City didn't have any extraordinary people or events like Metropolis with Superman. During their dinner, Kara acts as a mediator and after tense talking both Cat and Adam start having a normal mother-son relationship. Kara complimented the writing, yet found the paper's tone condescending due to Cat's impression of Supergirl as a typical millennial. Nia explained she understands what that feels like and assured that Brainy's real friends would be there for him no matter what. Cat tried to reason with both women, but Rhea responded by attacking Air Force One and shooting it out of the sky. Cat also cares deeply for her other son, Carter, to the point she gave Kara several instructions as to how to take care of him and getting angry when she learned Carter was in a train that Supergirl saved the day Kara babysat him. Annoyed at being forced to ride in a "human petri dish", she ordered her personal assistant, Kara Danvers, to have the responsible party "reprimanded or bathed". Nia Nal (born c. 1997)[1] is a human-Naltorian hybrid, a reporter of CatCo Worldwide Media, and former political speechwriter. Cat muses she stopped asking herself if she made the right decision years ago and admits her regret. In the elevator, Nia complained to the fellow occupant about her troubles before realizing it was none other than Kara. Since Supergirl's job is a learning curve, Cat advised her to start with smaller targets and work her way up, similar to how the latter rose through the ranks at the Daily Planet. Kara grew agitated and pulled over. That woman was nine other than Le. volunteering at soup kitchens and shelters), which Kara enthusiastically agreed with. Suit up [3], Nia will stay late at CatCo. She was able to get a match with the suspected assailant and dresses up as Dreamer for their date. However, later Kara broke up with Adam, citing she didn't have room in her life for him. Back at CatCo, Nia, Kara and James were looking at the news reports, in which President Baker was removed from office, after Kara exposed him working with Lex, Red Daughter's identity was also revealed, clearing Supergirls name and the new acting president had re-enacted the Alien Amnesty Act. left kudos on this work. They take her onto the ship and lock her up in one of their cells. When the President is on her way to National City, Cat Grant has tagged along on Air Force One. Nia didn't get it, but then Kara took in to the air, and revealed to Nia that she is Supergirl. J'onn J'onzz uses his shape-shifting ability to impersonate Supergirl so that Cat can see her and Kara at the same time. The following day, Kara and Nia are perusing the remarks area on Kara's Amadei meeting and they're loaded with negative remarks, a few including passing dangers against all aliens. When Livewire had Supergirl pinned down, Cat pleaded with her to spare the superheroine, but Livewire refused to listen. She also revealed she's a trans woman, and that her sister was the one who encouraged her to do it. When Menagerie started to cause chaos in the city, Nia eventually joined Kara in fighting against her. However, since Dirk used the company's computers to hack Cat's e-mails so he can take over the company, he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Cat was not happy with Kara going on a date with Adam. Cat also is upset with Kara when she sees a person in her office and calls security; it's her son Adam Foster. 2. She wanted to have dinner with him but he turns her down. Later, M'gann and Nia talked about Nia's relationship with Querl Dox; M'gann, using her relationship with J'onn as an example, told Nia to stop looking at the surface and search for the motives behind Brainy's actions. In late 2018, Nia moved to National City and was hired as a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media, personally recommended to Kara Danvers by Cat. Winn concluded the typing patterns didn't match Karabut they matched Siobhan's. However, she insists she is fine as Brainy is discovering who he is and if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be. J'onn began to understand why Kara values them and allowed Alex to take them to D.E.O. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Dreamer and the Superfriends were tasked with stopping thieves who profited from stealing during the mayhem. She will forever be linked to Catco, to the Tribune, to me. What if Kara told Lena that she is Supergirl in her Just as the title says. J'onn was hurt defending Nia from his attack. Nia agreed to help Kara and Brainy to find Agent Liberty. Kara explained she didn't want to see her foster mother and sister being at odds. There, Cat attempted to appeal to Livewire by wondering if they could come to an agreement. Siobhan reveals that she managed to get footage of Supergirl letting the K'hund escape. Mon-El kept the child a secret from his mother. Seeing that William was scolded by Andrea for not having an interview with the Superfriends, Nia gave William some advice on finding the heroes. She also decided to arrange a launch party to celebrate the special issue of CatCo Magazine. Kara yells back at Cat and immediately apologizes. Just before the interview, Nia was nervous, but Kara assured her she'd do great and just had to be herself. She also decided to come out as Supergirl and Cat interviewed her. If he never met Imra? [18], Cat demanded to know Kara's whereabouts was when she was absent from work. Alex doesn't realize Kara's sick and pushes her while they're training. [10], Cat Grant once had dinner with Taylor Swift. Cat has them report on Miranda Crane and her anti-alien propaganda, which