strengths and weaknesses of social comparison theory

(2013). Festinger, L. (1954). To do this it will look at the classical perspective, putting it into context; centring on Thomas Hobbs social contract theory, and using the work of Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria to outline the core beliefs of Classicism. We can say that he hit 39 home runs last season. Although data collected in this manner is extremely useful, there is no doubt that the analysis is laborious and time consuming. For one thing, it does not try to fit all children into a particular developmental pattern. That new way of thinking was the classical ideas of justice or classicism. The Social Comparison Theory involves two types of comparison: upward and downward. Very insightful piece! Most of what we do in our everyday lives does not involve objective criteria for evaluation. Many criticisms arose regarding Festinger's similarity hypothesis. In such instances, this individual is no longer considered a viable comparison and is no longer included in comparisons. Scott, E. (2016). The Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis is a business model that analyses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the environment. Criticisms. It is now at the heart of the work of a number of moral and political philosophers. The direction of the comparison doesnt guarantee the direction of the outcome. Or how do you know that your opinion about climate change is correct? My other colleagues situation reminds me to plan my work better so that Im not in the same position that theyre in. Feinstein, B. Although downward social comparison might seem like a quick and dirty move to boost our self-esteem, the effects of downward social comparisons are variable and can also result in negative outcomes. In downward social comparisons, we compare ourselves to other people who are worse off. If she can, then so can I. Strengths. The basic idea seems simple: in some way, the What is Social contract theory? Social comparison: An unavoidable upward or downward spiral. Disadvantages. One explanation is that we engage in more upward social comparisons on social media than we would in real life, which results in feelings of inferiority and envy. Ambiguity also circulated about the important dimensions for . Essentially, both Classicism and Positivism are core to the ideas of crime and justice in the post Enlightenment modern sense; that is, they laid the foundations of the Rule of Law that Western Democracies claim is their legitimating concept however, the Brexit debate and Parliaments inability to resolve the ensuing deadlock is bringing that concept into question. For these comparisons, we need to rely on more subjective metrics. If you struggle to refrain from social comparisons, try to reframe the social comparisons so that you can express gratitude. This theory has both strengths and weaknesses. Your email address will not be published. Cognitive theory is best suited in addressing problems that are encountered in social and developmental psychology. Social comparison and positive distinctiveness. The paper "The Strengths and Weaknesses of Social Contract Theory " highlights that through the principle of limited altruism, he argues that they act usually from a self-interested motive.. One of the major strength of social contract theory is that it provides answers on why human beings should observe moral rules.. (b) These feelings can be directed inward toward ourselves or outward to the compared individual. However, there is ample evidence that focusing on gratitude, rather than negative circumstances, neutral events that are neither positive nor negative, or downward social comparisons, leads to: To develop gratitude, follow the procedure used by Emmons and McCullough (2003): If you need help finding items, think back to something that has happened in the last week that youre grateful for. He is so much happier and more successful than I am.. Unlike downward social comparison, the comparison person in upward social comparisons always has the desirable outcome; we want to achieve what they have. Contrastive comparisons further emphasize the difference between the compared persons and us. Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Relationships Exercises for free. Prosocial Behavior Overview & Motivation | What is Prosocial Behavior? But I have little upward drive for topics that are of no interest to me. For example, my upward drive is stronger for topics that interest me. Gibbons, F. X., & Buunk, B. P. (1999). Assimilative and contrastive emotional reactions to upward and downward social comparisons. Marsh, H. W., & Parker, J. W. (1984). Get original paper written according to your instructions. For example, the benchmark that I set for myself today for being productive might differ from my benchmark tomorrow. (1988). Festingers argument begins with the initial hypothesis that evaluating our skills and opinions is extremely important for our survival. Despite the high reliability, researchers accept and recognize that admitting making social comparisons is considered very undesirable; for these reasons, it is probably always better to follow up any assessment with an open-ended interview or questions to probe some of the responses on the scale (Buunk & Gibbons, 2007). Social comparison has grown substantially in the last 50 years, and there has been a great deal of empirical research on the impact of different types of comparisons. However, the . Buunk, B. P., Oldersma, F. L., & De Dreu, C. K. (2001). If a baseball player, let's call him Josh, hit 39 home runs last season, he has two options. 