role play scenarios for saying no

Stalled deal scenario: challenge prospects on why they're stuck. But, the good news is each time you say NO, it becomes easier. We have shown a video entitled. Debrief. Say what the problem is (thats mean, or, thats illegal, etc.). This is one of the powerful business role plays about a person who is technically brilliant person but not a good team player. Agree or disagree: Its better to go along with the crowd than to make your own choices. A girl in the video said that alcohol makes you say and do things you wouldnt if you were sober. Having apologised for making them feel awkward, and that it was just a demonstration to make the point, ask what would have happened if you had allowed discussions, questions or even a debate. Reduce stress and gain clarity in interactions by knowing what to accept and when to say no. Improve self-esteem and self-confidence by being more assertive. 4. Eight Ways to Say NO to Drugs. Then ask why they stood against the wall. Explain why. We have shown a video entitled Saying No, which presents a skit and discussion about two friends in conflict over whether or not to smoke cigarettes. Your partner asks you to do something that you Subscribe to our almost Monthly Newsletter. Write the three-step How to Say No technique (from the top of this column) on the board, and then have the group use it to perform some role-playing exercises. Tell them what you think about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and how you hope they will deal with these things in their own lives. Here is a good way to say no and still be cool. 5. WebSaying No Role Play Exercise NB Before you do this exercise for the first time you will need to cut up the scenario cards and put them in envelopes provided! 11. a. Through his top of the line nutritional and fitness knowledge I was finally able to loose 37lbs.I got my beach ready body just in time for summer. Write about a time when deciding in advance helped you, or would have helped you, deal with a tough situation. Why, or why not? 2. Avoid statements such as, These role plays scenarios depict real-life situations and provide an excellent way for the participants to learn the necessary skills sets. With a diverse variety of trainers that offer dedicated personal training, we are sure we have someone you will love taking advice from! Copyright 2021 Momentum Training Solutions. 2. I have always dreamed of becoming a fitness icon. Phone: 650-931-2505 | Fax: 650-931-2506 They are basically short skits, in which volunteer Sales Role Play Exercises and Scenarios Extreme sales negotiation Scenario: practice dealing with extreme situations. What do you no longer want to tolerate in your life? To find teaching guides on other topics for this and other grade levels click here. 2. Jasons health, personal training knowledge, and nutritional advice changed my life and i lost 60lb in 18 weeks. What could we do instead? Celebrate. no, and avoiding the temptation to go into long explanations as to why you can't help. Play a saying no game with your parents or other members of your family. Think of some good ways to handle the situation if it arises, or some good ways to avoid the situation altogether. This can make people extremely uncomfortable and must be addressed calmly and respectfully right away. 9. Stay calm. How can your body language match your voice more? Dont be afraid to do some serious coaching, but also give participants a chance to practice and draw on their own skills. Have you ever seen that happen to anyone? 2. 11. But leave the door open for them to change their minds and join you. He protests his grade and is adamant about your changing his grade or allowing him to re-take the exam. They keep me in shape and toned.He personalizes each work out to target different parts of my body such as arm, legs, core, and back. You might even have the kids design a new poster every month or two. The training programs of Momentum Training Solutions encompass a wide range of skills that are an integral and necessary part of everyday business. --Nozomi Morgan, MBA, is a certified Executive Coach and the Founder and President of Michiki Morgan Worldwide LLC. I do not work on the weekends or holidays. For your easy reference, we have segregated the programs according to the various industries. Write a radio or TV anti-smoking commercial. If your school or organization has the facilities, you might even produce these commercials on audio or videotape. I put the emphasis on saying (and meaning!) WebSaying no to your friends can be very hard sometimes. It all depends on the groups dynamic, needs, and mood that day. For more information about individual videos in this series, click on the title below. And sometimes, it still is. What does a typical day look like in your life? Explain the following instructions in your own voice. Site development, hosting and maintenance byFonant. lzj=6F6)CSg;vJC;%vJ;d}z=^f6bs\^61V)!|]/\>(4`VC. Look critically at the kinds of negative peer pressures they are under at this age. It was rightly said by Donald Mc Gannon that "Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example" We have presentations of 18 soft skills programs that we conduct at Momentum Training Solutions that you can download for free. Share with them any ideas you have about how to handle the situation better. Servicing the customer in today's world is all about delighting them. She suggests alternating between the roles of dominant and submissive to see which one works best My highest recommendation goes out to Jason. Do you agree with the way they portray it? Ha! The Three Rs of Growing Up You and Your Values Enhancing Self-Esteem Setting & Achieving Goals Dealing With Pressures Handling Emotions Preventing Conflicts & Violence Saying No to Alcohol & Other Drugs Speaking of Sex Friendship Getting Along With Parents Respecting Others. Do you agree? I completed an 8-week total body makeover with Jason to get ready for a photo shoot in Miami,His workouts were upbeat and motivating. c] Would it make you feel bad about yourself if you did it? Play The Role and Roll Around Playing. Acknowledge that its not always easy to say no to a friend; but sometimes its necessary. All I can say is go train with Jason! What would be the advantages of saying No more easily or more often? "There's no denying itrole-play is a powerful place to explore power dynamics," says Davis-Fainbloom. Backed by some of the leading, certified personal trainers in Manhattan, we bring you a complete platform where you can race yourself to your fitness goals. Your child is involved in learning activities designed to develop good character and empower young people to make good choices for themselves. 