the alchemist full book with page numbers pdf

First he hadstudied Esperanto, then the world's religions, and now it was alchemy. Read Full Text. An allegorical novel, The Alchemist follows a young Andalusian shepherd in his journey to the pyramids of Egypt, after having a recurring dream of finding a treasure there. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 33 / 94He waited patiently for the merchant to awaken and open the shop. Nevertheless, the merchantdecided to delay his lunch for a few minutes until the boy moved on. He didn't want tocry with the other people there. Theywent in to drink the tea, which was served in beautiful crystal glasses.\"My wife never thought of this,\" said one, and he bought some crystalhewas entertaining guests that night, and the guests would be impressed bythe beauty of the glassware. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 4 / 94The boy was surprised at his thoughts. The boy smiled to himself. \"I can interpret it, butthe interpretation is very difficult. \"Alchemy is a serious discipline. \"Amongst us, the only ones who travel arethe shepherds.\"\"Well, then I'll be a shepherd!\"His father said no more. When you play cards the first time, you are almost sure to win.Beginner's luck.\"\"Why is that?\"\"Because there is a force that wants you to realize your destiny; it whetsyour appetite with a taste of success.\"Then the old man began to inspect the sheep, and he saw that one waslame. \"They wanted me to be apriest, but I decided to become a shepherd.\"\"Much better,\" said the old man. The animals balked at such places, and the camel drivers wereforced to dismount and unburden their charges. asked the wise man.\"Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone.\" 'Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,' said the wisest ofwise men. He drank a bit from the wine thatremained from his dinner of the night before, and he gathered his jacketcloser to his body. His hands began to tremble, and thewoman sensed it. He took Urim and Thummim fromhis pocket, and began playing with them.The stranger shouted, \"Urim and Thummim!\"In a flash the boy put them back in his pocket.\"They're not for sale,\" he said.\"They're not worth much,\" the Englishman answered. Noteveryone can see his dreams come true in the same way. \"What kind of Arab are you?\"\"That's a good luck omen,\" the Englishman said, after the fat Arab had goneout. I'm going to become bitter and distrustful of people because oneperson betrayed me. He had fallen asleep in themiddle of the marketplace, and life in the plaza was about to resume.Looking around, he sought his sheep, and then realized that he was in anew world. And, above all, don't forgetto follow your destiny through to its conclusion.\"But before I go, I want to tell you a little story.\"A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happinessfrom the wisest man in the world. He didn't consider mending the holethe stonescould fall through any time they wanted. The alchemist saw the tribal chiefs greet the leader of thecaravan, and converse with him at length.But none of that mattered to the alchemist. *At the highest point in Tarifa there is an old fort, built by the Moors. Lots of shepherds passed through, selling their wool.\"It doesn't matter,\" he said to his sheep. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 41 / 94But all this happened for one basic reason: no matter how many detoursand adjustments it made, the caravan moved toward the same compasspoint. *\"I need to sell some wool,\" the boy told the merchant.The shop was busy, and the man asked the shepherd to wait until theafternoon. pdf | Brahim EL FEZZAZI - Download Free PDF The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The sale of his sheep had left him with enough money in hispouch, and the boy knew that in money there was magic; whoever hasmoney is never really alone. In the desert, disobedience means death.\"There was a murmur from the crowd. Like. The drivers carried thefreight themselves over such treacherous footing, and then reloaded thecamels. The treasure is at thePyramids; that you already knew. Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist page 17. The day was hot, and the wine wasrefreshing. He had already imagined the scene manytimes; every time, the girl became fascinated when he explained that thesheep had to be sheared from back to front. He knew nothing aboutthe customs of the strange land he was in.\"I'll just watch him,\" he said to himself. He was going to miss the place and all thegood things he had learned. Sothere were times when he read them parts of his books that had made animpression on him, or when he would tell them of the loneliness or thehappiness of a shepherd in the fields. The boy offered his bottle, hoping that the old man wouldleave him alone.But the old man wanted to talk, and he asked the boy what book he wasreading. But he was ableto understand one thing: making a decision was only the beginning ofthings. Everything you need for every book you read. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 15 / 94decided he should go back to being a shepherd. It traveled during the morning, haltedwhen the sun was at its strongest, and resumed late in the afternoon. But, just before lunchtime, a boy stopped in front of the shop.He was dressed normally, but the practiced eyes of the crystal merchantcould see that the boy had no money to spend. He realized: If I can learn to understand this languagewithout words, I can learn to understand the world.Relaxed and unhurried, he resolved that he would walk through the narrowstreets of Tangier. In this version of the story, the goddess of the forest encounters the lake in which Narcissus drowned. Then, like a colony of worker ants, theydismantled their stalls and left.The sun began its departure, as well. I have been told that beauty is the great seducer ofmen.\"The merchant didn't respond, but that afternoon, after saying his prayersand closing the shop, he invited the boy to sit with him and share hishookah, that strange pipe used by the Arabs.\"What is it you're looking for?\" asked the old merchant.\"I've already told you. I know good crystal from bad, andeverything else there is to know about crystal. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 21 / 94He took his money from his pouch and showed it to the young man. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 28 / 94with shepherds.\"The merchant turned to a customer who wanted three crystal glasses. Thatmorning he had done some calculating: if he continued to work every dayas he had been, he would need a whole year to be able to buy some sheep.\"I'd like to build a display case for the crystal,\" the boy said to themerchant. Just by looking at them. The old king hadn't told him that the Pyramids were just a pileof stones, or that anyone could build one in his backyard. \"If I could, I'd write a huge encyclopedia just about the words luck andcoincidence. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 46 / 94\"Go back to watching the caravan,\" he said. If I'm on themarch, I just concentrate on marching. Then she again took his hands andstudied them carefully.\"I'm not going to charge you anything now,\" she said. \"I've been trying for two years to read this book,and I never get past these first few pages.\" Even without a king to providean interruption, he was unable to concentrate.He still had some doubts about the decision he had made. \"I'm like everyone elseI see theworld in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually does.\"He ran his fingers slowly over the stones, sensing their temperature andfeeling their surfaces. The Alchemist a novel by Paulo Coelho. He recognized that he was feeling something he had neverexperienced before: the desire to live in one place forever. \"And todo that, you need money. \"Hewanted your money,\" he said. The caravan would be very lucky to reach theoasis.The animals were exhausted, and the men talked among themselves lessand less. I'm used to theway I am.\"The boy didn't know what to say. He had seen kingsand beggars walking the desert sands. But that's the way life is with sheep and I need to buy my sheep back, so I have to earn themoney to do so.\" The miner hadabandoned everything to go mining for emeralds. When thecaravan was blocked by a boulder, it had to go around it; if there was alarge rocky area, they had to make a major detour. As achild, the boy had always been frightened to death that he would becaptured by Gypsies, and this childhood fear returned when the old womantook his hands in hers.But she has the Sacred Heart of Jesus there, he thought, trying to reassurehimself. Africa was only a few hoursfrom Tarifa; one had only to cross the narrow straits by boat. Today, I understand something I didn't see before:every blessing ignored becomes a curse. Therewere three hundred wells, fifty thousand date trees, and innumerablecolored tents spread among them.\"It looks like The Thousand and One Nights,\" said the Englishman, impatientto meet with the alchemist.They were surrounded by children, curious to look at the animals andpeople that were arriving. In the crowd were women,children, and a number of men with swords at their belts and rifles slung ontheir shoulders. It's the simple things in lifethat are the most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them.And since I am not wise, I have had to learn other arts, such as the readingof palms.\"\"Well, how am I going to get to Egypt?\"\"I only interpret dreams. And he knew that Egyptwas in Africa.\"Can I help you?\" asked the man behind the window.\"Maybe tomorrow,\" said the boy, moving away. Select files or add your book in reader. The story of the treasures Santiago finds along . Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 32 / 94begin to sell tea in the crystal glasses. He remembered that he had a number of things he had to takecare of: he went to the market for something to eat, he traded his book forone that was thicker, and he found a bench in the plaza where he couldsample the new wine he had bought. Once obstacles were overcome, it returned to its course, sighting ona star that indicated the location of the oasis. Free, PDF, The Alchemist, Download, Paulo Coelho. The old man,meanwhile, was leafing through the book, without seeming to want to returnit at all. Sometimes, there's just no way tohold back the river. But the marketplace was empty, and he was far fromhome, so he wept. Maybe no one here knows what analchemist is! All they wanted was food and water.Melchizedek watched a small ship that was plowing its way out of the port.He would never again see the boy, just as he had never seen Abraham And also by unhappiness, envy, and jealousy. \"Maybe no one herehas, either.\"The Englishman's eyes lit up. But in the crystal shop you probably realized thateven the glasses were collaborating in your success.\"The boy thought about that for a while as he looked at the moon and thebleached sands. A young couple sat on the bench where hehad talked with the old man, and they kissed.\"That baker\" he said to himself, without completing the thought. Thedays had always been silent, but now, even the nightswhen the travelerswere accustomed to talking around the fireshad also become quiet. The Alchemist Complete Novel PDF 19/04/2022 / English Books PDF, Novel / General, Paulo Coelho / By Kumar 'The Alchemist' PDF Quick download link is given at the bottom of this article. Maybe it was his treasure tohave wound up in that strange land, met up with a thief, and doubled thesize of his flock without spending a cent.He was proud of himself. He got up, adjusted his clothing, and picked up hispouch.\"I'll work for you,\" he said.And after another long silence, he added, \"I need money to buy somesheep.\"PART TWOThe boy had been working for the crystal merchant for almost a month, andhe could see that it wasn't exactly the kind of job that would make himhappy. Then aman approached.\"Do you know someone here who cures people's illnesses?\" the boy asked.\"Allah cures our illnesses,\" said the man, clearly frightened of the strangers.\"You're looking for witch doctors.\" He spoke some verses from the Koran,and moved on.Another man appeared. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 27 / 94asleep. There was a small building there, with awindow at which people bought tickets to Africa. He wasn't asking for help. He had worked for an entire year to make a dream cometrue, and that dream, minute by minute, was becoming less important.Maybe because that wasn't really his dream.Who knows maybe it's better to be like the crystal merchant: never go toMecca, and just go through life wanting to do so, he thought, again tryingto convince himself. He had already seen manypeople come and go, and the desert remained as it was. \"But bakers are moreimportant people than shepherds. The Alchemist Quotes Showing 1-30 of 2,288. Like this book? Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 9 / 94about memorizing a lot of names.When he was finally able to concentrate on what he was reading, he likedthe book better; the burial was on a snowy day, and he welcomed thefeeling of being cold. He hadalways believed that the sheep were able to understand what he said. That's why I'm here. Only when he consents.\"Wait for the end of the war. That was the law ofhospitality. If we serve tea in crystal, the shop is going to expand. Although the vision of the date palms would someday be just amemory, right now it signified shade, water, and a refuge from the war.Yesterday, the camel's groan signaled danger, and now a row of date palmscould herald a miracle.The world speaks many languages, the boy thought. They have gottenused to my being away, and so have I. He was thinking about omens, and someone hadappeared.\"How come you speak Spanish?\" he asked. *They were strange books. But I want each and everyone of you to swear by the God you believe in that you will follow my ordersno matter what. Butwe're both in search of our destinies, and I respect him for that.\" *The caravan began to travel day and night. \"We could place it outside, and attract those people who pass atthe bottom of the hill.\"\"I've never had one before,\" the merchant answered. He said that he had always dreamed of being a shepherd, andthat it was a good omen.\"\"That's the way it always is,\" said the old man. One of them, a cobbler whomade his living mending boots, said that he had traveled for almost a yearthrough the desert, but that he got more tired when he had to walk throughthe streets of Tangier buying his leather.\"\"Well, why don't you go to Mecca now?\" asked the boy.\"Because it's the thought of Mecca that keeps me alive. I began to make somemoney, but I could never bring myself to leave someone in charge of theshop; the crystals are delicate things. It seemed he had made the long journeyfor nothing. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 8 / 94exist. The lad wandered through the desert forforty days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love He looked likean Arab, which was not unusual in those parts. Although his new worldat the moment was just an empty marketplace, he had already seen it whenit was teeming with life, and he would never forget it. I thoughtthat someday I'd be rich, and could go to Mecca. \"You have helped me.\" Theman continued to prepare his tea, saying nothing. \"He doesn't have enough money to travel.\"While standing at the ticket window, the boy had remembered his flock, and She would never know the difference, because she didn't knowhow to read.Meanwhile, the old man persisted in his attempt to strike up a conversation.He said that he was tired and thirsty, and asked if he might have a sip ofthe boy's wine. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 38 / 94talking about, \"It's in the Bible. The boy noted that there was a sense of fear in the air,even though no one said anything. One thing: making a decision was only the beginning ofthings the Alchemist Page 33 / 94He waited for! Thinking about omens, and a number of men with swords at their belts and slung. Footing, and now it was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love he looked Arab! 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the alchemist full book with page numbers pdf