conservative voter guide 2022

We oppose Proposition 121 because it takes tax dollars to do good work for the environment and communities. This is a recently discovered fact, and accordingly, I am changing my recommendation for mayor to KIMBERLY HO. Comments: No Conservative or Republicans in this race. Now, lets get on with it! I one by one went over my criteria (or is it criterium? Among them, notably, none have endorsed incumbent Gov. All your other votes will count. Meas V directly subverts the will of voters and allows potentially corrupt politicians to appoint their crony friends to positions of power. Comments: Both above endorsed by OC GOP and Conservative Mari Barke of OC Bd or Education. R-Pritchard currently serves on board of La Habra City Schools. Comments: Per fellow conservative, Robyn Nordell: OSCAR VALADEZ is the BEST of the 3 Democrat candidates. Currently an appointed Irvine Commissioner. Message and data rates may apply. I just want whats best for Westminster residents. Currently, conservative Westminster council member, Kimberly Ho, is one of only 2 candidates running for mayor with City Council experience. *NOTE on Litigation against the MV City Councilmembers: It is a complicated mess. Comments: Currently serves as Anaheim City Commissioner. Opponent, Eleni Kounalakis, is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Comments: The legislature ridiculously voted to ban sales of flavored tobacco. A NO Vote keeps the Common Sense requirement. His site says his is a sworn enemy of every form of tyranny and we should prepare for a RED TSUNAMI! Best of R-candidates. . Current TABOR laws require the ballot to show the cost of new tax proposals, but voters only see the lump sum, which could mislead them into believing that new proposalsincluding ones that could benefit the environment and help fight climate changewill drastically raise their individual taxes, when in reality they may only have a small effect. But, if this is a major issue w/you, just leave blank. This is MY district. In races where I am aware that a Republican is . ), Comment: All endorsed by Conservative HB REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY and OC GOP. SHALL PRESIDING JUSTICE BE ELECTED FOR THE TERM PROVIDED BY LAW? CA GOP Endorsed and tons of others. Please do not vote for DEM Party endorsed Agran and Treseder. Do not re-elect Dunsheath. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Colorado is the. They are endorsed by the Liberal Democrat Party, who are harming our schools with CRT, liberal Sex Ed, and not allowing Parental Rights.). make decisions based on evidence and effectiveness, not political correctness. The market should control wages, not more government regulation. COMMENTS: Republican HOCHMAN graduated magna cum laude from Brown University, earned law degree from Stanford, clerked for a federal judge and served as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Central Dist of CA. This non-partisan 2022 California Voter Guide will help you cut through the rhetoric, election propaganda, and biased media coverage of the campaigns. (I dont like this, but nobody asked me!). Have you ever looked at your HOTEL BILL, and find it ENORMOUSLY HIGHER than the rate you were originally quoted. Schools need PARENTAL RIGHTS ADVOCATES like CARMONA and ATWATER. Comments: Republican conservative, endorsed by the OC GOP, and SC Councilmember STEVE KNOBLOCK, OC Gunowners Assoc. 0. by admin in Uncategorized. Some conservative friends reached out to me, saying, Nancy, you have this one WRONG! Well, I just spent about 45 min on the phone talking to RYDELL, and she convinced me, I DID have it wrong! Comments: Because Huang did not garner more than 50%, she was force into a run-off with Michelle Bell. found that higher-income earners would get the most benefit in tax savingsmeaning the change would only further economic disparities in Colorado. He is a CPA, a former Bank Vice President and Mayor. It appears more Voters need to follow Nancys Picks! Comments: "Family, Faith, Community, and Personal Freedom are what I value the most is what JTP starts off his website. They are usually LIBERAL. Remember, cities do not build housing, but it must have zoning for housing. I think having this experience before serving as mayor is critical. They turned campuses into looking like concentration camps, w/color coded wristbands, depending on the 'threat'. Check out this Spanish-language version of our non-partisan voter guide for the 2022 General Election to learn more about the statewide offices up for election this year and what stances the candidates take on important issues. In addition to choosing our next leaders, Colorado voters also have the opportunity to weigh in directly on several ballot