3. OK, I play too rough on the basketball court. 16. And it takes continuing practice to get better at it. Because of Jasons intense nutritional guide lines and extensive strength training. That sometimes we have to say no to our friends. Ask yourself each of these questions, and then look your friend straight in the eye, and confidently state your position: 1. Ask yourself each of these questions, and then look your friend straight in the Did You know the benefits of cosmetic boxes? Think of some good ways to handle the situation if it arises, or some good ways to avoid the situation altogether. 10. You can make it the very first word that comes out of your mouth! His workouts are interesting and fun. Thanks to Jasons program I was able to loose 43lbs! Encourage your child to tell you about his or her day. Take two kids at a time and start by having one try to persuade the other to smoke. In negotiation skills the background is that you still have to maintain a relationship with the person you might say no to. Hold a classroom brainstorming session to generate things you can say if someone is trying to get you to: shoplift, cheat, fight, pick on someone, etc. Be very specific about what is wrong. Why, or why not? Provide the volunteer and the training group with information about the scenario. Today's global recession has mandated a 'lean' organization. Professor and student show a women with a teacher fetish how she can become teachers pet. Base decisions on facts by keeping emotions in check. I eat healthy, planned meals at a scheduled time. b] Could it get you into any kind of trouble? Get breaking news and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own character education program. 5. The aim is to say "no" without feeling that you have to apologize. Imagine yourself as the person you aspire to be. The results are unbelievable! Hi, my name is Liz. How do you think Missie felt about herself for saying no? How do you think Rhonda felt about Missie for saying no?. Make a list of things you plan to say no to if anyone ever suggests doing them. Apology Role-Play. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. What could happen? If you plan to spend time and effort to become a better person than you were yesterday, join our team and learn under the best personal training experts today - go to Researchems! I worked with him for 16 weeks and lost 48lbs. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. What could be done to reduce them or make them go away? You can demonstrate this brilliantly in a workshop if you are a trainer. Why? No explanations, no discussion, lots of eye-contact, a smile if necessary, but clear persistance. Do you know anybody who has been harmed by smoking, drinking alcohol, or using other drugs? If a participant suggests a scenario to practice via role play, and it becomes clear that it is a situation that happened in their life down to every detail, we recommend suggesting a made-up scenario that contains key elements of the suggested scenario, but with enough differences that it wont become all about rehashing the event that actually happened. 3. 12. WebYour students will have a BLAST role-playing the various refusal skill scenarios. 3. Refusal Skills in action students will be able to peer-evaluate. Declare where the stage area is, and make sure all audience members are facing the stage. With my busy life style it was hard to find time to hit the gym. For this apology role-play, have one child pretend to do something that would hurt the other child. What worked? The Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney assists clients with Elder Law, including Long-Term Care Planning for Medi-Cal and Veterans Pension (Aid & Attendance) Benefits, Estate Planning, Probate, Trust Administration, and Conservatorships in the San Francisco Bay Area. The old me tolerated doing work I didn't enjoy. Note to the teacher or group leader: It might be a good idea to think of some way for the children to share the outcomes of these activities with each other. To reinforce this lesson, hold a weekly Saying No Challenge by repeating the kind of role-playing described in activity #1, above. Promote Your Tea with Customized Printed Tea Boxes. I've written about how being a chronic people pleaser can be devastating to your career, your relationships, and your self-esteem. Through these transitional exercises I am able to keep my body in a show floor condition. Be clear about guidelines. In what way? As a personal trainer I would easily say he is this best. Assume that the clinician has told the patient And I could certainly live without the guilt I felt when I refused to respond to work emails on the weekends. I began working with Jason as a New Years resolution and by May I lost 56 lbs.Thanks to Jasons amazing nutritional strategies, innovative exercise programs and cardiovascular routines I was able to achieve the body I always wanted. 3. Below, I've listed 6 exercises to strengthen your saying NO muscle and help you get clear about why saying NO is often the best option for you.Sit down and answer the questions below with an open heart. I feel great and have more energy than ever before. Recognize the times, however small, when your child makes a good choice in a given situation. ]*v(H|p3pU0_Wvv3!Z8@p)q \ I was so happy to find a personal trainer who listened and gave professional, knowledgeable fitness advice tailored to my needs. If I dont do this, they might not like me. If I dont do this, they might get mad at me. Im too young for this to hurt me.. If you suggest something else to do, it makes it easier for your friend to go along with you. Role play the scenario with the volunteer. I wanted to help people shine. In 17 weeks I lost 42lbs! One boy in the video said that when youre under the influence of alcohol, the alcohol starts doing your thinking for you. Dr. Carson, a distinguished man of science and healing, the Director of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Division at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, talks about political correctness and how it can muzzle an entire nation. Ask the boundary-crosser, How did that feel when they said ______? Ask the boundary-setter, How did it feel to say ______? Ask the audience members what they observed. What does she have in her life that makes it wonderful?Use your imagination here. . 7. Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney. Generally, we have allowed for about half an hour to do a round of role plays. Visit to learn more about Nozomi . Think ahead and try to anticipate possible problems. Addition to coaching, she speaks and trains on leadership, career, professional development and cross-cultural business communication. My heart sank every time I had to go on business trips that I felt were a waste of my time and energy. Write the ideas on the board and discuss them. Participant Guide, Facilitator Guide & PPT. If you are trying to find a personal trainer, get in touch with us right away! A friend asks you to look after his/her dog for the weekend - you're not keen on dogs. Continue imagining your ideal life. 3. I wanted to spend more time with my family in Japan and the United States, and spend quality time with my husband. , If I dont do this, they might not like me., If I dont do this, they might get mad at me.. Ive been a New york fitness model for over 10 years. MY name is Jason Fiorini i have been among one of the top personal trainers in the financial district in NYC for 10 years. 10. I first came across this at Cranfield 20+ years ago - perhaps you know how it works? When isnt it okay? Share with your child your own memories of dealing with peer pressure. Hi, Im Jeff from New York City. The strategy is to be seen to be giving ground on those elements that are in category 1 and 2 but keeping 3 out of the situation. That smoking is very definitely something to say no to. I wanted to decide for myself how I spent my time. Web2. Tell each group to make up a short skit or play showing the situation and a solution to the problem. The goal of social skills training is to teach people about verbal and nonverbal behaviors that are involved in typical social interactions (Social, n.d.). I would recommend Jasons service to everyone looking to achieve their ultimate fitness goals. You are standing in your presence and power and honoring yourself. Make a list and hang it on the wall as a constant reminder. One boy in the video makes the point that peer pressure is nothing unless you fall into it, and you can choose not to do that. Get breaking news and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own character education program. Web3. With Jasons help I finally dropped 57lbs and fast. There are many ways in which role plays can be set up. A chance for a particular class participant to work out an exact situation that happened in real life. It means you are setting your boundaries. WebRole plays are mini scenarios that reflect potential real life situations in which someone attempts to cross a boundary. I would recommend Jason to anyone with high fitness goals. You may be afraid of what theyll think of you if you dont go along with them. Here are some things you can do to encourage your children to say no when friends pressure them to join in on a possibly harmful activity. When you see that successful boundary happen, allow the boundary-crosser to accept it, then celebrate the victory. Why didnt they? If someone feels strongly about a way it could have been done differently, invite them to try out the same scenario. If you change your mind, come on over., (If you wish to copy or use any material from this website, please click here for Terms of Use.). 14. This exercise is a His professional attitude and knowledgeable fitness advice were like nothing I had ever seen. I use the following, very short, scenarios - they require very little explanation and so take only a short time: 1. At times you might say things like, go ahead and set that boundary now! or your voice sounds confident! Is it easier to say No when the other person demands, or when they coax? Ive always wanted to be in shape and could never escape the pressure to look my best. Camera! Im Sam from Manhattan,NY. 10 Assertive Communication Skills Assertive communication has two crucial and overlapping skills: verbal and nonverbal To find additional teaching guides on this and related topics for K-12, I can control myself, so this once wont matter., I feel stressed out. Through working with Jason I have successfully overcome many of the negative effects of my disease. Have the kids who are watching critique the role-plays, identifying what worked well and what didnt. Here are some ideas for a role play script: Dont say: Ill put you on hold. *annoying on-hold music*. Its important to keep our clients bodies guessing which will bring the best results. 3. 2 sides are trying to get to a compromise situation. Have participants form groups of 2-4 people and practice the scenario. News and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own program! Role plays are designed to practice boundary setting skills, including confident stance, eye contact, voice, facial expressions, body language, and verbal techniques. Someone asks you to lend them a fiver which would leave you short of cash and needing to go to the bank. Make sure every child gets a chance to be the one who says no.. When people refuse to accept your no It's most useful to help you or your team prepare for unfamiliar or Part of HuffPost Business. Ive worked with several of personal trainers before and by far Jason is the best Personal Trainer.Through following his rigorous nutritional plan and exercise regime, I was able to achieve a competition ready body in less than 8 weeks.I completed his Total body makeover program that requires functional training and total body movements. It is a delicate dance! "I cant do that." Which is based on fitness assessment, fitness goals, and body type. 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role play scenarios for saying no