James has volunteered to cover despite Cat's dislike for Crane because of her views. Touch_of_Venom, Indcise, and dnmann Max wondered how she was able to get a one-on-one interview with Supergirl, but Cat coyly refused to disclose the circumstances. Nia's start as Dreamer wasn't easy. They were eventually attacked by Lockwood, but Kara was able to defeat him and have him arrested. She gave James the ultimatum of getting her in touch with Supergirl within the following 24 hours, or risk being fired and returning to his old job at the Daily Planet. Cat also asks Kara to bring in Winn and James for help. Shortly after, Cat met with Supergirl on the balcony. [5], In her early days as a gossip columnist, Cat was assigned to profile a rising actor married to a celebrity. #aluradanversallen #amizade #amor #ao #barry #berryallen #chriswood #fanfic #fico #grantgustin #kara #karadanvers #karazor-el #karry #melissabenoist #mistrio #mon-el #recomeo #romance #savitar #superflash #supergirl #superman #theflash #veecastro . Just some short stories and ideas about the show supergirl. However, Nia was able to escape her nightmare fugue state. She later saw Kara hug Alex when the team found Kara and Zor-El. And I don't know when that became such a bad thing. She felt hurt and betrayedKara Danvers is Supergir Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor have been secretly dating for the past 6 months and so far it has stayed a secret. My door will be open for the next two weeks if anyone wish to raise the issue with me, I am good listener and maybe we can find a way to resolve our difference. However, Kara displayed unusual instincts and what appeared to be initiative (though was actually using her powers), along with a desire to make a name for herself. With Winn, the two played a shooting video game in Cat's office. Kara brings along Nia to show her the new secret headquarters, the Tower. Kara was reluctant due to previous difficulties to reconcile her life there with her life as Supergirl. They proceeded to the reactor, and J'onn intended to use his psychic powers to overload the reactor, despite Brainy's warning he will likely die. When Alura and Zor-El feel a tugging they only ever felt around their lost daughter. Musing how hard mother-daughter relationships can be, Cat confided in Kara about her contentious relationship with her own mother, who never felt her daughter lived up to her potential. Cat Grant was born in Metropolis as the only daughter of Katherine Grant. Later as the "F.B.I." Nia watched as Vita possessed Brainy to explain about the totem test. [8], Prior to 2007, Cat wrote a book titled Nine Lives and Counting. I move too fast 'cause that's what I do. After Leslie was rendered comatose in a lightning storm accident, Cat paid her hospital bills at National City General Hospital. [2], Cat studied at Radcliffe College, where she became well-acquainted with Olivia Marsdin, who served as her Residential Advisor. The next morning she called a morning meeting, and later Cat was thanked by Kara for being an amazing mentor and friend when she called Kara to get her a moon juice smoothie. Isabel then used her time to train Nia to use her powers, until her time was up and she disappeared.[43]. After the immortals suddenly disappeared, Nia told her dream to M'gann that she saw Brainy dying, crying and alone after he had saved them. Cat who was upset over the dinner earlier because of the letter, which prompts Kara to go see Adam personally. If he was away from Kara the same about of time that she was away from? After the meeting, Cat tells Kara to keep looking for any more leaks, as she suspects board member Dirk Armstrong is going to find some way to damage her reputation. contact Supergirl. Nia developed a close mentor-student relationship with Kara, to whom she looks up. And if you're so smart, Kerah, could you please give me one reason why I shouldn't fire you?Cat Grant to Kara Danvers. The following day, Cat once again discussed with James the possibility of an interview with Supergirl, pointing out there was a definitive connection between her and Superman. kara known as supergirl sacraficed being with mon-el to save earth. Nia destroyed the owl and Nyxly was freed from the realm of dreams. She eventually convinces Supergirl not to go along with Maxwell's plan, and the two go to Lord Technologies to persuade him not to arm the bomb. Despite having a difficult personality, Cat does have caring side. This event caused Ben to develop an ever-burning hatred towards aliens, and he founded the Children of Liberty to carry out the mission. 5. Before Barry was struck by lightning, he actually lived on Earth-3. 4. One day a picture of Lena and a "mysterious" w After the big reveal, Lena just wanted to never see Kara again. The day Krypton was destroyed, the debris from the planet showered on to its sister world, Daxam, causing immense destruction and an immeasurable number of casualties. Because of the pod and his apparent vulnerability, both Supergirl and Superman believed him to be a fellow Kryptonian. She and the Superfriends including Mon-El, Winn Schott, and James Olsen, teamed up alongside the city to stop Nyxly and Lex once and for all, but the villains were defeated forever and sent to the Phantom Zone. Cat wanted to incorporate CCC Media into CatCo to help the former company expand, even offering a black check. Thank you for the welcoming (back), I hope we can work together to get Catco magazine back to the top with serious articles. We are going to take this slow and work one day at the time. You don't build a company like CatCo by being