pt boat crew list

Speed losses up to 15 knots have been reported as a result of foul bottoms. It is a necessity in tying down the boat awning while at anchor. 5. Keep them clean, dry, and safe. Stow it carefully, well lubricated and in a watertight box. Torpedoman. If it jams, Charge It, Charge It! 1. PT Boats at War: World War II to Vietnam. Towing Gear.-Also called "bridle and pendant". and useful information about WW2. Your dividers are to pick off distances with and not to prick holes in the charts. See, feel, and think about every piece of equipment on the boat. No. Covers or rags in the barrel have caused explosions while firing, so be sure such things are removed before firing. Some of them carried depth charges or mine racks. For valuable aids in operation and on your equipment see MTB Communication Manual, 1944. Don't get into the raft. If she's slimy to the touch she needs a scrubbing. Fungus infections are very prevalent in the Area. Lt. If a hot run cannot be stopped, run to the bow of the boat. Wear white socks and air your feet often. Carry at least two megaphones. In particular see Appendix C, "PT Boat Order of Battle," which includes hull numbers, designer/builder, completion date and disposition when known. When tanks, engines, or other equipment are removed and the boat skeleton is exposed, look for signs of weakness; look also for dry rot, the ogre of all wooden vessels in poorly ventilated compartments. PT Boat Full Load Displacement They all had a full load displacement of 56 tons. It will probably make them worse. 18. Four very serious PT boat fires directly attributable to improperly handled gasoline have recently occurred, so geez, fellows, try to be careful 'cause it's no fun to be spread all over the earth with that gal back in Fall River awaitin'. ww2dbasePatrol torpedo boats, popularly known as "PT boats", were small, light, and fast motor torpedo boats used by the United States Navy. Nature does not grow new noses or new eyes or new fingers. On August 8, 1943 departs Rendova PT Boat Base under the command of William "Bud" Liebenow to rescue the surviving crew of PT-109 from Nauro Island to Rendova. 30-Cal. Higgins PT boats were sent to Russia and Britain at the start of WW2 before the United States became directly involved. The four largest boats (89 ft, 94 ft, 98 ft, 105 ft) were aluminum boats built during the Korean conflict. Stay well clear of them when they are being fired, loaded, or unloaded. 12 pairs each of black and white socks. By the end of World War II, 399 Elco PTs had been built. 1st Officer - Sometimes known as Chief Officer or Chief Mate is second in command to the Captain and manages all the deck crew including the Bosun, Deckhand and any second or third officers. You will probably be out of the States a good many months. With no support from Washington, MacArthur attempted to purchase British-built torpedo boats to suit his needs, but the start of the European War made that purchase impossible. Three loose lag screws, a heavy strain, and bingo-you've lost a cleat. Scrub brush. Little can be said about them here for security reasons. III or IV is as fine a mask as there is. If, in emergency, you must use the old-type funnel, be sure that you make a good ground for your hose, funnel, and chamois. Sneakers are good for coral fishing. Have insurance and will squared away. Navato, CA: Presidio Press, 1999. Keep your engines clean inside and out. Hogwash people. Keep your paint thinned down. Take a musical instrument if it can stand the gaff. You don't need much to make the proper mixture for an explosion. ww2dbaseDuring the Solomon Islands Campaign, "Green Dragons" and "Devil Boats", as nicknamed by the Japanese, were deployed against larger warships, but performance was not impressive largely due to faulty American torpedoes and modern destroyers' capability to fight small incoming craft. When at anchor the bullnose will keep the bow of the boat facing the wind and at all times it will keep the lines from chafing against the side of the boat. Auxiliary Ships 63 Anderson (DD411). When not in use should be carefully folded and stowed in a dark cool place. Above all, remember to have your generator running and galley switch "on", when the stove is operated. All parts of the Flux Gate Compass must be insured against disturbance and moisture. A leaky fresh-water pump will mean a serious loss. PT Boat Size The PT boat ranged in size. Head.-Use it right. Its full-load displacement was 56 tons. Self-Sealing Tanks.-Points to make note of on self-sealing tanks: 2. All three of these men were injured on previous patrols and were not on board when the PT-109 was sunk. ww2dbaseSources: American Caesar, United States Navy Naval Historical Center, US Patrol Torpedo Boats, Wikipedia. Some are strung up like cripples and covered from head to foot with violet paint. It is better to stow gunnery and torpedo tools topside in a watertight 20-mm. A lot of time, money and effort has been expended on these books. You may be carrying an aquarium around and not know it except that your boat will be slow and loggy. Note, however, that taking up on fastenings must be done all at once-in one session-and when waterborne. So do not depend on the term "line-of-sight" transmissions. Lazarette.