515. Let's go back to the home run scenario above. My friend met her target weight. In this article, we will explore social comparison theory and how our social comparisons can lead to positive and negative emotions. This theory says that the ideal leadership style takes input from others. When making a social evaluation, we are unlikely to compare ourselves with a randomly chosen individual; instead, we are inclined to draw comparisons with individuals whose ability or opinion we judge as being close to our own. A theory of social comparison processes. However, when the level of aspiration/the comparison person was challenging to achieve (i.e., contrastive social comparison), then they experienced an adverse change in their mood (Buunk & Brenninkmeijer, 2001). Despite the ubiquity of comparison, some findings suggest that comparison can vary across individuals and situations. The research about social comparisons is complex and equivocal. Moreover, the above raises arguably Classicisms main weakness, that of equality. Social comparison theory means we determine our worth based on others. Festinger was more interested in comparisons that used objective metrics; however, he recognized that most comparisons in the real world were a mix of objective and subjective metrics. Nortje, A. Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Health, Psychology, Psychiatry, and Mental Health, Why No One Feels Rich: The Psychology Of Inequality, Dieting, Nutrition, Supplements, Weight Management, Pros and Cons of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). In the former, we might feel contempt for them; in the latter, we might feel pity. Critiques. The social learning theory is one of many approaches that child development and educational scholars use to explain how children learn. In contrast, social evaluations are more stable and informative, and we tend to prefer them to self-assessments. 1. You cannot hold up a yardstick to your concerto and say, 'It is this long and that wide.' Lombroso, C. (1911) [1876] The Criminal Man (trans. For upward comparisons, we are seen as more inferior to the comparison person, and for downward comparisons, we are considered as more superior. The differences between each of these theories are as follows. Enhancing satisfaction through downward comparison: The role of relational discontent and individual differences in social comparison orientation. Toward a self-evaluation maintenance model of social behavior. Self-evaluations are problematic because our assessments of our skills and opinions are unstable and unreliable. interacting with the data, and explore how to apply GT theory to particular research questions and studies. Festinger (1954) argued that we are driven to assess our abilities and opinions to: This benchmark is referred to as the level of aspiration. Essentially, classicism lacked the concept of mitigation. Ones intellectual strengths, creativity, curiosity, and judgment, as well as a love for learning and appreciation of beauty. But what would happen if a second comparison group doesnt exist, or if the original group is a highly desirable one? Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. The essay will then use the Positivistic perspective, using the work of Adolphe Quetelet to highlight the individualism that separates the two perspectives. Edubirdie. When we talk about social contract theory we instantly think about EduBirdie considers academic integrity to be the essential part of the learning process and does not support any violation of the academic standards. I think to be in the role he is now, and people be telling me that I am the face of Japans multiculturalism is something Ive always dreamed about., Naomi Osaka describing how Apolo Ohno is her role model. Going back to our example above, the measure for how good your concerto is depends on comparison to other concertos. I am less motivated when the comparison person treats me poorly. If the only other option is to compare ourselves to someone whose skill level or opinion is exceptionally different from our own, then we seem to avoid making a comparison at all. Notice that even if there is an objective measure for a task, there still is not an objective measure for success most of the time. The instability of our self-assessments is due to the volatility of our self-imposed benchmarks. Why dont we use objective criteria? If we find that our ability/opinion is highly similar to the benchmark of perceived-to-be-similar individuals, then we feel more emboldened and confident in our abilities/opinions. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Social Capital Approach Robert D. Putnam has argued that non-political organizations in civil society are vital for democracy. This is easier said than done. The positivist ideas on punishment were at odds with the classical thinkers. ethnocentrism, favoritism, conformity, serotyping. (n.d.). When an individual has a view or an ability that is extremely divergent from the group, then that individual might be forced to leave the group in favor of another one, or the original group might split into a small subgroup. Positive psychology has many exercises to help people do both, as do other modalities. The basis of Social Contract theory is citizens sacrificing their individual rights for the greater good of society in return for protection and The idea of the social contract goes back at least to Epicurus. In dealing with crime and punishment the classical theory believes that justice should be neutral and seen to be fair and should apply to all; that the punishment should fit the crime; also, that the punishment should not be excessive; and that punishment must act as a deterrent that crime should be a zero sum game. Along [], Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Registration Number: 64733564, 6229 HN Maastricht, 2023 B.V. Replying is not possible. And some studies have shown that breast cancer patients look at others whose condition is worse than theirs as a coping mechanism. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Online medical history taking course: Opportunities and limitations in comparison to traditional bedside teaching. Practice gratitude and a focus on strengths. The theory has brought a change in the way people view a child's world. (1842) A Treatise on Man, Edinburgh, Chambers. Huffington Post. Think about an adolescent girl who compares her body to the body of models on the cover of magazines. Were more likely to engage in downward social comparisons in situations where our sense of self and wellbeing is under threat; these downward social comparisons make us feel better about ourselves (Wills, 1981). When John Bowlby (1988) introduced his theory of attachment, he described the psychotherapist as being like a responsive mother with a child; they must be [], Childhood experiences can influence the traits we express in adulthood. Mild depression and frequency of social comparison behavior. Comparisons can be further classified as contrastive or assimilative. The concept of social comparison was first termed and fully developed by Festinger (1954), who hypothesized that we are unable to self-judge our opinions and abilities accurately and instead rely on comparing ourselves to other people to form an evaluation. (eds) Criminological Perspectives: Essential Readings,3rd edn, London, Sage, pp. After collecting relevant inputs from everyone, synthesize the given information to arrive at a decision. Good examples of survival behaviors and beliefs include running quickly (so that you can outrun a lion) and having an opinion about how newly discovered food should be eaten. Hobbes solution was to create a Common-wealth or State with order being imposed by a Leviathan or sovereign: a person or assembly given executive power over the people. In our example above, there is no right or wrong answer to how good your concerto is. For Hobbes violence was core to his ideas about the creation of a civic society or State. The social comparison theory is one of the highest-ranking of social-psychological theories. For example, a baseball player's home runs can be counted. Adler, M. G., & Fagley, N. S. (2005). Also, when trying to identify someone as a comparison person, instead, use an abstract comparison point like the one that Adler and Fagley (2005) used when measuring appreciation: In this item, the reference point is a previous, more negative time of ones life. Both upward and downward comparisons have strengths and weaknesses. When I see couple X fight, Im reminded to be grateful for my relationship. While this may be true for some attributes, it is not true for all, and humans appear to wisely stop comparing when it is unnecessary. Instead of the desired effect, where we assess our abilities and opinions against a realistic, achievable benchmark (or role model), social comparisons can result in the opposite outcome, where we compare our behavior to an unrealistic benchmark and subsequently develop low self-esteem. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Retrieved from This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Second, we may strive to influence the other individuals so that they become more similar to us (this tactic is more apt when trying to change opinions than abilities). Demonstrates that people seek a positive social identity and that their social identity is affected by being a part of their group so that you are more positive towards anything that your own group represents. This theory concentrates on the positive results of people's actions, creating an environment that is upbeat and focused on success. It also focuses . Wood, J. V., Taylor, S. E., & Lichtman, R. R. (1985). If the evaluation highlights that we are performing poorly, then there are two possible outcomes. I highly recommend you use this site! Hobbs had developed social contract theory the term was coined by Jean-Jacques Rousseaus The Social Contract (1762) (McCulloch, Phoenix and Copson, 2019). With upward social comparisons, we can become motivated to strive toward new achievements because someone like us has reached these achievements too; however, we might also be constantly reminded that we are inferior to someone else. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The narrative film taking around ninety minutes of a multi day time span where Spurlock ate fast food chains from McDonalds. Within a group, there may be an individual whose ability or opinion diverges significantly from the other members. In literature, this comparison is known as social comparison. If he can run a half-marathon, then so can I. I feel happy knowing that I beat my neighbor in the half-marathon. However, the classical view of punishment was that it should be utilitarian in its effect, which is arguably one of the weaknesses with classicism; in that the utilitarian philosophy of the greater good though laudable in many ways defeats the very idea of justice (in a contemporary sense) because it removes the individual from the process. Make a list of five things that you are grateful for in your life. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. 