measures. County-level Spanish-language guides are also available on our Como Votar page. 30 Jul. Comments: Meas L would lessen voting rights of residents, and allow the City Council to cancel regularly scheduled City Council meetings, so they can avoid answering to the public. But, read the following before you vote, too! Shes educated w/a BA and an MBA degree. A Controller is supposed to be an independent fiscal WATCHDOG, ie, the person who makes sure taxpayer moneyOUR moneyis spent as were told it will be. Join the fight to keep Republicans elected in Henderson County, Sign up for text messages from NCGOP! Lowering the income tax could hamper the states ability to enforce regulations on chronic polluters and support public lands. The 2022 endorsement process has been completed. (Please do not vote for Dem-endorsed Lilly McGill). He served in the CA Assembly from 95 to 2000, and Assembly leader. Most people arent absolutists on the subject, but support early abortions, but MOST VOTERS DO NO SUPPORT LATE TERM ABORTIONS. I dont smoke, and hate cigarette use, but I dont think our nanny-state CA legislators have ANY BUSINESS deciding cigarette flavors for smokers! All 4 are endorsed by evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD and the Democrat Party of OC. . Click the below button to make your donation. This is called bullet voting. BARTO ignored Parents concerns on these issues when brought to her. Comments: Declined to State incumbent, GARY TAYLOR running unopposed. But before we hear the My Body My Choice refrain, ponder a simple question. These are positions that require certain skills and a city could benefit from continuity of the position. She is terrific! Endorsed by my favorite candidate, CA Senator, John Moorlach, OC GOP, Lincoln Club, Greater CM Republicans, conservative CM Republican Assembly, OC Gun Owners, Carl DeMaio of Reform CA, and a whole slew of Conservatives, including Former Mayors and City Councilmembers: Allan Mansoor, Wendy Leece, Jim Righeimer, Steve Mensinger. Endorsed by OC GOP. Has BA and Law Degree and Master in Public Administration from Harvard University. He is endorsed by my Pastor, Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel-Chino Hills. He is endorsed by the following: CA GOP, OC Republican Party, Lincoln Club, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assoc, Reform CA, US Senator Ted Cruz, Pastor Rob McCoy, OC Sheriff Don Barnes, Former Senator and O.C. His opponent is STEVE ROCCO, who is a register R, but is an eccentric perennial candidate for public office. Minimal info available, however. Be a critical eye and voice to ensure every decision benefits our children. A well-informed Cypress conservative supporter of SANDRA LEE, She is a wonderful advocate for Cypress Schools!. Minimal info avail. Minimal info avail. Endorsed by OC GOP. He attends MY church, Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, but we have never met. He is endorsed by the Republican OC GOP, CA Women's Leadership Association PAC , Greater Irvine Republicans, Reform California, and a whole slew of mayors and elected officials from all over OC. Is endorsed by The Parents Voice USA (a support group that helps educate parents w/challenges and issues that impact their honors children in school, elementary through college). COMMENTS: Sadly, no Conservative or even a Republican running. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hopes a team . Currently any voter resources for the November 2022 are available on/or linked from the home page. Bilodeau prev served on Orange CC, but stepped away to serve on a Water Board. Lets take back CONGRESS and bump LOU CORREA out of office! Kimberly, has shown herself to be an INDEPENDENT voice on the Westminster City Council. Our leadership is also at stake, and Colorado needs pro-conservation leaders who will act on climate change, protect public lands and wildlife habitat, secure our water supply, and clean up our air. (Please do not vote for Democratic Party endorsed, RYAN DACK.). Since 2013, Simon has served as one of the leading pastors at Irvine Onnuri Church. However, the measure contains a poison pill. This helps you to make an informed decision when voting based on the candidates for office and state legislative issues that impact our Judeo-Christian beliefs. Box 80295 Nguyen started as a Garden Grove City Council member, then elected as an OC Supervisor, then served one term in the CA Senate, elected in 2014. He currently serves LF as Chair of the Traffic & Parking Commission. Even the liberal LA TIMES says NO on 28 for budgetary reasons. Of the 34 cities in OC, Westminster is one of only 6 cities whose sales tax is 8.75%. All 3 are DEM-Endorsed. Meuser has been involved in a lawsuit against Governor Gavin Newsom when California tried to remove President Trumps name from the primary ballot by unconstitutionally changing the qualifications to run for President. COMMENTS: This district is largely in LA County. Funding for Judicial Voter Guides that are mailed to North Carolina households before the general election comes from the N.C. Public Campaign Fund, which was created by a $3 check-off designation on the state tax form and a $50 surcharge on annual dues paid by members of the North Carolina State Bar. in ballot statement, he says, I believe in personal responsibility, limited government, a free market economy, the right to public security, fiscal accountability, religious freedom, and ensuring access to quality education the great equalizer. I say, Amen, and agree with all of this. EVIL NEWSOM needs to be taken out of office. Please DO NOT vote for MICHELLE MURPHY, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. Also endorsed by former Assemblyman, and current candidate for US Congress, SCOTT BAUGH. This is Ballot Box legislating at its worst. Shes a teacher, but a Conservative mom, too. COMMENTS: GONZALES is endorsed by the Conservative CA Republican Assembly, OC GOP, CA Republican Party, and many conservative elected officials. Donate Using Robyns links, a voter can become an EDUCATED VOTER by having her tons of informational links AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Comments: Sandra Crandall is a solid Conservative incumbent, All 3 above have been endorsed by OC GOP. Greg Abbott's office (The Center Square) - Ahead of the March 1 primary election, several conservative groups in Texas have issued statewide voter guides, and a range of endorsements. You can find out which candidates Conservation Colorado has endorsed. Opponents, however, say it would block smaller operations from breaking into the market. In seeking clarification w/ his campaign, he states he is opposed to Late Term and Partial-Birth Abortions. A newbie to elective office, but looks promising. If the answer is no, maybe theres somebody else whose body is affected. Comments: Incumbent is currently Irvines Vice Mayor. Comments: Incumbent Republican and former US Olympian. 30 is yet another measure that would disproportionately benefit a special interest. Judicial Races; National State Local; Past Elections. Comments: A former teacher and parent upset about the liberal direction of education. Comments: Republican Incumbent President of Sanitation District that appears to be doing a good job. YOU DO! Additionally, Crandall and Dennis Cole have been endorsed by Lincoln Club and Conservative OC Bd or Ed Pres, Mari Barke. Zahra is endorsed by PLANNED PARENTHOOD. She lost, but an easy recommendation here. Education: BA and MBA degrees in Business Administration, Masters in Public Administration, plus several degrees and certificates in finance. Dont forgettosubscribe to theReality Alertnewsletterfor updates on critical election issues, trends and policies affecting our freedoms and are impacting our economy, legislation, culture and election results. Comments: Conservative Republican Incumbent. COMMENTS: ERIC CHING is a CONSERVATIVE PATRIOT, Mayor of the City of Walnut. (Please do not vote even consider liberal-left, Stephanie Oddo, who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party and evil Planned Parenthood. He is endorsed by the OC GOP. The wealthy will just move out of CA. Endorsed by OC GOP, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, Mari Barke of OC Bd of Ed & Lincoln Club. Comments: R-Incumbent that appears to be doing a good job. COMMENTS: Republican endorsed by OC GOP. ), hold politicians accountable, and provide fiscal responsibility. SEYARTO is endorsed by the REPUBLICAN Parties of Counties of Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego. (Please do not vote for opponent Democrat-Endorsed Stacy Holmes. ) A NO vote keeps the City Clerk elected by the people.. Johnson was first on the attack on election night, accusing Vallas of cozying up to Jan. 6 insurrectionists and changing political parties. Endorsed by conservative Mari Barke, President, OC Board of Education, conservative Lance Christensen, GOP candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, conservative Kevin Kiley, State Assemblyman and candidate for California's 3rd Congressional District, LINCOLN Club of OC, and OC GOP. Interesting, even though CHAFFEE is the incumbent, OC Dem Party endorsed opponent, Park. Laguna Beach hotel owners cannot function with waiting for elections to make simple improvements. Minimal info avail. He entered this race out of concern for the negative changes he has seen in Westminster in his 50 yrs of living in the city, like homelessness, crime, drug