a wallflower and not having an opinion and a strong point of view.Cat Grant. She loves Thursdays and the month of April. Surprised and pleased at what she perceived to be her assistant wanting her boss to owe her a favor, Cat agreed. Nia and the others threw James Olsen a goodbye party before he left the team. Nia talked to Brainy about Nyxly's release. Cat tells Siobhan to call her investment broker, but she stammers for a moment before Kara took the assignment. Cat told Siobhan to get James Olsen and Lucy Lane into her office and told Kara to cover the phone. Kara Danvers gets her first very real death threat as a reporter and Cat goes full-on overprotective mode. We need someone who will give a unbiased report of any event. Incensed over the situation, she gave Kara permission to return to her family but the latter refused, not wanting to leave Cat alone. Kara revealed she has a foster mother, explaining that her parents died in a "fire" when she was 13. Kara takes James' right on the money the TV show and she's being prepared by Nia, who keeps unexpectedly nodding off. Going with J'onn to distract Rama Khan, Nia watched as he appeared in the park; they did not anticipate the arrival of Tezumak to assist him. [31], By February 1st, 2023, Cat reached out to Allegra Garcia to pass along a message to Iris West-Allen, owner of Central City Citizen Media. At the same time the wedding being performed by Rhea on Lena and Mon-El, Cat Grant begins a broadcast telling the people of National City to fight back. The city begins to panic. An owl tried to advise Nia not to listen to Nyxlyg, but the Imp tricked her. Cat accepts that she must have been wrong, and offers Kara her job back on the condition that she does not reveal Cat's embarrassing mistake. Nia found one of the doppelgangers trying to steal something, she tried to stop it but failed. 5. Mid-season one, with spoilers to season two. I'm a girl. A couple days later, Cat gave Kara a draft of the article to be published. However, Iris ultimately declined the offer. [21], Cat was still shocked that National City had not yet forgiven Supergirl, but knew it would take time. However, Supergirl informs Cat that she already inspired both humanity, and Supergirl, to tackle things. However any in depth interview will still be a Miss Grant exclusive. Cat then admitted that there was a lot she didn't know about her assistant, which needed to change. Cat then threatened Kara for interfering, but Kara turns things around by offering to have the two dine together by getting them reservations. Nia is found by Kara on CatCo balcony. Aliens throughout the city cheered at her, and even Alex, Lena and Brainy were moved by it. My mother always said it.But that's what heroes do. Once in the pod, he gave her one last look before Kara watched him leave the Earth. He took a moment to look out the window to see the devastation before the guard pulled him away, telling him to leave the girl he had been with and to come with him. She later led Kara to her new office, telling her that she was promoting her. Meanwhile Lena and Kara struggle through their first big fight when Kara finds out about the truth behind Lena's past with Andrea Rojas. Suddenly, the D.E.O. She grabbed the other power coil, and charged up her power. When the monitors and other electronic devices start to go haywire. 6. Upon the discovery of "another hero" on Earth in National City, Cat named the superheroine "Supergirl" and helped make her to become the hero she is today. Kara later flew to CatCo and tells Cat she's no longer interested in being a hero. That evening, the Superfriends had a game night there, where they were finally able to relax after the ordeals. When James voiced his doubts about not wanting CatCo to appear biased, Nia countered that in this situation, innocent people were being attacked, people who needed justice more so than just balanced reporting. [23] However they reconciled afterwards. Nia returned to CatCo, and explained to Kara, what happened at the bar. The greatest gift we can give each other is our authentic selves and sharing that. They are happily togetherOr they were happily together, until a heartbreaking truth come to the surface They had been going at it for a little over an hour, and she had a thin layer of sweat to prove it. Eventually, Nia talks with Kelex on her own and learns some things about Naltor, including some abilities she will receive, such as astral projection. Nia saved National City from a wave created by Rip Roar, a member of that organization. Cat emphasized that she officially named Supergirl and thus aimed to build a metaphorical relationship between the superheroine and CatCo, which contradicted Leslie's views. Nia and Brainy said that they needed to repair their ship to return home. The following night, Nia shadowed a couple of shady characters to Al's Dive Bar. Suit up Later that day, she appeared to fight the Anti-Monitor along side the other heroes after having her memories restored. [35], I'm the hero. Kara asked Winn to make Mon-El a fake ID as "Mike Matthews", and arranged him a job as a CatCo intern. Storage room shenanigans Upon the discovery of "another hero" on Earth in National City, Cat named the superheroine "Supergirl" and helped make her to become the hero she is today. During the Invasion Mon-El and Kara had an affair which led to Kara's pregnancy with Mon-El's child. Nia was nearly heartbroken for Brainy's behavior, as to her it seemed he was abandoning them. Kara later decided to accept the offer. Cat refused to change it, citing how she herself is a successful girl and those who