-Used for storage of gear. We have not attempted to correct any errors found in the original document. T.P.-13, About Clean Oil Try it on-make the proper adjustments for a good fit. Extra watch straps. This requires a tool #13-14 or #227 in the hand, a quick wit, and an exact knowledge of what to do: 1. Gasoline and gasoline vapors can flow to any part of the boat through the bilges. 7. Engines, like men, need air. Engine operating instructions are covered in the "Packard Operating Manual" and the "Packard 4M-2500 Marine Engine Construction Operation and Servicing Manual." This booklet was created months before the end of a deadly, bitterly fought war with Imperial Japan. It should be stowed below when not on patrol. Very much like fire, your PT can be your best friend or worst enemy. Know your enemy and your friends. A PT galley is much more than that. It is very much like a 50-cal. Its features of speed and knockout power have been ballyhooed in the press, not without reason. Holes in the stacks will pour water into this compartment. They can be transported to any location in a short period of time. They are lightweight equipment and not designed to be used as dinghies. Kennedy's original crew also included Maurice L. Kowal, Edmund T. Drewitch and Leon E. Drawdy. The bulk of the PT boats built were 78 or 80 feet long (Figure 5). Wearing of life jacket is a natural precaution. A well-painted deck usually will keep it dry. Square away your finances before you go away. Higgins 78' Boat Schnellboot latest detail - see latest news page Sampson Post.-Is indispensable in anchoring. Electrolysis will eat holes in the pipe carrying salt water to the head. T.P.-9, Know Your PT Boat A wet, soggy jacket will bring you to the bottom instead of to the top. If the first round of torpedoes missed and the boat was not detected, the commanding officer of the boat might order his crew to maneuver stealthily and make a second attempt. The Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, has custody of deck logs from 1941 to 1983, as well as muster rolls created. Don't let them wear down or overheat. 2. The deck of the cockpit should be kept clean. Maybe if you knew that "Ace" Eddie Rickenbacker greased and fitted every shell before he ever fired, you would begin to look on your gun, drills, and routine checks as your best friends. Learn something. Canopy.-A large canvas, which looks like a sheik's desert abode, covers the forecastle in the manner of a huge tent. OCLC 6697444. Don't give away this advantage by having dirty, wet, or shattered binoculars. See, feel, and know the operation, maintenance, and purpose of every piece of equipment on the boat. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. Your manifold gauge measures the amount of work being done by the engine. Division B included PT-109, PT-157, PT-159 and PT-162. Swimming trunks. Aerosol bombs are used to fumigate the galley effectively. Every man is assigned a station and given responsibility for certain gear. Your job is to operate engines according to the instruction books. The waters were rough that night (a member of the PT-41 crew remembered the night's sail was "a combination of bucking bronco and wallowing tub"), which significantly slowed the boats. Small pocket compass (with magnifying glass if possible). Cockpit Seat: Just abaft the wheel, is ideal for the footsore. 16. Based on a true story, The Rebels Of PT-218 follows the intrepid crew of an American torpedo boat, one of the first to encounter action in the Mediterranean Theater at the height of WWII. Four such pumps are issued to each squadron. Water on any naval vessel is valuable. His rescue of his surviving crew, . A knife is carried by every good sailor. monitor stations on land and they have made many experiments with VHF type of equipment. You never know when your enunciators will go haywire. Hence the necessity for a good freeze or reefer. One of the most important features here is the auxiliary steering apparatus. This article refers to the entire PT-class; it is not about an individual vessel. 662K views 10 years ago PT Boat PT-658 Deck Tour and Interior Tour shows details and closeups of all weapons and equipment on board. Through this web site I will endeavor to provide up-to-date research on things like camouflage schemes and armament packages and the like. 4. The safety plug must be removed from the firing panel and in the possession of the person carrying out loading or unloading operations.-This is probably the most important safety precaution to observe and must be strictly adhered to at all times. Knife. Docked beyond the PT boats are USS POTOMAC (AG-25) and CUYAHOGA (AG-26). You must nurse it and be considerate of your engines if you want the best out of them in emergencies. Check your frequencies often and calibrate properly. PT 109 was one of the boats left behind. Percentage-wise, this made a high loss ratio, but with the US Navy's attitude that PT boats were expendable, the loss ratio could said to be low. Have a screw driver handy with which to do your poking around. Useful thinking can earn you a rate. It can have single or double barrels operation. Did you enjoy this article or find this article helpful? PT boats tactics and operations. The magazine is quite heavy. Recock, if it is not or cannot be pushed fully forward. seldom jams of itself. Instead, pull back on the handle again and try to clear the jam that way. Inspect your mask regularly for defects. 43. 3. Rockets.-Rockets are coming into use more and more each day. Thick vegetation, seaweed, lines and submerged trees may tangle one man up. Prisoners can be secured to it, thus making the forecastle an ideal brig. Herbert Stadler, USNR, the boat captain, was killed; Ens. Waterproof it. These demons of the deep can be used against both surface craft and subs. When your mask is issued to you, don't lay it aside and forget about it. This space is also a good spot in which to stow canned goods and your spare anchor, as well as spare soap and toilet tissue. Hence, it must be used to give efficient operation. It is best to stick together, however, for in numbers there is greater safety. ! Rather it is the gas fumes that erupt from around the hole in your tank which are dangerous. The unexpended CO2 will leak away. 1. A 37-mm. All three of these men were injured on previous patrols and were not on board when the PT-109 was sunk. 7. Even $1 per month will go a long way! ARMAMENT.-Treated in the GQ Drill Section. These ships are small, fast and agile, and extremely dangerous due to the on-board torpedo launchers. 4. Swiss files and chisels or any similar small tools are a great help in smoothing out souvenirs. Your IP address will be tracked even if you remain anonymous. Before going over the side be sure you have all necessary gear lashed inside the life-rafts. Precaution must be taken in clearing a 20-mm. It will be unusual for you to go out on patrol alone. Observe the no smoking rules. Megaphone: Keep it handy and ready for shouting orders or for listening for planes and other craft. A PT is different from any other man-of-war in that every man aboard must know his boat from stern to stem. PT boats did more than just carry torpedoes and young men into battle during World War II. Ear plugs are helpful in preventing fungus infection. Rides are offered only on Saturday with limited availability. ww2dbaseWith that said, however, PT boats in WW2 were more often deployed against barges rather than warships, which explained why most boats were retrofitted with machine guns and cannons. It is probably the only one you will ever have. TM2C Raymond L. Starkey. Remove the ogre and replace with new wood and plenty of wood preservative. The guns must fire when you want them. In this online version of the manual we have attempted to keep the flavor of the original layout while taking advantage So don't gripe if the galley must be secured to give the needed juice to the radio equipment. They will, only if you have done your drills so that you can do everything automatically. Jamming by the enemy is certainly to be expected, so be prepared for it. Drewitch was injured on June 30, 1943 when a depth charge was dislodged and came through the deck landing on the bunk above him. Correct loading is very important. Keep loose gear-such as oil cans-clear of rudders and steering gear. The tools are more accessible and the bulkheads below decks will be much cleaner. The notes following cover most of the armament carried on the boats and an account is given of the experience had with this gear. And if you see gasoline around another boat, don't just sit around waiting to see things pop-find one of the boat officers and tell him about it. With accommodations for 3 officers and 14 men, the crew varied from 12 to 14. Do not use it to wash out cuts or sores. It can be very embarrassing. "A taut ship is a happy ship," but there is no ship that will become "untaut" quicker than a PT if you neglect her. Vietnamese Fishing Boat. US Navy PT Boat Lists The "Mosquito Boats" of WWII These lists, generously provided by Steve Laroe, detail the famous PT Boats of the WWII era. Keep your hair dry, that is, don't jump into the water, just slide in. Guard against the loss of your garbage can. Ballard contends the wreck is intact under the sand, except for a gash in her side. Although they were the smallest US combat vessels of the war, they were among the most famous and most interesting. Note how reverberations shake the gunner's body. One of the crew, 25-year-old Andrew Jackson Kirksey, became convinced he was going to die and . PT boats go into action in support of U.S. forces participating in the landings on Mindanao Island in the Philippines. Learn them and make allowances. Gun.-This gun is so powerful that it has earned the name "cannon." Pies, cookies, and cakes flow from this modernistic kitchen if you've got a happy cook. Make use of them. Test fire each batch of ammunition. You will learn to depend on it. Dry them out and put on dry footwear. Men on patrol sometimes go 2 or 3 days without taking off their shoes. Know your spot and be there. 40-mm Gun.-This gun is best operated with 4 men but 3 men can do a good job. After heavy weather missions, collisions, or severe jolts against a dock or shipside you may find much to report. Don't be like one boot who ducked down inside his "armored" turret during an attack and then later when he discovered that the turret was made of 3/4" plywood he fainted. Your VHF is not as secure as you perhaps assume. Patrol torpedo boats were fast, heavily armed ships used for cutting enemy supply lines. It's like Emily Post in Reversia, or courtesy turned inside out. Hang it in an up-side down position. If you cannot get the projectile out in a few seconds, secure the gun for about 5 minutes. They were publicly hailed as the destroyers of several Japanese warships, though the credits were erroneously given. C. Peter Chen of Lava Development, LLC. Everyone should know how to stop a HOT RUN. This database contains U.S. Navy muster rolls and associated reports of changes for U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who served on U.S. Navy ships or in other naval activities between 31 January 1938 and 31 December 1949. Gas can come at any time-any place-from any direction--listen and be warned -Be Ready. Small apertures in your lines occur usually at the joints and couplings. Hello All, Great forum here that I just stumbled upon. In Service Notes (: Lost) PT-10-19 1940-43 Transferred to UK PT-20 Class Out of the companies that built prototypes for review, the Electric Launch Corporation ("Elco", a division of the Electric Boat Company), Higgins Industries, and Huckins Yacht Company won contracts, with Elco receiving the largest share of the overall contract. Leaky rudder post packing can let in quantities of water. 3. Leigh Take this advice and value it, for it is the Voice of Experience: 37-mm. PT Boats: Knights of the Sea. The loader must get a rhythm in his task and eliminate groping at night. USS Oyster Bay (AGP-6), originally and later AVP-28, was a United States Navy motor torpedo boat tender in commission from 1943 to 1946. Cockpit Scupper: Do not sweep dirt down this drain. They were 78 feet long and had entirely different layouts than the Elco boats, including larger forepeak which offered larger storage spaces; their width, displacement, accommodation space, and typical armament were similar to the Elco boats, however. 5. Make it a practice to note any unusual movement of bulkheads, gussets, or stringers. Stow your phones and mikes in a dry place. Crew's Quarters.-This will be your home. Don't forget your clips of 45 cal. Jason Y. Kowal and Drawdy were injured on July 19, 1943 by a Japanese aircraft attack. How to fight a PT is a great study. This fire-fighting apparatus combines foam with water, thus making it an ideal smotherer of any type fire. Carry a couple. Ignorance is no excuse. Some PTs later received rocket launchers. 9. PT Boats is dedicated to a small group of little known but perhaps some of the most daring naval combatants of World War II: the torpedo boat crews. PT-Boats (Torpedo Boats) are some of the most popular subjects when it comes to boat models. Exclusive charters are also available upon request. Not small punctures but gaping holes are the marks left on the enemy by this powerful shell. From 1957 to 1993, the former Oyster Bay served in the Italian Navy as the special forces tender Pietro Cavezzale . Get one for your boat. 2. On one patrol, a Japanese floatplane spotted the PT-109. In particular, stay well clear of river deltas. Only through them can you know your engine room. From captured Japanese documents, it is clear that our glasses are better than theirs. 12. 8. Lieutenant Kennedy rendezvoused his boat with two others, PT 162 and PT 169. The best method is to dump garbage overboard at sea, taking care that cans are punctured. After every possible effort to save your boat has failed, your first duty is to complete your destruction bill. Make a receptacle or canvas cover for the bridge phones and mikes for they are most likely to become wet. ), to the base or friendly shore. Second, it is to showcase Keep oil at the proper level in the recuperating cylinder-use only U. S. Army Spec. You can't paddle or sail a crippled PT with any degree of speed or accuracy. This exercising will limber up the parts and dry them as well. Rather touch it with a lighted cigarette or a drop of iodine or alcohol. Starboard side. Prevent it by wearing ear plugs and by drying out your ears completely after coming out. We shall deal only with safety precautions so that in the event you have rockets on your boat you will not be lost with a new toy. When you have your own boat your GQ Station will be well known to you, so there is no need to rehearse the various positions. Any added precautions that you learn from your own experience should also be observed and passed along. Refueling is perhaps the most dangerous operation and consequently has the most rules: 1. The importance of these glasses cannot be overestimated. 8. 4 20-mm antiaircraft gun mounts. ww2dbaseBefore the war, at the Philippine Islands, General Douglas MacArthur was an advocate of PT boats. The few jams that do occur are usually traced to faulty ammunition. Made of two-inch thick planks of mahogany, these boats were 80 feet long, 20 feet 8 inches wide, and displaced 56 tons of water. 77' Elco Motor Torpedo Boat PT-20 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-21 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-22 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-23 aborted voyage to Midway Atoll due to broken crankshaft PT-25 participated in the Battle of Midway This provides the builders specifications for PT 565-624. Answer: The crew size of the typical PT boat in the Pacific during World War II was between 10 and 17 men depending on the size and configuration of the boat, whether . ww2dbaseAt the end of WW2, of the 531 patrol torpedo boats built, only 69 were lost, including losses to enemy fire, storms, accidents, friendly fire, or simply being worn out. With the Allies gaining air superiority during the daylight hours in various theaters, Japanese supply missions in the Pacific and German and Italian supply missions in the Mediterranean gradually shifted to ones that made use of barges in shallow waters. 6 shirts. Maybe you can prove to the boys that Sheboygan is on the map. PT boats crews were also known to be rather informal or even at times "undisciplined", but their ferocity in the face of danger was much respected despite their frequent lack of seriousness. Small Arms.-Will be in your gunnery locker. (3d print model). Likewise, observe all the health requirements put out by your squadron doctor. Plenty will depend on your spunk and nerve. So, whether the enemy be within reach on or under the sea, on the land, or in the air, a PT will attack. When disassembling, keep each gun and its parts together rather than tossing them into a common stock pile. Slipping on deck, stepping on loose expended shell casings, and sudden jolts have flung many PT men into the sea. The PT 109 crew consisted of John F. Kennedy, Leonard J. Thom, George H. R. "Barney" Ross, Raymond Albert, Charles A. Originally conceived as antiship weapons, PTs were publicly, but erroneously, credited with sinking Japanese warships during the early months after Pearl Harbor. They know. With this knowledge should come the confidence that you with your boat can outgun, outmaneuver, outrun, outfight, any comparable enemy and often a much larger enemy. Ef. Have a compass to find your way if you are in the jungle or adrift in a raft. She's wearing a variation of the camouflage scheme known as Measure 31/5P. The prime rule is: "Don't give up the ship." Study your manifold pressure curves in relation to engine rpm and at no time exceed these values. So, after you've trained your eyes on the Japs, train your eyes on your boat structure. Hence, it must be used against both surface craft and subs 15 knots have ballyhooed... Clear the jam that way with this gear and subs a dark cool place first duty is to operate according... The PT boats go into action in support of U.S. forces participating in the Philippines 3... Boys that Sheboygan is on the boat captain, was killed ; Ens handy with which to your! Weapons and equipment on the handle again and Try to clear the jam that way prime rule:. While firing, so be sure you have done your drills so that you learn your... Charge it, thus making it an ideal smotherer of any type fire and value it, it... 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Records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website tossing into... Boats did more than just carry torpedoes and young men into the water, just slide.... Out souvenirs as dinghies patrols and were not on board when the PT-109 was.... Will limber up the ship. 10 years ago PT boat Size the PT boat a,. 5 ) soggy jacket will bring you to the touch she needs scrubbing... Which to do your poking around IV is as fine a mask as there is Tour and Interior shows... L. Kowal, Edmund T. Drewitch and Leon E. Drawdy Sheboygan is on the ``.

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pt boat crew list