abuse, and disrespect for law enforcement. Then, you have one Declined-to-State, your current Mayor CAROL MOORE. A man of faith. Comments: ALL 4 of the following are endorsed by OC GOP, Lincoln Club, Conservative Mari Barke of OC Bd or Education, and Conservative CA Assemblyman Kevin Kiley. ), No Martin Buchannan (D Newsom) - (YES Won! . From my research this measure, it basically stems from a feud between the liberals currently on the council and the city attorney. Endorsed by the conservative CA/SRA Saddleback Republican Assembly. Comments: Incumbent. Comments: Retired teacher after 33 yrs. Says, I believe in a smaller, more responsible government with lower taxes and fees, and I will work with GG Schools leaders to ensure that the voices of our parents are heard. Comments: No Election due to no multiple candidates), (Please do not vote for Cindy Cao or Alicia Huebner as they are both Dem-Endorsed), (NOTE: Please do not vote for Cindy Cao or Alicia Huebner as they are both liberal and Dem-Endorsed). But I also liked KATE SANCHEZ, too. Comments: It is my understanding that there are unhealthy political blocks in Westminster that do not always serve in the BEST interest of the city or its citizens. . She is running against Randy Hill, whose wife, Diana, is an entrenched School Board incumbent which parents group want out, bc of liberal bent. She is endorsed by OC GOP. A NO vote stops this measure. ), and she solidly fit, better than my previous recommendation. Comments: Conservative JEFF VON WALDBURG is a newbie to elective office. I think Term Limits are healthy for all elected offices. These Conservative candidates will: Uphold the Constitution CA GOP Endorsed. Sacramento should not be dictating where they mandate School funds to be spent. CHRISTENSEN has the endorsement of the CA GOP, is Pro-Life, Pro-Parents Rights, is on Family Values Voter Guide and endorsed by the Lincoln Club, and my pastor, Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel of Chino Hills, and is very familiar with the CA Ed Code. This guide ranks every aspect of a candidates record according to experience, integrity, commitment to community, and much more. Here is our rating system: ***** The best candidate. Hes a graduate of Liberty University, and has a law degree from University of the Pacific. Min info. All rights reserved. Endorsed by Orange Taxpayers Assoc, US Rep Young Kim, and Orange Mayor Mark Murphy. He is endorsed by the Greater Laguna Beach GOP, and the OC Lincoln Club. ), No Kathleen OLeary (D Davis) - (YES Won! Newsom is Planned Parenthood endorsed. Is a CPA in his day job. More to follow. These are positions that require certain skills and a city could benefit from continuity of the position. Vote no to make sure essential state services, including those for the environment, stay funded. Hes Pro-Life and seems like a really nice, down-to-earth human being, full of gratefulness, too. . We search their voting records, public and social media statements, donations, who donated to them, and endorsements they made or made for them. OC GOP endorsed. He is the son of Taiwan immigrants, earning 4 DEGREES from HARVARD University, including a law degree and doctorate in political science. 2022 Senate; Donate; Contact Us; Endorsements. If the measure fails, Sacramento bureaucrats would likely penalize the city and implement their own housing plan without Yorba Lindas input. There are thirteen judicial seats on the ballot and this guide has the CONSERVATIVE JUDGES listed. Comments: Meas N seeks to weaken the office of the City Attorney, by forcing the City Attorney to bow to the direction of the City Council in all legal matters, rather than providing independent opinions. Without raising taxes, Proposition 123 will designate about $300 million in permanent annual funding from Colorados budget for affordable housing investmentsa sixfold increase from current funding levels. Serving as Mayor is critical voted to ban sales of flavored tobacco looking like concentration camps, w/color coded,! And she solidly fit, better than my previous recommendation we have met... Into looking like concentration camps, w/color coded wristbands, depending on the council the! Propaganda, and current candidate for public office TERM and Partial-Birth abortions critical eye voice. Currently on the ballot and this guide has the Conservative CA Republican Party, and biased coverage!, Crandall and Dennis Cole have been endorsed by the Conservative JUDGES listed Onnuri church: former! As Mayor is critical nice, down-to-earth human being, full of gratefulness too!, hold politicians accountable, and biased media coverage of the campaigns your FINGERTIPS asked!! 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conservative voter guide 2022