dismissed Supergirl because of her name should change their viewpoint. Arrowverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. [25], During the evacuation of Earth-38 to save its inhabitants from the wave of antimatter in the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Nia helped Kelly, Alex, and Lena to embark the citizens of National City. Three months later, the actor shot and killed his wife. She agrees to look for the doppelgnger and sits down, but in her vision of it all she sees is Winn turned into a white tiger before attacking her. Cat refused "Agent Monroe"'s offer to be relocated to a secure area, determined to keep the company open on Black Friday. Skylar Jackson is an Alien. Memo: After a long discussion with Miss Grant, we are offering a special post with the Super family. When Kara wondered if Nia wouldn't prefer writing a topic with more weight, Nia passionately stated that fashion is a form of art and self-expression, which could have a big impact on people's lives, and how designers would bring color and life to a previously abandoned area. Nia and J'onn ran into Al, and he said he and other aliens will provide a distraction, which will allow Nia and J'onn to get to the control room and deactivate the pylons. Nia was raised in Parthas, a community where aliens and humans peacefully coexisted. She is later taken hostage by both Siobhan, and Livewire, though she is rescued by Supergirl and The Flash. The Daxamite army quickly fled along with every Daxamite ship, stranding both Rhea and Mon-El. Being on a new Earth has changed history to how Leviathan operates and is located. And what do you think is so bad about 'Girl'? Wanting to impress Kara, Nia bought her a latte and planned to arrive right on time. [24], When Kara chooses to be a reporter for CatCo, the decision is supported by Cat. She soon after walked over to Winn and James, the former of whom claimed to not be able to wait for Eliza's glazed carrots. Falling would be easy, but staying together would be difficult. She answered the door to Mon-El, who came bearing flowers and mattress stuffing, having mistaken food stuffing for the latter. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, 1. But when they broke up, they had a custody battle over him, with Cat eventually dropping the suit and letting Adam go live with his father. [2], While born physically a boy, at a young age, Nia realized she was really a girl. They are joined by Eliza Danvers, Lena Luthor, J'onn J'onzz, Brainy, and Manchester Black. When Brainy is irritated to remember the traumas of his past, Nia tries to calm him down by kissing him.[16]. Nia makes reference to that she's uncertain about whether or not she will be a piece of a super group. Maybe Astra had a child to Dreamer decided that she was going to use her powers to find the ancients. Dreamer and the team took on Lex and Nyxly, but Lex revived several villains from the past to attack them. went into high alert and he started to panic and look for an escape. Cat is a stereotypical feminine capitalist in a competitive economy run by men; she is ruthless, unapologetic, unsympathetic, uncompromising and is often seen as mean-spirited, money, fame, and power are her chief ambitions. Cat wanted Siobhan to search for replacements for Lucy, but Kara has already taken care of it and was rewarded with a couple of club tickets. Completed supercorp catco karadanvers +18 more # 12 Superflash by They Call Me Speedy 104K 2K 39 Kara Zor El and Barry Allen were from two different universes. After the defeat of Nyxly and Lex, Nia used her Dreamer persona to endorse an outreach center for the LGBTQ+ community. To Nia's joy, Brainy had chosen their love over the logic telling him to go back. Cat knew the secret identities of Supergirl, the Flash, and Guardian without needing to be told, with, Despite her talent for seeing through superheroes' disguises, Cat has yet to figure out that, Cat once sent an audition tape to the TV show, Cat invested in the failed Broadway musical. When Kelly threw the bouquet, Nia snagged it with her powers; smiling to Brainy, implicating she wants them to get married next. At CatCo, Kara stands up to Nia about deceiving everybody at Thanksgiving about having narcolepsy. Brainy joined Nia and J'onn at the island, as the two were fighting against the guards. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), 1. Later, Yvette is found by Nia. A week later, Cat came into work slightly hungover after having breakfast with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Cat orders Winn to fix the systems. Kara then encouraged her that despite her sister disagreeing with her, she can't let that get into her way of embracing her destiny. That night, Nia is woken from a nightmare, upon returning home, she finally confronts Brainy about his obsessive affection towards her. She bought CatCo back from Andrea. Later, Cat called James while on her way home from work to inform him that she will be interviewing replacements for his position. After Alex attempts (and maybe succeeds at) suicide, Kara is left heartbroken, wondering where she went wrong. Outside her she is consoled by Winn, who offers to try to translate the dream for her, but she insists it was a reference to her feelings about Brainy, as the nickname she gave him was 'wildcat'. Defeat of Nyxly and Lex, Nia realized she was going to use her powers to out! Lightning, he actually lived on Earth-3 later saw Kara hug Alex when the President is on her to... 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supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco