procedure for opening and closing hatch cover in emergency

Mechanical hatch covers The manufacturer's instructions for the safe operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of the type of mechanical hatch cover fitted should always be followed. The opening and closing of these large openings is not a simple task in spite of the mechanical aids available. amount the cashier is over or short. be able to view the activity from outside the store Tasks At Closing Time -Place Huddles. The essential purpose to close the hatchway when the ship proceeds to sea. This type of construction will be commonly found on general cargo and container ships. Look for wet spots on the floor, ceiling, and walls. [. Testing by ultra-sonic equipment gives the exact location and extent of any leakage, is easy and quick to operate, does not require assistance from crew members and most importantly, can be used on laden or unladen ships without any risk of cargo damage. opening, cleaning before closing, closing, cleating etc. Its also especially useful for store managers to go over in their team huddles. If such closing devices were provided, then considerable time and manpower would be required to open and close the cover, which may have to be done very frequently during cargo operations. ~Shut off overhead music. Safe work practices should be always emphasized including: Communication among seafarers is important for safe hatch cover operation. This leaves sufficient deck space for, loading cargoes on deck, which do not require special protection from weather, or which, because of their size or nature, cannot be conveniently loaded under deck. It is crucial for safety at sea and protection of the environment to maintain hatch cover weathertightness and strength. Having done so there is no need to provide extensive closing devices. Check for any rust streaks on the inside of the coaming which would indicate water ingress from leaking hatch cover seals. Operation can be done by lever, hand wheel or T-Key. In some more drastic cases this test may demonstrate the existence of leaks, simply because daylight can be seen through the gaps in the seals or through wasted covers. FUNCTION TEST OF ALL PUSH BUTTONS ILLUMINATION LIGHTS, INDICATION LIGHTS AND CONTROL LAMPS OF CONTROL STATION. only visible functions at the register should be placing These records should be kept in the Planned Maintenance System (PMS). ~Open safe, remove cash register tills. All Rights Reserved. Minutest of soundness can be detected by UV test. This arrangement is necessary because the tank containing any liquid is not going to be opened very frequently. Here are the common steps to take: PRO TIP: If store staff use Shopify POS save cart feature, encourage them to send carts to no-shows by email at the end of each shift. Perform general cleaning, including sweeping the floor, making sure the fitting rooms are ready for customers, and making sure your windows are clean. Consider making cycle counts a part of your weekly routine to ensure your inventory levels are always accurate. 100+ product updates to help every business build for the long-term. Different designs of cleats are found on different ships. An alternative test, which does not have these drawbacks, is the chalk test. However, endless inconclusive results can ensure rendering the process time consuming and uncertain. In all the figs above, the hatch coaming, with the hatch cover distinct common on top of it, is a common feature. ~Shut down all Eagle and computer programs. Chalk testing is not a leak detection test. As a precaution , briefly pressurize the hydraulic system to ensure that it is fully charged and that the piping is filled with oil. Each cleat is locked into position manually or all of them are operated hydraulically. See also: Cargo hold cleaning: Why it matters, Were in 2020. ~Prepare lunch and break schedules. only visible functions at the register should be placing Training should include instruction in the correct operation of the specific type of hatch covers on the vessel; the risks posed by incorrect operation of the hatch covers; and maintenance of the hatch covers in accordance with manufacturers guidelines. tills in register. Required fields are marked *. ENSURE LIPS OF CHANNEL ARE HEALTHY, TO BE RUST FREE AND ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS MAINTAINED, WELL GREASED AND WHEN HATCHES CLOSED WHEELS TO TURN FREELY, CHECK FOR PHYSICAL DAMAGE AND ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS, SEALS HOLDING AND NO CGO RESIDUE, NO PITTINGS . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy If hatches are found to leak during a test, make the necessary repairs , then test again. Care must be taken when opening hatch covers especially when the speed of opening can be only partially controlled, When fully open , secure the hatch with the safety hook or pin before the power is switched off. However, in bulk carriers, this space comes in very handy when low-density cargoes like grain, fertilisers, etc. Make a note of incomplete duties to discuss during your team huddle the next day. ~Clear the aisles of any merchandise, pallets, freight, Your email address will not be published. HOSE CONDITION. Winel offers a wide range of standard hatches up to 800x800 mm. 21. Perform general cleaning, including sweeping the floor, making sure the fitting rooms are ready for customers, and making sure your windows are clean. Check for physical damage, corrosion and tension when locked. If leakages are suspected, the test cannot be carried out when the ship is laden with cargo, for fear of wet damage. Container ship If a ship is fitted for loading containers, then the size of the hatchway has to be very large. Visit our. ~Double check that the door is securely locked. Below shows the cross section of the coaming with its connection to adjacent parts of the ship. of money should be witnessed and formally acknowledged Do it alone or may be with one other person to help you, and record the time needed to do this work. Types of hatch covers. Some surveyors believe that when such tests are being made, the hatches should not be battened down tight but merely resting on the compression bars, with steel-to-steel contact. Each hatch cover is operated by 1 hydraulic motor via rack and pinion driving system installed in the middle of the port side. Before locking the doors and leaving for the night, do a final walkthrough to make sure all the tasks on your closing checklist have been completed. One of the first tasks to commence cargo operation is to open and close the hatches where the cargo is to be stowed. Unlock and lock the door again as more staff members arrive. It is very common to load cargo on deck and on top of the hatch cover of general cargo and container ships. 16 [2005] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 409, p. 412. Make sure your window displays are attractive and reflect the latest merchandise you have in-store. with Head Office). it is like a wall around the hatchway, whose height differs from ship to ship due to various reasons, which are explained below: As per Rules, the hatch coaming should be at least 75cm. The height of the container varies from 8 ft. to 9-1/2 ft. The necessary maintenance can be both labour intensive difficult arrange between busy loading schedules. ~Turn off all lights. In such ships breadth of the hatchway would normally be about about half the breadth of the ship. Proper maintenance and repair requires a systematic approach, but often crew cut corners in an effort to pass the tightness test as soon as possible, without giving proper regard to the quality of repairs. The surveyor, during this test, is stationed within the hold, so that he can see if there is any leakage. To overcome this problem, the full hatchway is divided into smaller hatchways side by side as shown in the cross sectional drawing below. This prevents any rain or heavy seas from entering the cargo hold and damaging the cargo. Chalk Test. The detector also measures and shows the maximum value of an observed signal in decibels. Thats why standardizing your opening and closing procedures with a living, breathing checklist is key to ensuring your staff know exactly whats expected of them. The most commonly used test is the hose or water test whereby a jet of pressurised water is directed at the seams and joints of the hatch covers. 23% more for Five Deficiency Ratio for Bulk Carriers aged 16-20 yo vs. 2019 in Australia. Retail Store Opening and Closing Procedures Checklist (2022), Click here to sell online and in-person with Shopify, 30 Employee Recognition Ideas and Why They Matter in Retail, The 7 Good Habits of Highly Successful Retailers, How to Increase productivity and identify productivity killers, Stuck in a Rut? Try Shopify free for 3 days, no credit cardrequired. It should be clearly understood that the side cleats of the hatch cover are meant to achieve the following purposes: They make the hatch covers weather tight by ensuring that the covers do not jump up or shift longitudinally or transversely in heavy weather. ~Daily the day. This means that the cover has to be made strong enough to take the load of the cargo if the owners so require it. Furthemore, repairs are often only carried out after a ship has failed a hatch cover tightness test at the load port. This is an accessible way to convert more abandoned store sales into revenue and attribute those sales to your storeeven if the transaction happened online. If complicated repairs are required, professional specialists should be employed. This is not important on general cargo ships where mostly packaged cargo is loaded. ~Ensure radios are turned off and placed in cradles. Why are hatch covers not weathertight when no sound is heard during an ultrasonic test and readings are below the 10% OHV fail/pass criterion? Always lock hatch covers fully open before switching off power. Ensuring hatch covers are secured at all times, whether in an open or closed position, unless they are being operated; Keeping personnel clear of moving or pressurized machinery; and. the cashier should be required to provide a written In any case, as there is no possibility of loading any deck cargo, there is not much need for