2023 How many times have you compared yourself to your friends or colleagues using a trait that you consider desirable, for example, money or success? Knowing this, what can we do instead? Either way, the net result is that the group members become more similar. Clinically depressed individuals who reported that they often used social comparisons experience a positive change in their mood when their levels of aspirations were easily achievable (i.e., assimilative upward social comparison). All rights reserved, Application of Social Contract Theory: An Insight into the Divine Formation of Nations, Essay on Applying Social Contract Theory to Analyze 'Super Size Me', Utilitarianism, Cultural Relativism, Social Contract Theory, and Kantianism: Comparative Analysis, Pros and Cons of Rousseaus Social Contract Theory and Its Applicability to Modern Day Society, Critical Analysis of the Relevance of Thomas Hobbess Social Contract Theory, Relevance of Hobbes' Social Contract Theory to Modern Society: Analytical Essay, Analytical Essay on Social Contract Theory: Ideas of Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke, Analytical Essay on the Essence of Social Contract Theory, Realization of Social Contract Theory in Todays State Formation: Analytical Essay, Free revision, title page, and bibliography. The main strength in the ideas of Hobbs and others, like Cesare Beccaria in his On Crimes and Punishments (1764) and Jeremy Bentham (1995 [1791]) on penal reform, was to create a framework, for the concept of the rule of law. In its recognizably modern form, however, the idea is revived by Thomas Hobbes; it was developed in different ways by John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant. 1.Nicolo Machiavelli- ends justify means. It doesn't have a lot of complex rules, but instead the individual can decide would be the 'best', by how it affects others. For example, Josh may decide to try even harder to hit more home runs because he wants to break Bonds' record. We can browse our friends photographs, read updates about their lives, and learn about big and special events. Available from: ucla prime cohort; h e b shortbread cookies. She might feel a whole host of negative emotions: low self-esteem, jealousy of the models, and even competitiveness about how much thinner she can get. Beccaria, C. (1963) [1764] On crimes and punishments, reproduced in McLaughlin, E. and Muncie, J. And even if you could, how long and how wide marks success? Connection of study to question The strengths of Piaget's cognitive development theory are as follows: The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology. Membership to a social group affects the behaviour of an individual. If social comparison arises from a sense of lack, then gratitude - focusing on that which we have and counting our blessings and strengths - is the antidote. Although we all engage in social comparison behaviors, we might do so at varying rates. A common example of this occurs in business: when people are asked to hire or recommend new employees, they will often choose the candidate that does not compete with, and therefore threaten, their own strengths. There are essentially two types of comparisons that people make: upward comparisons, or comparing ourselves to others who are better than we are, and downward comparisons, or comparing ourselves to those who are not as proficient as we are at a given task. These are only a snapshot of some of the examples of social comparison behaviors that we might demonstrate. Not all group members are included in comparisons. Buunk, B. P., & Brenninkmeijer, V. (2001). We will use objective criteria, when available. Natalie is a teacher and holds an MA in English Education and is in progress on her PhD in psychology. Many philosopher such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau explained the meaning the origin of government and obligations of the subjects. STRENGTHS AND LIMITATION OF SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY Good way of understanding human behavior, i.e. flashcard sets. First, we may aim to improve our behavior so that we are more similar to the other individuals. In contrast, when we engage in downward social comparison, we compare ourselves to someone who is (perceived to be or performing) worse than we are. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Social comparison can be useful because it provides us with a way to determine if we are on track, but it can also be extremely harmful and result in negative thoughts and behaviors. According to the theory, you need to facilitate discussion. Social comparisons are described as either upward or downward. Lifes enough: Stop comparing yourself to others. Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). For some comparisons, we can easily make these comparisons reliably by using an objective metric; for example, we could objectively evaluate our sporting performance based on the time taken to run a mile, the pounds that we can lift, or the number of times that we win against our opponent. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Gibbons and Buunk (1999) have done the hard work for us and developed the Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure, which consists of 11 scale items that ask about social comparison. Group membership plays an essential role in evaluations. Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life.. Assimilative comparisons describe comparisons where the compared persons circumstances could easily be our own. (1986). . succeed. Upward social comparisons, meanwhile, can inspire us to do better and kindle a spirit of competition that leads us to trying even harder. Facebook and self-perception: Individual susceptibility to negative social comparison on Facebook. This has brought about many different theories from philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Any disagreements in the coding would need to be resolved before coding continued. 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strengths and weaknesses of social comparison theory