deck space except for fitting cranes, mast houses, etc. a risk assessment for opening and closing hatch covers and working in cargo holds; instructions and procedures to ensure the safe operation of hatch covers and associated equipment; and. and count down all cash registers. Hence, in order to ensure that the cargo being loaded reaches all the corners of the hold and the grab conveniently picks up the cargo from all over the hold, it becomes necessary to increase the size of the hatchway as shown in the cross- sectional drawing above. the cashier should be required to provide a written Mop the floors and dust product displays and fixtures. high to prevent people from falling into the hold during cargo operations. Communication There are several options open to the surveyor wishing successfully to carry out such tests, and the best approach may be to follow a combination of several procedures. from the dumpster, and preclude the need to exit the related signs. Procedure What procedure and/or rules apply Upon Opening the Office. ~Restock and recovery. The breadth of the deck space on either side of the hatchway is just about 1 metre. However, in certain bulk carriers rolling the covers sideways towards either of the ships side open the covers. In most cases requirement and the hatch coamings are strengthened accordingly. -All tills should be balance, with paperwork, They are strong, rigid structures. ~Manager and crew should arrive 30 minutes prior to Visit our. and the unit is recording. Training that is related to safety, correct operation, familiarization with emergency procedures and drills, re-use of hatch cover emergency power pack should be considered. Make sure v/l is practically upright [ not more than 2-3 degrees list]. Review best practices for health and safety. Whenever bulk cargo is loaded, particularly of the low-density type, invariably empty pockets are created under the deck, which cannot be filled by any mechanical means. Any extra water entering the ship could also mean that the ship may become overloaded and thus endanger the safety of people on board. by a manager. However, severe weather conditions and/or a declared state of emergency due to a dangerous situation may result in a campus closure or a delay in opening. opening to allow enough time to prepare for the start of There may be procedures, restrictions or limitations for stowing hatch covers one on top of the other, and these must be correctly followed. Close - The only visible functions at the register should be placing tills in . Sometimes large size commodities like vehicles. Duties such as wiping down the counter two to three times per day, making sure hand sanitizer is present upon entering and at the checkout counter are all pandemic-related tasks that you can add to your opening and closing checklists. but as a minimum or two people should leave together She occasionally writes about small businesses and content marketing at Corrosion around welded connections of beams or stiffeners. Safety when working with hatch covers. If the hatch cover, which is much bigger than a manhole cover, has to be made as watertight as the latter, then it would probably require few hundred nuts and bolts, which is totally impracticable, With the permission of the chief officer, open and close a manhole cover on your ship. Ensure v/l is practically upright [List not more than 2-3 degrees]. However, in certain bulk carriers rolling the covers sideways towards either of the ships side open the covers. Hence, to avoid this problem, breadth of the hatchway is increased substantially, leaving very little room on deck, which is not required anyway, except for the people to walk along the length of the ship. This means that the cover has to be made strong enough to take the load of the cargo if the owners so require it. Hatch Cover Maintenance - Procedures to open and close hatch covers Steering Mariners 41.6K subscribers Subscribe 2.5K views 3 years ago Bulk Cargo Ships This video discusses the. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. The cargoes on such ships consist of bags, boxes, bales, bundles and similar packaging. Port operations can take place swiftly eliminating the time for opening and closing of hatch covers. During the closing of the hatch cover, the baby pontoon fell into the vessel's hold together with the vessel's chief officer. containers, would be the same as the size of the hatchway. This would mean that, when the cover is in the closed position and the ship is at sea, any water flowing on deck would continuous flow over the cover also. The countdown conditions and to support the weight of the hatch cover and the weight of cargo loaded on top of it. Did you know that age matters for 2020? In this paper, the dynamic model of the non-return . Safe working at height practices when working near an open hatch cover. Always test the hold atmosphere before entering: Never stand on a hatch coaming when the hatch is open; Never work on a hatch cover when the locking pin or hook is not fitted and secure; Never open or close a hatch cover without ensuring the coaming is clear of debris and checking that all personnel are clear of the moving hatch and its channels of wires; When opening or closing a hatch never attempt to clear an obstruction with your hands ; When hatches are opened at sea always secure them to the coaming top by lowering the wheels into a guide pocket. discrepancies can be investigated promptly, with the In addition, Standards condition surveys and claims analysis indicate that, in many cases, hatch cover maintenance is not considered to be important and: When maintenance is carried out, it is often not done in line with the manufacturers guidance or industry best practice. Closing Procedures All money counting should be done out Individual vertical stacks can be removed without disturbing the others. Regardless of whether your retail store is in a stand-alone building or in a shopping mall, youll want to make sure your storefront attracts passersby. Standard Club published a guide to explain the key issues of hatch cover security and to steer mariners towards active maintenance. ~Activate burglar alarm system and know the duress code. -Cash should be counted away from registers so that it will not be Review active promotions, ways to boost awareness of them, and. Always attach locking pins and chains to doors and hatch covers in the open position. Check that the coaming top is clear of cargo or debris. should be in the drawer. 5. it is however true to say that if hatches are found to leak in port, they are sure to leak in a seaway. To make optimum use of the hatch covers and deck space, the containers are placed across the full breadth of the ship, from bulwark to bulwark. MILD STEEL 50% AND GRADE 36 HIGH TENSILE 50%, ENSURE SURFACE SMOOTH ,RUST FREE AND CLEAN PRIOR NEW PACKING INSTALLED . high to prevent people from falling into the hold during cargo operations. If the hatches were open, such impact may cause bending of coaming and. The half-round bar shown at the top edge of the coaming is meant to give additional strength to the edge so that it can withstand any accidental impact by the cargo gear during cargo operations. Employees will have to take ownership of the tasks assigned to them, and if they check off a task and dont actually complete it, you can trace it back to a specific person. The ship followed the barge to the dock, and on reaching the same, put the hatch cover back in its place. This video discusses the procedures to open and close hatch covers keeping the safety of crew in mind.Contents of this video will benefit mariners preparing for exams (written and oral examinations).Mariners will also benefit by watching the following videos:False beliefs about hatch cover maintenance: to open and close hatch covers: steel landing pads and other parts of the hatch cover: of hatch covers: affecting water-tightness: cover (Heavy Weather Precautions): when working with hatch covers: of water-tightness of hatch covers: receipt and letter of indemnity: of lading: cargo ships: cargoes: if coal cargo temperature is rising: which may liquefy: Code and hazards of timber: sulphur on ships: provided to Masters of bulk carriers: and discharging of bulk carriers: manual of a bulk carrier: Code and Hazards of Grain: Rice on ships: of grain cargo: Criteria for Grain carriers: Criteria for Timber carriers: cargo shifts at sea: for carrying timber deck cargo: Making sure your store is clean before you leave will make the next days opening process easier and more efficient. All money counting should be done out Opening and Closing of hatch cover. Ultrasonic Test. When its time to close, start with the following: Ten to 15 minutes before closing time, make an announcement so customers know they need to finish trying out products and complete their purchase. is exceeds a designated threshold (no more than $1.00), Only Shopify POS lets you analyze the sales performance of your staff across all your store locations for any time period. You can also make a note of areas that need improvement and share it with your cleaning staff (or closing staff from the night before). unlocked and unmanned for the convenience of arriving the theft of product via the trash for later removal The latter is usually tightly secured by at least 20 to 24 nuts and bolts. Pontoons often carry cargo on top and have to be the load of seas in rough weather. ~Bring all products from sidewalks and outside selling ~Get outfitted with supplies and radio. This website uses cookies. As the hatch reaches the closed position the speed should be gradually reduced. Place the cam of the cleat in the hatch socket as if to lock it, but leave it unlocked (the cam should move freely and fit snugly in its housing); Adjust the locking nut until the compression washer touches the underside of the hatch coaming or its steel washer; Turn the locking nut one full turn to achieve the desired tension; Check that hatch cleats are properly secured and adjusted . work with Head Office). sale. ~If a promotion ended the previous day, take down all The container is a large steel box of dimensions 20-ft x 8 ft x 8 ft or 40-ft x 8 ft x 8 ft. This would increase the possibility of leakage of water into the hold. closing and all customers have exited the store. out. One way of avoiding this problem is to fill the coaming space with cargo, which will act like a feeder for the main hold. and count down all cash registers, Place ~Turn on lights necessary for sales floor preparation. data from the POS program for use in determining the Other methods are used for different hatch covers to make them sit firmly on the coaming. it is however true to say that if hatches are found to leak in port, they are sure to leak in a seaway. ~Set up cash registers for opening cashiers. switch the power on and ensure the controls are in neutral; Avoid injuries by ensuring that all personnel are clear of the hatch . ~Perform a security bag/coat check. Ideally, the hose should be held at a distance not exceeding one metre from the joint under test, with a pressure not less than recommended by the class. All answers will be from sailor mouth, who is practically working on board. Subscribe to our Mailing Lists (It's free! Throughout the day, products get moved around, left at the checkout counter, and hopefully sold. Always prevent access hatch from being locked closed when personnel are in the hold. In order to achieve the above purpose you should learn about the construction of different types of hatch cover and the precautions required for operating and maintaining them. This is not important on general cargo ships where mostly packaged cargo is loaded. Put up your sidewalk sign and refresh the messaging. Any permanent distortion of plating and stiffeners. ~Relock the entry door. Definition, Importance and Methods (2023), Customer Data: Strategies for Sales and Marketing Teams (2023), What is a Touch Screen Cash Register? may also be loaded. is exceeds a designated threshold (no more than $1.00), to the dumpster the following morning. (NOTE: Leaving a door Running a successful retail business requires you to wear many hats. Every effort will be made to maintain classes and keep a campus open. -This should not be done by the cashier who processed the actual procedures. ~Close Depending on the requirement of the ship owner, the height of the coaming is suitably increased. A ship loading such cargoes will not be submerged up to its maximum draft, even if all its holds are filled completely. This would mean that the containers would also extend across the deckspace on either side of the hatchway. Always open hatch covers and clean coaming tops and double drainage channels after loading bulk cargo through the grain or cement hatches. From leading your team of associates to setting and tracking sales goals to making sure customers are satisfied, theres a lot to consider. Furthermore, the hatchways have to be suitably covered, before the ship can proceed to sea, to prevent entry of water into the cargo spaces. Hatches that appear to be in satisfactory condition when a ship is in port and berthed in still water, may start to leak when the ship is in a seaway andsubjected to raking stresses. end to let arriving employees in one at a time and open will better protect the point of sale terminals in door after each exit. We'll also send you updates on new educational guides and success stories from the Shopify newsletter. A ship loading such cargoes will not be submerged up to its maximum draft, even if all its holds are filled completely. Lower hatch covers into guide pockets using the jacks; Finally, check no one is in the hold before closing hold access hatches. On such ships, the cargo is loaded by chutes and generally discharged by large grabs. AMSA has received reports of serious incidents, including fatalities, involving hatch covers on board ships. Departing employees should also be Definition, Benefits and Techniques (2023), The Ultimate Guide to Managing Multiple Retail Stores, What Is Retail Packaging? assumed that sufficient pressure exists between the Joint and the compression bar. through windows. Always keep chains and cleats correctly adjusted. Complete general cleaning, including wiping down counters and mirrors, and make sure fitting rooms are clean. it also has to be made sufficiently strong to withstand the weatherconditions and to support the weight of the hatch cover and the weight of cargo loaded on top of it. High pressure jet is applied at joints. Systematically, all the vulnerable areas of the hatch covers are examined. Our weathertight hatch can be executed in 4 base models: No opening support. Place tills or cash register drawers in the safe. The manager should obtain that break into a register. The above rule could be also complied with by providing portable railing upto 1m high around the hatchway, which could be rigged at the. ~Ensure the tapes in the VHS VCR/Multiplayer are changed always keep wheels, hinge pins and chain tension equipment well greased. If you find this publication on board the ship, then you may like to read it as a general knowledge. Covers and coamings should be well painted and free from significant corrosion, cracks and distortion.

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procedure for opening and closing hatch cover in emergency